Hi Ashley, just watched your video about "quitting". Downswings are tough, but remember your a good poker player and your not afraid to play. The suck out vs the 9 3 of diamonds after flopping a straight was unfortunate. I was surprised to see the big 300 bet on flop, then the shove by the worst hand. That would have been a nice triple up for you. On the second session, nice lay down with the AK. Like you said, you saved yourself 1000 bucks. In the ladies event, crazy to see you get pocket J's three time in same tournament. I wish you luck in your 20K - 100K tourney challenge. I look forward to see your progress, you got this.
Thanks for the support! It’s funny how poker can be brutal at times, yet so rewarding when everything comes together.
Thanks for your measured advice on Playing OOP against aggressive players! Very interesting.
Do you have any views on donk betting out of the big blind in NL Holdem cash games? I've only previously done it for the lulz, or purely unbalanced with strong hands to juice the pots, though I'm aware it's considered a legitimate play.
Is this a dangerous, advanced play? Should relatively, inexperienced players check all of their range?
Thanks, nbg
you’re welcome
There are certainly boards that are better for the big blind (ie. 875, 765) so you can lead sometimes. But if you don’t have bluffs in mind beforehand, you might be too heavily weighted towards strong hands when you do it. So yes, I’d stick to checking 100% as BB until you’ve picked out some bluffs ahead of time.
Hi Ashley,
Thanks for the AMA opportunity.
I'm Andreas and only playing poker somewhat more seriously since about a year.
With the help of CC freerolls and the learning material on here, I managed to win about 2k in the micro MTTs over the past year.
Although now I have the feeling, I am somewhat "stuck" since I know my game knowledge is pretty fair but I know it still has some leaks, which of course is pretty normal. I'm not the most motivated person when it comes to studying and somewhat unsure if I should invest in some supporting software, such as ICMizer or a paid HUD version (currently using H2N free).
What would be your recommendation software wise and any tips on what/how to study? I mostly post some hands here and read about GTO to improve my game but instead of throwing in a real study session, I often end up joining a few MTTs instead. 🙈
Would love some thoughts!
Thanks a lot in advance. 🤗
Hey Andyreas,
It’s pretty common for poker players to want to PLAY instead of study

It can be tough to do the off-the-table work. But I think of it as my chance to find cool new moves, learning as much as possible so that my next session is a ‘test’ on what I learned. It’s hard to feel like you’re making progress in poker. Studying and feeling more confident in certain spots (especially when you’re feeling stuck) is a great way to KNOW that you’re improving

I’d recommend starting out with a one month subscription to a site like RunItOnce or Upswing. Get their cheapest MTT option. Then, watch videos/take notes/ask the coach questions in the comments. You will notice the coaches using software in their videos. By watching them utilize the tools, you can get familiar with how to use it and THEN maybe you decide to buy it and study on your own. You will know which tools are going to be the most cost-effective for you at your current level. I hope this helps spark your love for studying

Good luck!!
hello how can i improve my game level ?and how many hours should i devote to poker
This depend on so many things: what stakes do you play now and what stakes would you like to get to? Do you work a full time job, have family or other hobbies that take up your time? Are you familiar with poker software like solvers?
If you don’t have much time and are playing small stakes, buying subscriptions to the best tools/software in the industry will be a waste of your money. You can easily get a subscription to training sites like RunItOnce or Upswing and watch the basic coaching videos.
If you give me a bit more context for your personal situation, I can elaborate with more specific advice.
Hello Ashley, your poker journey is inspiring!
my question is where there times you went broke due to poker ? If there were how did you manage to overcome those times
Hey lou,
Thanks for following along. I’m in the fortunate position to have never gone broke. I have been staked by my fiancé/coach the whole time I’ve been playing poker. I also have other streams of income so my financial situation will never be at risk if poker goes poorly. I also keep a decently strict
bankroll management style. Occasionally, I’ll play in games that are WAY too big for me, but I view those as rare and valuable experiences for improving
In your travels around the world which has been the most difficult tournament that you have had to play, do you remember any particular hand?
Thanks for your question, kley

After all of my travels, Vegas poker has definitely been the toughest. During the
wsop or big series at other casinos, you’re going to be playing against some of the biggest names in tournament poker. It can be intimidating because they’re so good (and aggressive).
Hi Ashley, question, how do you respond after a loss or a bad beat in a tournament?
It depends on the buy in. If it’s a small tournament, I don’t think anything of it. I go home and play online

If it’s a bigger buy in that I was taking a shot at (I.e. the $10k WSOP Main), I usually feel pretty defeated afterwards….sometimes for a few days. I don’t usually feel too bad about bad beats, unless I’ve taken a lot of them back-to-back over a long period of time. I get more upset about mistakes I made to bust.
Hi Ashley!
For a European like me, it is a wish to take a trip to Las Vegas to play poker where the "big guys" have already done it.
I'm mainly interested in that
> whether the number of poker tournaments/players is relatively the same all year round or
> there are seasons (months) that clearly stand out based on the "action".
Also, I would like to know if there are any financial differences during the year, regarding
> the cost of accommodation
> the costs for casinos (cash games/ tournament buy-in)
See you...
Hi Patrice!
Yes there are definitely seasons when poker is more prominent in Vegas. However, it’s easier to point out when poker is slow: August is completely dead. Everyone leaves after the WSOP and many players take vacation in August. Plus, it’s super hot and nobody wants to be here

January, April/May can also be slower times for poker in Vegas. Other than that, there’s usually a series in town or daily’s that are worth playing.
The best time of year to come financially is February/early March. But that’s because it’s still pretty cold and there’s nothing much going on in the city (but there are good tournaments at Venetian and Wynn during that time). So if you don’t mind the cold, that could be a good time to visit for cheap. The best months of weather are: April, May, October, November. The cost for rooms depends on the events that are in town.
Hope you enjoy your visit when you make it out here!
Hi Ashley, Can you tell me how you control your poker face when you play in live, what tips can share with us to improve our game? Thanks.
I tend to stay quiet and try to look at the board the whole time

When I’m not playing poker, I’m usually quite expressive with my face so it’s easiest for me to remain stoic during a hand. If my opponent is taking a while, I try to focus on my breath and relaxing the tension in my face/neck/shoulders so I don’t give anything away.
Awesome to send you an message.
What is your biggest win ever
3rd place in a huge $109 event for $85,000 on ACR
Welcome Ashley to CardsChat, I've seen some videos of you playing poker, I wanted to ask you how you can overcome bad beats? I have had a few that have left me almost bankrupt. Success and greetings from Venezuela.
Bad beats are definitely the worst part of the game. I try to make sure I’m playing small enough tournaments that I don’t run the risk of busting my bankroll. If I’m risking going broke, then the bad beats and losses feel WAY worse and wreak havoc on you mentally. So try to play tournaments that are within your budget. You can also reduce your variance by playing in smaller fields (150 players or less).
Ashley, do you have a playlist that helps you get in the right mindset to play an MTT? If so, would you mind sharing some of your "anthems" or inspirational songs?
Anything Beyoncé! I immediately feel fierce and ready to battle when I put on her stuff. I just love a good dance vibe while I play. Anything uplifting is also good: Post Malone, Miley, Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran, Lizzo, Bruno Mars all come to mind as artists that I frequently put on when I need a pick me up mid session