Platinum Level
i usually use two sizes for this spot: 33% or 66%; you can go smaller on paired boards or monotone boards along with other rare exceptionsIn single raised pots, checked back to you in position, how many c bet sizes do have for different flops
good bankroll management! any bankroll is good enough to start, even $0 if you don't mind playing freerolls. If you play online, you can work your way up from any stake.Well my question is what I need to become a professional player
I would play $1-$2 tournaments online or freerolls on this bankroll.Hello Ashley, with a bankroll of 100 dollars, what tournaments would you recommend to play?
Not this year! I would only make bracelet bets if I was a mixed game player. The variance of multiple-thousands of player No-limit fields is too high to make a good bet IMOHi Ashley,
Do you have any bracelet bets for this years WSOP?
depends on the payout structure of the tournament. If the payouts are pretty flat until the final table, after the bubble bursts you want to play a style that allows you to amass a huge chip stack to give yourself a good chance of winning. If the payouts gradually jump in significant ways, you can play a little tighter.Hi ashley, see how should i play or my strategy after the bubble burst?
im unfamiliar with the term 'compressed ranges'. i think you're referring to when our opponent's have a pretty narrow range of hands: i.e. utg opens, utg1 3bets and utg 4bets....the utg player has a pretty narrow range of hands here. if this is what you're referring to, all it does is help you hand read postflop. If you've narrowed down what they could have based on preflop action, postflop handreading is much simpler. So the only real impact that has is how you'll play the hand post.Hi Ashley, Can you please explain how (or if) the concept of compressed ranges impacts how you play a hand?
hi! i like midstakes tournaments where you have a healthy mix of recreational and professional players. they're fun and challenging at the same timeHello!! pleasure to ask you... which tournaments are more comfortable for you?
And what other diversions do you have apart from poker?
I'm mostly learning poker from Jesse, GTOWizard software and online training videos on sites like Run It Once. The poker books I've read are more about specialty poker topics like Dara O'Kearney's "End Game Strategy" and satellite strategy books. I also love the Mental Game of Poker books (which is helpful if you have any tilt problems or confidence issues, etc.)Hi Ashley tanks for your response, Can you tell me if you learning only from your partner Jesse or you read some book to learn more?, if you can share what book you read to improve your skills?
Thanks for your advice.
It sounds like you're playing a good strategy and might just be running bad. If you're new to tournaments, I would check out software like Floptimal and study how to play shorter stacks. Cash game players tend to play too many hands when they get short-stacked or play too conservatively with shoving ranges because they're used to playing deep stacked.Hello. I have a question to you as the expert on the game in tournaments. I'm pretty good at cash games, but are now trying to raise the level of play in MMT: I can safely double your starting stack in the tournament at an early stage , but Ican't hold it long, for some reason, I am lose my stack very quickly. I often go with 3-bet and the top cards , but junk cards I fold. I understand that can't just throw chips, but I'm still missing something. Please give me advice on how to improve my game, given what I do.
hi there- you might not be playing as many hands as you should. in tournaments, there is an ante of dead money in the middle that allows you to play a wider range of hands than you would in a cash game. try defending your big blind more often and getting a little stickier with floating small cbets postflop. if you're stack constantly dwindles, it could be a sign that you're overall preflop game is a bit too tight.When I play an MTT and I manage to enter charges I feel that I stagnate and I can not raise my stack in what could be failing? that would harass me
hey Ryan- good observation. i've never played poker in Asia! I've noticed the WPT has a series in places like Cambodia every once in a while, which I would LOVE to go to. If they held tournaments in Vietnam, Laos or Thailand I'd love the opportunity to play in those one day tooHi Ashley
Welcome to Cardschat
From reading your opening post i noticed one destination in the world you didn't mention traveling to play poker.
So my first question is have you ever played any poker tournaments in Asia like Macau or do you ever plan to.
Thanks in advance
Glon the grind all and as always see you at the tables.
hey luvart- it sounds like you're just running into some bad variance. when you play a lot of tournaments, you start to get used to the idea that having a big chip stack early on doesn't really mean much. i wouldn't get too excited about your chip position throughout the tournament because it leaves you feeling too attached to that. instead, i just focus on playing good poker against the one table i'm at. hope that helps!-Question:
Many times I find myself being in the top 10 places during the early stages of a tourney, but then I get completely card dead and my stack gets diminshed. Any tip for that?
great questions! i remember my biggest mistakes in my first live tournaments were: 1) playing too fast- I wish I'd taken my time more often. 2) not counting my chip stack or my opponents chip stacks often enough BEFORE being dealt a hand 3) having an emotional attachment to my chip stack after winning big pots (if you play too tight after achieving a big stack early on, it will dwindle in such a massive tournament. just keep plugging away at getting as much value as you can no matter your stack size)Hi Ashley,
I’ve never played in vegas before (and not even been there tbh), but would like to go and play a big tourney there at some point in my life.
If you can recall your first ever large MTT, can you describe what the experience was like and did you place ITM? Additionally, how did your play in that tournament compare to how you play now (i.e. what did you do wrong the first time that you corrected as you progressed as a player)?
Thanks. ✌🏼
not going broke!Good luck at the wsop. What results would make you consider it a successful trip?
lovely questionsHello, Ashley. 🤗
Could you tell us a little bit about your poker tandem with Jesse? What are the pros and cons of both of you being professional poker players? Have you ever played against each other in tournaments?
congrats on going out for your first live tournament! i'm not sure if i'm understanding your question. Usually there is a mix of experienced and inexperienced players at all tournament levels. Just take a deep breath before you get dealt a hand and remind yourself which types of cards you will be playing from that position. That way, you're less likely to make emotional plays because you've thought about it rationally beforehand. good luck out there!I need some good advice for my first live tournament, are they going to be professionals (sharks) and passionate about the game, something to calm my nerves and not die trying?
if you're deepstacked (50BB+) you can play low suited cards from the cut off and button.Pleasful to meet you!
My question is whether I should pay the pre-flop with low-value sequential cards?
I would check out Floptimal to get a better understanding of preflop ranges on different stack sizes. If your question is asking how do you count your opponent's stack when playing live, I think that just comes with practice. It's also helpful to just ask the player/dealer how much is in their stack- sometimes they'll just tell you without making you count.Regards Ashley;
I was in a good position in a local tournament, but I lack guidance regarding the effective preflod and postflod stack, can you give me some of your annotations for future events?
I view rebuys as starting over in the tournament. It's as if I late registered the tournament. If you're comfortable playing a short stack in tournaments, you can late register a tournament (or rebuy after busting the first buy in) and still have a profitable showing. If you're talking about rebuy tournaments where you haven't busted yet but can add on to your stack, I don't personally think that's super profitable. It depends on whether or not the majority of other people are rebuying. If they've all added on to their stack, you're now at a disadvantage if you don't.Hy there.
Would you be so kind and enlighten me with all the positive information about rebuy's.
Are they good? What should one take into account before using them...
If you have a lot of players with big stacks behind you, they will want to play pots with you to try and win your stack. Therefore, you should play tighter when this is the stack set up. If you are one of those bigger stacks, you should play looser to try and knock the shorter stacks out. Hope that helps!Hi, is it better to play tight or not in knockout tournaments?
Thanks for your reply.😊lovely questions
biggest pros: we both understand where each other is coming from when we're on a downswing. we can comfort and motivate each other. we can also give each other time and space to cope with big losses because we know how that feels. There is no judgment when there are long periods of losses.
biggest cons: sometimes we talk about hands too much! 🤪
Yes! we've played against each other at tournament tables before. Jesse has actually knocked me out on the bubble of a Bellagio tournament many years ago now. He felt bad, but we're committed to not soft-playing each other. We always want it to be a fair table.
Hello Ashley, a pleasure to be able to read all your messages.Hello Ashley. In your opinion what is the best strategy late in MTTs when you get absolutely no good cards att all and your stack is getting smaller and smaller. What to do in these situations? Maybe Bluff to get some chips and survive?