Thanks figaroo good advice as alwaysAt first glance its difficult to see where its going wrong as the stats look really good. Looking at the graph you started really hot and then pretty much lost it all. The red line goes from flat to falling off quite steeply.
Yup after 5K hands was up $50 nearly 20bb/100
1K hands was up $48
I see this in my charts from time to time and I'm thinking this is tilt. You start playing well then suffer a couple of beats and then first I start folding too much as I don't want to get stacked again then when I lose another hand I should win it leads me to calling people down when I should be folding because you can't believe your premium has been cracked again. It's like you have to call just to make sure they have it and to confirm how unlucky you are running.
Sounds like me a non believer, not sure which stats to use apart from AG%, i.e high AG% call low AG% fold
One thing I notice in the hands you post is that you seem to be playing for stacks every time you flop tpgk or better. The KK example above where you call off the river after he leads into you with trip 8s is a clear example of a hand you played perfect to the end and he got stupid lucky, guaranteed to tilt me that one. But if he leads into you there its never a bluff and you need to find the discipline to fold here. We talked about this before, it's never a bluff because 5nl players can't fold their premium overpairs in that spot.
Trying to work on this and trying to avoid stacking off in single raised pots and preferably only stacking of in 3Bet pots against aggros
One of the problems I find in zoom is the players are usually either very good regs or total beginners. I think if you know who you are up against you can start to back off if you meet resistance from a reg on the flop especially on dry boards.
Of course we're stacking off against fish with our overpairs but not usually the regs so we really need to use the hud early in the hand to assess our opponent.
Also are you reviewing your sessions properly?
Not really just tend to look at biggest pots lost and occasionally when I'm playing I'll mark an hand for review
Some pertinent notes on the regs should help make better decisions. It's too easy to just play.
John talks about the little things in poker they do all add up and add polish to your game, reviewing and note taking is part of that
This is what I need to do more although difficult to do at Zoom
May I highjack briefly? I've been meaning to ask this question. What are some good notes to start with? How do you guys zero in on traits of other players?
Sure. I talk a good amount about this in polished poker. I think that's a good place to start. It's not the end all. I could write a ton more about this of course. I also have a bit in the hitman hud which is free. It goes over player typing. I can post a link if you don't have it already.
On a deeper level... oh no, don't go there John... yeah, I'm going to. Really, the more aware you are in your conscious life, the quicker you'll be able to pick up on body language, and tells. So learning how to bring your awareness back to the present is an important trait, not just for poker of course. But if you want to pick up on tells, and make quick reads, really it starts with just being more aware.Good news is if you're not great at it now, you can easily become better.
iSo what do you guys think? I really think this guy just decided that he was going to bluff and just went with it. He was goofy, and did make moves. He was pretty aggressive too w/ 61% over agg. He had 3-bet me a few times, once w/ 37s (by end of sesh his 3-bet was 8%). He over valued some hands as well. In my gut I really thought I should call and I was planning on just calling him down.
iPoker - $2 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
MP: 98.5 BB (VPIP: 16.00, PFR: 14.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 52)
CO: 95 BB (VPIP: 22.58, PFR: 17.74, 3Bet Preflop: 18.18, Hands: 63)
BTN: 110 BB (VPIP: 25.49, PFR: 19.61, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 56)
SB: 166.23 BB (VPIP: 35.79, PFR: 23.16, 3Bet Preflop: 2.78, Hands: 95)
Hero (BB): 200.1 BB
UTG: 191.53 BB (VPIP: 39.36, PFR: 8.51, 3Bet Preflop: 4.00, Hands: 95)
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A<font color='red'>♥</font> K<font color='red'>♦</font>
UTG calls 1 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 4 BB, UTG raises to 12.5 BB, Hero calls 8.5 BB
Flop: (25.5 BB, 2 players) 4<font color='black'>♠</font> A<font color='red'>♦</font> 6<font color='red'>♥</font>
Hero checks, UTG bets 12.75 BB, Hero calls 12.75 BB
Turn: (51 BB, 2 players) 7<font color='black'>♠</font>
Hero checks, UTG bets 25.5 BB, Hero calls 25.5 BB
River: (102 BB, 2 players) Q<font color='red'>♥</font>
Hero checks, UTG bets 102 BB, fold
UTG wins 201 BB
40 K hands 22 Leaks 30 Potential
Critical 3, Very Important 1, Important 7
Somewhat Important 11, Needs Attention 30
You mentioned aggression need increasing alittle but are 2 of the critical leaks aggressive, i.e. Triple barrelling and Bluffing River.
Also on Step 3 positional stats I have A- for every position and the Button and SB says my turn aggression is too high
BB says - Currently your Turn Aggression is a bit too high from the big blind. You should consider double barrelling slightly less and looking to check call and fold a little more often.
Don't like the fold on the end tbh. The Q looks like a pretty good blank unless he has exactly AQ but its fewer combo's with our blocker. If he's aggressive then he's doing pretty much what was expected by potting the river. I'd have been more worried by a check!
Personally I'd have continued to pump it pre flop. We can't be afraid AK is behind his range preflop so lets get some money in pre. With that flop we could really pressure him and take control of the hand.
So really all we can be afraid of is small sets and 2 pair combo's but does he limp raise with Ax small, a small pair or any of the two pair combo's out there....not very often Imo. I think you levelled yourself into thinking he could have something when in reality his stats are saying he's just an aggressive fish. Your gut was right but you didn't execute on the end. Maybe you didn't want to be seen to lose to a fish huh..
Also this looks like a suitable spot for a small turn raise with your slight +ev hand if you wanted to see a cheaper river but this doesn't fit with the plan of calling him down. One or the other was required methinks.
Sorry just seen you were oop ignore the turn raise suggestion then.
You said you intended to call him down, how much would you have called then?
Can I ask why you didn't 4bet pre with AKo? And would you have 4bet if it was suited? If they were over aggressive then wouldn't they potentially shove a lot wider? AK would be ahead of pretty much their entire range except maybe the top 2%
What was their UTG opening range?
Not sure which Leakbuster stats are best to post so including General stats
OK thanks.Yeah the main thing that stands out for me is you're not folding enough earlier in hands when you should be. You're calling down, and then calling on the river and losing. Thus your w$sd is low, your river call efficiency is low, and one of your top leaks is c/cing 3 streets. Work on ways of eliminating that leak, and the rest of your game is good enough to be doing well.
John would you mind putting the link up for the hit man hud? I don't have it.
John would you mind putting the link up for the hit man hud? I don't have it.
Has the leakbuster HUD been updated as only the 1st 3 ranges can be used in pokerstars.
is this group on Skype?
I actualy downloaded and reinstalled the LB hud from within Leakbster and the actual colours and ranges have changed.No. I'm not sure I'm planning to just for PS. I kind of hope another company can step in for another site, and actually do a good job and PS can flame out.![]()