Silver Level
I had 3bet him before and the sizing did seem kind of weird but he was raising from pretty early position so I think he's going to have big pairs more than big broadways. Even with AA with a diamond I don't think he's going to want to put in 130bb with just an overpair. He could have AK of diamonds I suppose.
Yeah if it doesn't pair then I'm calling. I just felt that in order to be winning he would have to be overplaying AA, AK or turning JJ or AQ into a bluff and I didn't feel he would be taking those lines often at all.. If he made it 23+ I would go away but the price was pretty sweet and we were a little bit deep so I couldn't resist.
Yeah if it doesn't pair then I'm calling. I just felt that in order to be winning he would have to be overplaying AA, AK or turning JJ or AQ into a bluff and I didn't feel he would be taking those lines often at all.. If he made it 23+ I would go away but the price was pretty sweet and we were a little bit deep so I couldn't resist.