I believe that "luck" is a big set defined by randomness, and the more we discover of that set/category (which makes skills arise) less decisions will be left to randomness. However i also believe that everything has a fractal "dimension"*, so our chances in poker rely on competition, how they are prepared against luck and compare it with your "preparation", see if it is better.
Anyways my point is that you cannot avoid luck (chance), but you can always expand your knowledge beyond so that you reduce what you leave to luck drastically (actually luck wouldn't be reduced since it goes to infinite, everything has a chaotic order, when you find out that skill has been expanded you find out that luck is actually bigger so you try to expand skill even more to reduce luck but you never accomplish your goal [that's why i said fractal dimension earlier]).
*Not sure if dimension would be the right word to use.
Anyways that's my understanding of the relationship luck-skill, definitely has a more general aspect than just poker, but perfectly applicable to it.