Bronze Level
You make some good points. Over what time period did you look at?
I think it's important to vary your 3bet ranges depending on whom you are up against player type wise. I'm quite happy to admit I chase fishy tables hence im more often and to be found on full ring tabs. So against fish I just keep my 3bet range linear so I'm betting for value most of the time which is why I'll 3bet hands like AJs downwards and mid pairs. I'll polarise more against the regs. Despite the recommended ranges in the polished poker book I don't like using many suited Queens or jacks for polarising, I've just never been comfortable with playing those hands.
re the small Ax, I think I should have included them in my calling ranges I knocked it out pretty quickly tbh.
So yeah I need to look at my vpip from the blinds in terms of should I be widening my ranges against co/btn steals.
I'm fairly sure the 12% figure is the optimal Cold call rate against the whole table at full ring and need to consider and know what is optimal just against late position opens.
In your 3bet hand spread I notice you are not 3betting 33 44 I can definitely recommend doing this my return on those hands is better when I 3bet them. If you are lucky enough to hit your set you will often get fully paid off when the board runs low and they have TT-KK the sort of hands that call you down when you try and force through AK on a low runout 3bet pot.
I think it's important to vary your 3bet ranges depending on whom you are up against player type wise. I'm quite happy to admit I chase fishy tables hence im more often and to be found on full ring tabs. So against fish I just keep my 3bet range linear so I'm betting for value most of the time which is why I'll 3bet hands like AJs downwards and mid pairs. I'll polarise more against the regs. Despite the recommended ranges in the polished poker book I don't like using many suited Queens or jacks for polarising, I've just never been comfortable with playing those hands.
re the small Ax, I think I should have included them in my calling ranges I knocked it out pretty quickly tbh.
So yeah I need to look at my vpip from the blinds in terms of should I be widening my ranges against co/btn steals.
I'm fairly sure the 12% figure is the optimal Cold call rate against the whole table at full ring and need to consider and know what is optimal just against late position opens.
In your 3bet hand spread I notice you are not 3betting 33 44 I can definitely recommend doing this my return on those hands is better when I 3bet them. If you are lucky enough to hit your set you will often get fully paid off when the board runs low and they have TT-KK the sort of hands that call you down when you try and force through AK on a low runout 3bet pot.
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