John A
Poker Zion Coach
Silver Level
anyway enough about the bacon butties MMMMM i'm hungry now.
Back to business, Like the chart to give you standard default lines when things are going wrong.
Sometimes you read book watch videos, read strategy articles - some are really good, some are ok then some are awful. Think the key is to separate the good from the bad and study those.
My main problem stems from so much information to process and alot of conflicting advice, then when playing you get to certain situations and your mind goes blank. Im waiting for that eureka moment where all the pieces of the jigsaw in my subconscious suddenly start to piece together
Ideally Id have bulleted pointed topics to go over and over and over and over etc to ingrain them so majority of situations are default but can change at will depending on players/dynamics/position etc.
Some people will say its a fixed robotic strategy but its just a default line to go to when things start to wrong and can stay there till your confidence and possibly bankroll increases and as already mentioned you can change at will when a good situation arises.
Totally understand. And there is a lot of bad advice out there. A LOT. So I understand how and why it's hard to sort through to find the good stuff. I'm going to be adding some content to Polished Poker including the below completed default lines. Which, these are the same as starting hand charts. They are general guides in case you're stuck and not sure what to do. But they shouldn't always be followed.