Why aren't women more successful in poker?



Silver Level
Nov 3, 2013
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They go ok, The game isn't really suitable for most women, in most cases not interested in mathematics and in some cases not aggressive enough or more specifically not so good at controlled aggression, if poker is a game of manipulation and i think in the whole part it is then some women should excel at the game but guess you can't always be correct in poker and that in some cases negates them also but i would have thought the grey area in poker would suit them i know girls that have lived there whole life in the grey area you know the ones, but everyone is different and female poker player's are the best type of person i love you all, there's a point how many did i just make angry? and who has the controlled aggression to give me a good lashing for my in your opinion sexist comments lol read it again, and bring it :)


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 10, 2013
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Woman don't have what it takes to be Poker players, that's why there has never been a female player that has won the WSOP main event in over 40 years.

LOL by that logic, black men don't have what it takes either. Guess phil ivey doesn't have what it takes?


Pugs Not Drugs
Silver Level
Jun 8, 2013
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They go ok, The game isn't really suitable for most women, in most cases not interested in mathematics and in some cases not aggressive enough or more specifically not so good at controlled aggression, if poker is a game of manipulation and i think in the whole part it is then some women should excel at the game but guess you can't always be correct in poker and that in some cases negates them also but i would have thought the grey area in poker would suit them i know girls that have lived there whole life in the grey area you know the ones, but everyone is different and female poker player's are the best type of person i love you all, there's a point how many did i just make angry? and who has the controlled aggression to give me a good lashing for my in your opinion sexist comments lol read it again, and bring it :)

Bah, controlled\selective aggression is as learn-able as basic sentence structure. :p

What I'm curious to know is: Why doesn't poker appeal to more women?


Sleep Faster
Silver Level
May 1, 2012
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I don't care if it was a mistake. You pay your consequences, not only with poker but also in real life. I've had times where I accidentally just put up a blind from cutoff since everyone was limping in but I didn't realize mp+3 raised to $10. I tried to take my blind back and fold because it really was an accident. What happened? Dealer states my $2 stays on the table and I am forced to forfeit whatever went up to the table if I muck. It was truly an accident. But did casino care? No. Consequence I pay for not fully paying attention to the table and mp+3.
You keep saying that's the way it is but the way it is is how it's written in the rules of the wsop. The rules say that people are punished for their mistakes as written in the rules. So yes it's his fault that he messed up, and he has to pay the punishment written into the rules, not the punishment PoKeRFoRNiA on CC says.

Sure, Koroknai made a mistake. But he should've forfeited all of his chips and been eliminated. You don't just shout out all-in and then muck and pray the floorperson or tournament director will save you. Every year, WSOP tends to have controversies with their rulings and they can't even enforce it properly. Even Losev's case in 2008 against Brandon Cantu. I guess I should start string-betting and have barrels of my chips in motion until I can pick up my villain's tell to test his response whether he is likely to call or fold, and then I'll consider my bet size. Losev's bet should've remained the bet he initially put up there before bringing it back to his stack.

I don't know that particular case and maybe it was an incorrect ruling I don't know. I do know I have played a decent amount of wsop events and seen a lot of controversies and the floors have always done the best job to get the ruling correct according to the rules, and in the case of the guy mucking before the girl called the shove, the floor was simply following the rules. If she didn't like the rules of the wsop maybe she shouldn't have played in the wsop.

They go ok, The game isn't really suitable for most women, in most cases not interested in mathematics and in some cases not aggressive enough or more specifically not so good at controlled aggression, if poker is a game of manipulation and i think in the whole part it is then some women should excel at the game but guess you can't always be correct in poker and that in some cases negates them also but i would have thought the grey area in poker would suit them i know girls that have lived there whole life in the grey area you know the ones, but everyone is different and female poker player's are the best type of person i love you all, there's a point how many did i just make angry? and who has the controlled aggression to give me a good lashing for my in your opinion sexist comments lol read it again, and bring it :)

Not sure wtf you're even trying to say, but if you think the goal of poker is "controlled aggression" or that x level of aggression is required in poker the game's probably not for you either. Poker is a game where you must make the best decision available to you. I went to a high school program that specialized in math/science/computer science and got a college undergraduate degree in computer science. Although there were more males in those programs than females, I can say there were plenty of females who were more than capable of handling math/logic.

In fact I'd argue the female poker players who are interested enough in poker enough to overstep the cultural barriers (so much more common for men to have a "guys night" playing poker than for females) would probably be more inclined to be better than their average male counterpart who plays.

Anyway idk what the answer is but generalities like your post don't really serve to do anything but promote sexism, so could you either please substantiate your claims or stop posting? Thanks.


Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2009
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You keep saying that's the way it is but the way it is is how it's written in the rules of the wsop. The rules say that people are punished for their mistakes as written in the rules. So yes it's his fault that he messed up, and he has to pay the punishment written into the rules, not the punishment PoKeRFoRNiA on CC says.

I don't know that particular case and maybe it was an incorrect ruling I don't know. I do know I have played a decent amount of wsop events and seen a lot of controversies and the floors have always done the best job to get the ruling correct according to the rules, and in the case of the guy mucking before the girl called the shove, the floor was simply following the rules. If she didn't like the rules of the wsop maybe she shouldn't have played in the wsop.

Who said I created the punishment? Last time I checked, when you verbally say all-in while being involved in a hand and it's your turn to act, it's equivalent to putting all your chips in the middle of the table. When he said all-in, and then MUCKED the cards, it means he forfeited the pot, meaning, he should've lost all of his chips since Gaelle's cards were the last cards standing. Go look it up in WSOP ruling. Unfortunately, TD doesn't enforce it enough, much like Losev's case.

Do you know the definition of the word "all-in"? It means you're putting all of your chips into the pot. When you muck your cards while other cards are active and in play, it means you forfeited the pot. Go look it up in the rulebook.


Sleep Faster
Silver Level
May 1, 2012
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You mean this rule?


This is directly from the wsop rules site for 2012


Silver Level
Dec 1, 2013
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A mans nature instinct is to bully/suppress a woman, so the best way to counter a bully is to stand up to them by doing things they don't expect.

In SNG poker, I will target 1/2 players. If they are passive, I will steal the blinds. If its an aggressive player, I will either re-raise him pre-flop or check-raise the flop. The amount he bets when he raises will determine what he has. But he will never see a turn or river card without committing all his chips. It also sends a message to the players that prefer folding their way to money or they get aa kk ak qq jj that I'm a bit of a loon.


Bronze Level
Dec 30, 2008
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well it could be there are so many more men that play. that it just seems that not too many women that are playing, There are quite abit of women that do great.

i used to play at this casino regulary and this girl played just as often very pretty too, but for whatever reason seemed like we always sat next to one another. and she smelt soo good all the time it really messed up my game.

lol she was a very good player aswell


Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2009
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You mean this rule?


This is directly from the wsop rules site for 2012

Interesting. So I guess if I shove all-in against a raiser and I quickly pick up some kind of tell that the original raiser is ready to instant call when it's his turn while the action is not to him yet and other people behind me are mucking their cards, I'll simply muck my hand before it gets to him, just lose the amount of his raise, and save myself. Good to know. I guess I was wrong and you can actually do this in WSOP from now on. What a great way to angle-shoot. :) Thanks for the info.
Propane Goat

Propane Goat

Grinder and paint make me the welder I ain't
Apr 26, 2013
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From reading this article, it seems like women should be better at poker than men are:


I have no idea whether or not this study is valid, a lot of studies become questionable when they're designed with a specific end result in mind. This kind of looks to me like one of those studies where they found a few patterns that show up once in a while, and attempt to infer some earth-shaking conclusion from them.

I'm an engineering student and there's another huge gender gap here, out of a class of 25 there are usually only 2-3 women and I've had several classes that were all men. There's a large class of maybe 80 that is right before one of mine, I guess they put it in the engineering building because of the class size but I was surprised to look in the window and see maybe 2 guys in the whole class. Turns out that it's on child development.
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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From reading this article, it seems like women should be better at poker than men are:


I have no idea whether or not this study is valid, a lot of studies become questionable when they're designed with a specific end result in mind. This kind of looks to me like one of those studies where they found a few patterns that show up once in a while, and attempt to infer some earth-shaking conclusion from them.

I'm an engineering student and there's another huge gender gap here, out of a class of 25 there are usually only 2-3 women and I've had several classes that were all men. There's a large class of maybe 80 that is right before one of mine, I guess they put it in the engineering building because of the class size but I was surprised to look in the window and see maybe 2 guys in the whole class. Turns out that it's on child development.

Very interesting article, thanks for sharing!

Anecdotally, I've observed this trend of behaviors between men and women. obviously, there are exceptions but this is kind of what my original post was getting at... It seems like women are well equipped with many of the skills/qualities to be successful at poker...

Maybe it's just a numbers game, and a cultural thing that women aren't more drawn to poker.


Silver Level
Nov 3, 2013
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There fantastic player's seriously women are just that friggin good at poker that they have there own special little tournaments ladies only tournaments just so they don't embarrass all the men especially hacks like me, If i see a woman at the table i won't play there that hot :)
Is it not degrading to women to be segregated in a field where no physical prowes is required ? Think about it.

Given the percentage of player's i think they go pretty well actually, iv'e seen them deep into plenty of healthy tournaments

A mans nature instinct is to bully/suppress a woman, so the best way to counter a bully is to stand up to them by doing things they don't expect.

In SNG poker, I will target 1/2 players. If they are passive, I will steal the blinds. If its an aggressive player, I will either re-raise him pre-flop or check-raise the flop. The amount he bets when he raises will determine what he has. But he will never see a turn or river card without committing all his chips. It also sends a message to the players that prefer folding their way to money or they get aa kk ak qq jj that I'm a bit of a loon.
Turn it up if wrote that i would get slaughtered what makes you so special ?
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Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 31, 2013
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Woman have become very successful in poker I am seeing more and more of them on TV everyday now, 10 years ago + I would agree with you
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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Oh snap! now 2 players left!


I knew she was gonna win as soon as she regained the chip lead heads up after being short for hours I KNEW once she had that chip lead this bracelet would be hers.

Good luck tomorrow vanessa! just one more heads up match!


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 30, 2014
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Women`s place is in the kitchen not on poker table.
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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she did it! 3rd bracelet for vanessa selbst in $25,000 mixed max.

all 3 of her bracelets are in open events (not ladies events) and she now has amassed over 10 million in career winnings.

and she's frickin awesome!

If I was gay, I'd be gay for Vanessa Selbst!



Silver Level
Mar 2, 2013
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When is the WSOP?
I thought it was in like November.


Sleep Faster
Silver Level
May 1, 2012
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Almost every bracelet winner got lucky. So what's your point?

It wasn't even for a significant amount of chips compared to her stack. I wasn't commenting on how lucky she was, I was commenting on how it shows how fundamentally unsound her game is.

edit: I'm not calling her bad, I'm saying she has some leaks and is nowhere near as good as her results are. Also I'd be shocked if she wasn't enough to instantly fill any high-stakes cash game (live or online) and be the fish at the table.


Silver Level
Jul 22, 2013
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Because we neither succesful in the kitchen ! :DD In fact, i think the poker rather been men's game
Jacki Burkhart

Jacki Burkhart

long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Oct 12, 2013
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It wasn't even for a significant amount of chips compared to her stack. I wasn't commenting on how lucky she was, I was commenting on how it shows how fundamentally unsound her game is.

edit: I'm not calling her bad, I'm saying she has some leaks and is nowhere near as good as her results are. Also I'd be shocked if she wasn't enough to instantly fill any high-stakes cash game (live or online) and be the fish at the table.

I don't see anything wrong with button raising with 89o, and then if you suspect a light 3bet you 4bet bluff them using your chip stack and their tourney life to your advantage. Of course she doesn't put him on a hand as strong as AK, she expects him to fold and she expects to be live when he calls with the top of his range (as she was).

Vanessa has a very aggressive style. When you raise light as often as she does, you have to be prepared to fight back when players 3bet you light. If you always folded when you got 3bet then your aggressive style would be a huge leak. She has to adjust her opponent's 3betting range because they are adjusting to her button raising range.

of course she is not bad. of course she has some leaks (we all do) not as good as her results? weird comment. she has tons of results for more than 8 years she has been crushing consistently. She has more than 10 million in winnings in just 8 years and for 2 of those years she barely played any poker at all as she finished law school- she played like 7 tourneys in 2 years while she was in law school.....

the FISH at the table? ha ha

she is one of the top players in the entire world. she came back from a 7:1 chip disadvantage in BOTH of her heads up matches to win that bracelet....sigh....if you refuse to acknowledge her status I'm sure I can't change your mind? Haters gonna hate.;)
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