Nathan Williams
Poker Pro
Silver Level
Hi Nathan, me again. How viable is it to move to Thailand in 2020 with my GF with a 6month/1year time frame in mind. Want a career in London, supposed to move there in 6 weeks, looking for stock broking jobs but the virus is super annoying, nowhere is hiring and all the offices are working from home. I'm thinking of getting away for a while.
Any advice? I've read this "https://www.blackrain79.com/2013/08/online-poker-players-living-in-thailand.html"
Anything outside of this article you can suggest? Are people made to wear masks out there? How bad is the coronavirus? Where is the best place to live? Budget is about £8-900 a month including food.
PS we have savings so poker won't need to be the main source of income, but would be nice to break even including the income my GF makes. I currently grind 10/16/25nl.
Hey Gen,
Ya unfortunately right now during Corona times, it's pretty difficult to relocate anywhere, let alone even be sure that you can get a flight.
Thailand has done a fantastic job of controlling the virus and yes, there is widespread use of masks there.
I hope they will be open to foreign visitors again by late 2020.
Visas are not the easiest in Thailand as you probably saw in my big moving to Thailand article, but staying there for a couple months is pretty simple on a tourist visa or even a free stamp at the airport (60 days total after extending once at a local immigration office).
From there you can bounce to other countries in the region or try your luck getting a longterm visa in Thailand such as an Education visa, which is one year, studying Thai language.