Why aren't women more successful in poker?

Suited Frenzy

Suited Frenzy

CardsChat Elite
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Feb 13, 2007
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Poker is populated by far more men than women. I'm sure if they was equal amounts of women as there are men playing you would see women winning just as much.

The very few women In poker do seem to do well.

My thoughts exactly. Not much more to it than that IMO.


Professional Fish
Feb 22, 2013
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cut down on the check button by 50% sarah and be aggressive .......unless you flop quads then ...........................CHECK....lol....i hope you've learned something today and if i ever see you misplaying a hand again then im going to bollock you.....be warned

and if you are in a pot with 4 or more players and are out of position you can check too if you didnt hit the board...but apart from things like that the check button should be used sparingly imo

I don't normally check, yea I use it more often when I have totally missed but obviously I need to check when hitting the complete nuts, I knew it as soon as I put that bet in. I do play with aggression, I am not passive at all! I have leaks that I have to fix and I will conquer them :D


Silver Level
Aug 9, 2011
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Debi, Nab, EvertonGirl... Timid? Don't bluff? Not aggressive?


Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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This is to prove that women don't just wait for monster hands :)

Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em Tournament, 15/30 Blinds (9 handed) - Full Tilt Converter Tool from http://flopturnriver.com

UTG+1 (t2,115)
Hero (MP1) (t1,815)
MP2 (t2,985)
MP3 (t2,865)
CO (t1,320)
Button (t870)
SB (t1,740)
BB (t1,500)
UTG (t1,290)

Hero's M: 40.33

Preflop: Hero is MP1 with 9
, K

UTG calls t30, 1 fold, Hero raises to t60, MP2 calls t60, 3 folds, SB calls t45, BB calls t30, UTG calls t30

Flop: (t300) 10
, 6
, 9
(5 players)
SB checks, BB checks, UTG checks, Hero checks, MP2 checks

Turn: (t300) 3
(5 players)
SB checks, BB checks, UTG bets t150, Hero calls t150, 1 fold, SB calls t150, BB calls t150

River: (t900) K
(4 players)
SB checks, BB bets t210, 1 fold, Hero calls t210, 1 fold

Total pot: t1,320

Results below:
BB had K
, 3
(two pair, Kings and threes).
Hero had 9
, K
(two pair, Kings and nines).
Outcome: Hero won t1,320

You are the preflop Aggressor and flop 2nd pair and get 3 checks to you. Bet this flop, about 150 or 200.

You can pot control the turn if you get a caller.

I think you have to go for value on the river by raising, you would have heard about it by now if somebody flopped a straight or a set, so don't be afraid of the only 2 pair that beats you.

Flatting the river kind on proves alfieAA's point about many women being too tight. Not going for value right there is a nitty leak...if you are putting your opponents on a range you have to figure K9 is ahead of most of that range now.

I'm not hating... I posted a link to 2 very terribly played hands of my own. All of yours were much better played than mine! But I'd like to state for the record that I'm no nit, I don't sit around and wait for premium hands. I steal blinds and I run bluffs. I've got a lot of leaks in my game, but waiting around for the nuts isn't one of them....


edit: I have no idea where that angry frowny face came from at the top of my post...accident....I removed it now, but sorry if you saw it and thought "WTF?"
Last edited:


Professional Fish
Feb 22, 2013
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You are the preflop Aggressor and flop 2nd pair and get 3 checks to you. Bet this flop, about 150 or 200.

You can pot control the turn if you get a caller.

I think you have to go for value on the river by raising, don't be afraid of the only 2 pair that beats you.

Flatting the river kind on proves alfieAA's point about women being too tight. Not going for value right there is a nitty leak...if you are putting your opponents on a range you have to figure K9 is ahead of a lot, right there.

I'm not hating... I posted a link to 2 very terribly played hands of my own. Yours was much better played than mine!


Good sound advice, which I will take on board, thanks. I didn't see the flat call as a nitty leak so I will give myself a good kick up the backside and I know I need to work on a few things.

Still I proved we don't wait to be dealt AA, KK, AK pre-flop eh :D
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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Good sound advice, which I will take on board, thanks. I didn't see the flat call as a nitty leak so I will give myself a good kick up the backside and I know I need to work on a few things.

Still I proved we don't wait to be dealt AA, KK, AK pre-flop eh :D

yes, Some of the hands I got in trouble with in my last big tourney were raising with J8s, J7s, A7o, 55, KTo. Some of them worked out, but only because I had to fire 2 or 3 barrels and cross my fingers that my image would make the difference.

It sounds like most people weighing in on this thread believe there is no strong male advantage in poker, we're just seeing basically variance in the results of a very small sample size of women. That makes me feel better. I will say this, the handful of women that I do play with on a regular basis are very dangerous players who I hate being stuck at a table with.

My BFF Liz just won second place 2 weeks ago at the wsop circuit event in Taho for $21,415.....woot woot! Not too shabby....for a girl.... ha ha

and about 6 months ago 36 of us cashed in a local casino main event series and 4 of us cashers were women...I guess that was probably higher than the % of women entering the event....

Maybe I am just being a bit down on myself because I am playing through a down swing...last year I had to pay taxes on my winnings and this year I am considering moving down in stakes.... maybe I am just looking for convenient excuses instead of scrutinizing my own game.

thanks everyone for your thoughtful respnses....

I'd still like to hear what anybody thinks they are able to exploit about women...


Solvem probler
Community Guide
Mar 8, 2007
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^^^Not necessarily women, but nits. Throwing a pot or bigger bet on the turn when it's obvious they're looking to control the pot. Get's you a lot of folds from top pair type hands.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 13, 2009
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i find the women i often play with r very good and shrewed,just not as many as men playin.anyone who underestimates a women is a fool


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Nov 24, 2013
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I don't think that it's been mentioned but I think male ego plays a large roll in why women aren't more successful in poker. Live that is. Online the playing field is evened and allows for faster growth.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 3, 2013
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Okay here is my observation. And remember it was a woman who started this topic! lol

The numbers of women compared to men is probably a factor to some degree. However, I shoot competition rifle offhand at Silhouettes and we have a much larger number of men shooters than women and yet some of the top shooters are consistently women. They even have a special High Women's Award and all the men are to the point where we think it needs to be a special Man's Award since the damn women usually win so many times. Of course shooting has very little luck if any involved so skill makes the ultimate difference in outcome.

That being said when it comes to poker I think women are to tight overall. I also think they have a harder time containing their emotions (bless their hearts) then men do. We hear it all the time from women complaining about men not showing their emotions etc. So men by nature are more subdued and able to contain themselves no matter what the situation. Now reading a woman is by no means a simple task even if you have been married to her for 15+ years! But you learn to key in on certain things about them and their mannerisms. They are more dramatic overall and allow the actions of others to fluster them easily.

Well all that and they have (o)(o) I mean who can play with those in front of you the whole time? I know I couldn't play if I had them I'd be to distracted! LMAO


Jul 27, 2011
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I think it has to do with the fact that there are more male poker players than female, which translates into less successful female poker players.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 10, 2013
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Women in poker

Hopefully I'm posting this in the right section.

I'm a woman player (if you can't tell by my username)

I am constantly disappointed at how few women play, and then among those of us who do, I'm frequently disappointned in our results.

To me, the characteristics needed to be a successful poker player are:

*basic math competence
*situational awareness
*well timed aggression

Now, I know supposedly men are better at math than women, but that is really only pertinent to upper level theoretical math. Poker math is like 5th or 6th grade math at best. So I think for poker math, any high school graduate who bothers to apply themselves will have the same performance in the "poker math" department.

As far as patience and psychology I think women in general are better at these 2 things. I know I'm stereotyping...this entire thread is a stereotype so ignore this post if you don't like it! :)

Situational awarenes....I don't know if I think either gender has an edge here....

Then that brings me to the last item on my list which is aggression.

Clearly, men have an advantage in the aggression category. Do we really think this is the primary reason that men outperform women in poker?

Am I missing anything else obvious? Am I overstating the performance of male players in relation to female players?

I love the game of poker. I think it is so appealing, so fun and it is gaining a lot more popularity. With that, I don't think Women in poker are any different. If you think about a lot of things in life, they usually start off male dominated. It has been the way of life, and there is no denying it. (Politics, Sports, Business)

I play in a small poker room where I am from, and let me say that the amount of women in poker there is steadily increasing. They learn the game faster, are more responsible and make better decisions. I think that as poker goes along, more and more women will be playing, and winning. It won't be long till a women makes a final table at the Main Event WSOP. Quote me on that. It almost did happen last year.
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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Okay here is my observation. And remember it was a woman who started this topic! lol

The numbers of women compared to men is probably a factor to some degree. However, I shoot competition rifle offhand at Silhouettes and we have a much larger number of men shooters than women and yet some of the top shooters are consistently women. They even have a special High Women's Award and all the men are to the point where we think it needs to be a special Man's Award since the damn women usually win so many times. Of course shooting has very little luck if any involved so skill makes the ultimate difference in outcome.

Hey! I am also a competitive rifle shooter! I'm not actually that great, but I consistently beat half the boys. By far the best shooter in our club is a woman.

Well all that and they have (o)(o) I mean who can play with those in front of you the whole time? I know I couldn't play if I had them I'd be to distracted! LMAO

ha ha! Well, I think the (o)(o) is actually an advantage for US!!

I can't even tell you how many guys softplay me because I am a young pretty girl. (young and pretty are relative terms in a poker room!) And frequently when I raise and I get re-raised HUGE and I muck they will show me their QQ or KK or AA or AK....they want me to know they aren't bullying me....I know for a fact that same player would have played more trappy or ruthlessly against a man at the table, and he definitely wouldn't have showed....

However, for all the guys that soft play me (maybe 1 or 2 per table) There are many more who underestimate me and put me on a range of "the near nuts" and there are a few more who are so positive they can outplay me that I get much more action than I deserve on my strong hands. I just keep check calling each street with TPTK while they keep barreling at me...
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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Originally Posted by pistolpetewags11
It won't be long till a women wins the Main Event WSOP. Quote me on that. It almost did happen last year.fyp

I know, that was so heartbreaking!

Koroknoi took out BOTH Gaelle Baumann and Elisabeth Hille and really, he should have been eliminated by Gaelle on a previous day....he only stayed alive because of a very questionable floor ruling that was disupted and then he takes out BOTH women in 9th and 10th places respectively???? ARRRGGGGG!!!!!

let's toilet paper his house! :)


Silver Level
Jan 26, 2013
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Hopefully I'm posting this in the right section.

I'm a woman player (if you can't tell by my username)

I am constantly disappointed at how few women play, and then among those of us who do, I'm frequently disappointned in our results.

To me, the characteristics needed to be a successful poker player are:

*basic math competence
*situational awareness
*well timed aggression

Now, I know supposedly men are better at math than women, but that is really only pertinent to upper level theoretical math. Poker math is like 5th or 6th grade math at best. So I think for poker math, any high school graduate who bothers to apply themselves will have the same performance in the "poker math" department.

As far as patience and psychology I think women in general are better at these 2 things. I know I'm stereotyping...this entire thread is a stereotype so ignore this post if you don't like it! :)

Situational awarenes....I don't know if I think either gender has an edge here....

Then that brings me to the last item on my list which is aggression.

Clearly, men have an advantage in the aggression category. Do we really think this is the primary reason that men outperform women in poker?

Am I missing anything else obvious? Am I overstating the performance of male players in relation to female players?

It's very simple. They all fall in love easily with opponent players. :rolleyes:
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
Total posts
It's very simple. They all fall in love easily with opponent players. :rolleyes:

why didn't I see it before? the answer is so clear....I was just too lovesick to see properly :p


Silver Level
Mar 27, 2011
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I don't think these are all of the aspects to poker because there are many derivatives of each of these categories. For example, in psychology, things like: emotional control, body language perception, thought patter perception. These psychological concepts are normally harder for women than men solely due to evolution. Our species is 200,000 years old and until the last 100, women were subordinates to males. This means that naturally, men are going to be more inept in these aspects. We had evolve into socially and physically dominant animals while women did not. This is part of the reason women tend to be less effective in law enforcement and as spies as well.

Now please don't take this as a misogynistic remark, because I believe in equality regardless of race, gender, or creed. I'm just pointing out that with testosterone and an xy chromosome comes differences that benefit us men in the game of poker.

We tend to be able to control our emotions, perceive changes in body language and thought changes, and be much more aggressive in nature than the average woman.

BUT, poker is a learned skill. Any person has the ability to train themselves to be whatever they are willing to work towards. So don't let nature control your abilities, find your leaks, work them out, and play the best you can.