Evan Jarvis
Platinum Level
Evan, my question is really no about Strategy, but more Mental Game.
Late in tournaments (Mainly 2-3 hands before break and deep in general) my Focus goes out the window. I mean I have been in 5th place of currently 48 with 1200 that started and I just blow up..
Make bad calls
Make bad raises
Horrible bluffs
For some reason recently came into my game. What do you do to stop this massive leak? Its cost me 1000's just last week. That description was for Bovada $221,000 Gtd. I cashed for about $275 and 1st was about $41,000 and $10,000 plus min for making final table.
Hey TruckinPoker,
This is something that i think all poker players struggle with. The nature of tournaments, the fact that they are so long, and so stressful, and so intense can often lead to players getting worn down and making poor decisions in the late stages.
First things first is to identify what's probably causing you to make these mistakes... is it
a) A lack of energy?
b) A buildup of negative emotions?
Usually it's the first one, most people don't eat well during tournament grinds, they focus too intensely and wear themselves out. When we are thinking about money, and pay jumps, and how meaningful every decision is it can really wear out our brains.
Remember, humans have a limited amount of willpower or decision making power every day, and poker tournaments (especially if you multitable) wear that down at an incredibly high rate. so first things first... accept that it's kind of normal
Next up is are you eating well and hydrating, most players aren't doing this, and if you aren't giving your brain the fuel it needs (quality sugar, or fats if you're on keto) then you're going to run out of quality brain power simple and plain.
It's for this reason that I try to eat every 3-4 hours while i'm playing (and have my meals pre planned so I don't waste decision power on DECIDING WHAT TO EAT)) Tea helps too.
If the issue is not so much a) energy, but b) emotions then it's important to add in a couple of practices. One is to drop the attachment to the money, ignore the stakes and just play your cards and your chip stack (money is stressful to think about, and the more meaningful the money is, the more exhausting it will be to you)... so... don't check the lobby payouts!
Next is to not hold onto things that happen earlier, variance, beats, mistakes, whatever. anything that is taking away emotional energy is limiting your ability to play your best poker. It's important to let go of things as they happen 'empty your cup' as they say and move on from hand to hand in a clear space. You'll be blown away by how much extra energy this gives you to play.
And finally, don't forget to move around on breaks. Sitting for hours is tiring and the body needs movement (this is why I have a standing desk that I can alternate between sitting and standing), move around on breaks, make sure yo are breathing, don't hold your breath.
Thinking causes tension, and the more intensity of the thought (think high stakes) the greater the tension. Blocks energy, blocks free flow of thoughts, and leads to impulsive, irrational, un thought out decisions.
Hope those points help you fix your mental game leak... and here are some videos as well for further information that should help.
Remember, tournaments are a marathon, and if you haven't trained for them or prepared... it's pretty hard to finish the race. So plan ahead (way ahead) and don't worry about the money, just play your best game, and let the poker gods do the rest
Thx again for asking such a great question!