Hello Good morning, today at pokerstar will have cardchat, I can play? If so, where do I get the password?
The purpose of the <b>CardsChat Freeroll Club</b> is to give our contributing members a reward for being a member of the site and remaining active. Additionally, our freerolls are private games with smaller fields combined with better cash prizes than available to the general masses, so this Club will help us to protect the quality of the games we provide to those that deserve them.<br />
<br />
To become a member you will need to do the following:<br />
<br />
1. <b>Have 75 quality posts</b> (subject to review prior to admittance to the club). Posting quality is just as important as quantity, and any attempt to spam the forums with non-quality, junk posts could result in a ban from the forum. <br />
2. <b>Be an active and contributing member</b>. All applying members need to have a <b>minimum</b> <b>30 day posting history</b>. (A 30 day posting history means that you have made a reasonable number of posts in the past 30 days - not that you posted each day for 30 days - or that there are a total of 30 days that you have posted). We decide what is reasonable based on how long you have been absent, how many times you have been removed from the club, etc. Reasons for you absence make no difference whatsoever so please don't share your hard luck stories with us. <br />
3.<b> Ensure that you have added all of your
poker site IDs to your
user profile.</b> <br />
4. Once you have completed 1, 2 and 3 you may post your request to join the Freeroll Club in the <b>
Cardschat Freeroll Club Sign-up thread</b>. <i>Any requests to join made prior to completing 1, 2 and 3 above will be deleted without notice.<br />
<br />
</i><font color="Red"><b>
What is a Quality Post? < Read here<br />
</b></font> <br />
Mods will review and approve the sign-ups and members will be added to the Freeroll Club approximately every 1-2 weeks. You will be notified by pm if you are approved or not - as long as you met the requirements when you signed up.<br />
<br />
Members can be removed from the Club at the Mods' discretion for various reasons including inactivity, suspected password sharing, rule violations, removing or falsifying poker site IDs, or you could be part of a temporary group removal - we will not share these details with you. <i>You must maintain reasonable quality posting and activity to retain membership</i>. <i><b>In most cases you will not be notified when you are removed </b>- it is your responsibility to maintain the requirements</i>. Also, harassing mods to give you access faster will not help your request but may very well hinder it. <b>Please do not contact me regarding freeroll club removal.</b><br />
<br />
Sign up in the sign up thread:<br />
<br />
https://www.cardschat.com/forum/car...vel-freeroll-club-sign-up-452868/#post1080453<br />
<br />
Once you are accepted you will gain access to a private password sub-forum.<br />
<br />
<b>Feel free to ask reasonably intelligent questions in this thread - but requests for passwords and dumb posts will be deleted.</b><br />
<br />
<font color="SeaGreen"><font color="Green"><b>Not all of our tournaments require you to be in the Freeroll Club!</b></font> </font>
Click here for a list of all our freerolls, and the requirements for each<b>.</b>