Sarah's Pet
Bronze Level
Play me, in a live poker room, i don't care if you're a guy or gal!!!Hey! I am also a competitive rifle shooter! I'm not actually that great, but I consistently beat half the boys. By far the best shooter in our club is a woman.
ha ha! Well, I think the (o)(o) is actually an advantage for US!!
I can't even tell you how many guys softplay me because I am a young pretty girl. (young and pretty are relative terms in a poker room!) And frequently when I raise and I get re-raised HUGE and I muck they will show me their QQ or KK or AA or AK....they want me to know they aren't bullying me....I know for a fact that same player would have played more trappy or ruthlessly against a man at the table, and he definitely wouldn't have showed....
However, for all the guys that soft play me (maybe 1 or 2 per table) There are many more who underestimate me and put me on a range of "the near nuts" and there are a few more who are so positive they can outplay me that I get much more action than I deserve on my strong hands. I just keep check calling each street with TPTK while they keep barreling at me...