Hello, Ashley.🙂
As always, I'm glad to see you here and I really like your Youtube videos.💞🌺🌺🌺
I really consider poker as a hobby and play only for fun, not caring about my bankroll: if the account is empty, I play in a freeroll, if I have a couple of dollars, I immediately spend them on some tournament.
But, recently, I decided to try to start increasing my winnings and noticed that the more I try to play correctly, the worse my results are. It's like the goal of winning adds some stress to me.
Could you give some recommendations on what steps I need to take to overcome some stress while playing in tournaments?
Thanks for always being so supportive
Without looking at your hand histories, it sounds like your saying that your play style changes when you are only worried about winning. For some people, that means they tighten up too much OR they get a little too splashy. Try to identify
how your play style is changing before you enter your next
real money tournament. Then, make it a goal to take it one hand at a time, one decision at a time. Instead of worrying about winning the whole tournament, concern yourself with the one decision in front of you. People win tournaments by making the best decisions possible even if it means they could bust out of the tournament. If you are avoiding risks, remember that risk aversion costs you money in the long run so you might as well go for it
Hi Ashley, nice to have you here to answer some of our questions. Since you live in Las Vegas, are you planning to play any WSOP events this year? if so how many?
Hey zorro,
Yes! I'll probably play 15-20 tournaments this summer. In the past, I've played around 30, but I think it's easier for me to get through the summer without burning out if I play less.
Do you mostly win to sponsor yourself and your life?
Aren’t online games rng is programmed to loose to bigger stacks? Yes, I know variance is higher due to high number of hands but I still believe there are bots and coolers designed to help certain players. What percentage of stake do you sell for your games? Is there is min or max limit to that?
Hey amit,
1) Yes!
2) I'm confident that most- if not all-
poker sites are not programmed to help certain players. It's tempting to blame the software when you take a lot of bad beats in a row. We all do it

I wouldn't play online if I believed that.
3) To sell for events, I start by looking at my poker
bankroll. Based on how high of stakes my roll can support, I will sell enough so that each buy in is an appropriate risk. Example: If I'm rolled to play $500 tournaments, but the one I want to play is $1,000, I'll sell half. That way I'm never at risk of busting my bankroll. For large field live tournaments, I like to have 50-75 buy-ins worth. Example: If I'm playing live $500 tournaments, I'd like to have a bankroll between $25,000-$38,000 to avoid busting the roll
hello, tell me how to deal with those who go all-in constantly in free tournaments and it is not possible to wait for a card because the stack melts from the ante
Hey werty,
Playing with players like this can be frustrating. But if you think they are truly going all in with any two cards and your stack seems to always dwindle, it might mean that you're calling with too tight of
hands. Try loosening up your preflop calls to those all ins. Yes, you risk your stack, but you give yourself the best chance of building one by putting it in the middle with decent hands. If you have access to preflop charts or free software like Equilab, you can see just how wide you can profitably call the all ins if you think your opponent is shoving everything. Good luck!
Hi Ashley, I want to ask you what does it take for an online poker player to become profitable on live Vegas MTT stage? I mean how big of a difference it is, if he is a crushing mid and high stakes online and he wants to make the transition to live, is Vegas the place to be?
Thank you
hey Mariussica,
Yes, Vegas is a great place for tournament players to transition to live mtts. If you're crushing mid-high stakes online mtts, the live mtts in Vegas will feel like a breeze to you. There's a lot of recreational players all year long. There is always a tournament series running, especially at the Wynn and Venetian. Then you get the major tours that all usually have at least one stop in Vegas per year. Best to way to find out is to try it out! You can stay for a month, play as many tournaments as possible and see for yourself
Hi Ashley, Do you swap action with other players in tournaments to help with variance? If so, how much action do you swap vs keep for yourself?
Hey mattie,
Yep! I always swap and/or sell so that the buy in level of the tournament is supported by my bankroll. (You can see the above answer that I wrote to Amit for more details
Hi Ashley
My question is, based on your experience, do you have more chances to win in live poker or online? So if you were to compare it to the algorithmic hands of online MTT, how much difference is there between hands dealt in live poker?
Hey Gdefender,
I'm a little confused by your question, so I'll answer it in the two ways I think it could be interpreted:
In live poker you get way less hands per hour and the fields are usually large. So your chances of winning are lower. Whenever you play a smaller field tournament (which tends to be online or daily live mtts) you have a better chance of winning.
If you're asking about the algorithm of online software vs a live shuffler, everything is set up to be as random as possible in both arenas.