John A
Poker Zion Coach
Silver Level
I don't know why I bet that sizing on the turn, just hoping to fold out his overcards and realise my equity or at least charge any flush draws something I suppose.
I certainly wasn't betting small in order to induce a bluff. I think in hindsight if I'm going to lead out here on the turn I needed to bet at least 60% pot. How would you have played the turn here?
When he raises the turn I still don't think he's very strong here after the flop check, it feels like he's just messing around so I called to evaluate the river.
AJ would make sense for the flop check as he should be putting a fair amount of QQ in my range, but makes no sense on the end. It's a 3 bet pot he shouldn't have much if any 8x. JJ actually makes the most sense to me. I did fold the hand in confusion tbh.
8x is squarely in his range, more so than AJ. People 3-bet suited connectors a ton now a days. AJ makes more sense than JJ. And betting AJ on the end after you just call the raise is highly possible. It's not at the top of my range for this guy. It would go 8x, whiffed flush, AJ, 9T, JJ, 33, in that order for me.