Ask BlackRain79 Anything About Cash Games



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 17, 2020
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Nate, what's good buddy. What edges would you suggest a breakeven hero to search for atm. Specifically ff format...
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
Hi Nate! Glad you're doing something like this. Im very new to the game and having a lot of fun to even just learn about it. I recently investeda bit of money and played a combination of tournaments and low limit cash games. Suffice to say after just a few days I went bankrupt! My question is, as someone who currently doesn't have access to software like Holdem Manager or Pokertracker, how can I better find out the "leaks" in my game? I use hand2note and I can see which hands I lost the most money in and can analyze that... but are there any specific patterns or numbers I should be looking out for? Big fan again thanks for doing this!

Hey nurse,

No problem glad I could help!

I think you can still study your hands even without a HUD program, although it is a lot less convenient. There are tons of free hand replayers online. Just plug in the hand history and review your hands.

As for what to look for, I recommend reviewing your losing hands in particular (medium sized losing pots in particular), and finding out if you could have played it differently or lost less.

The reason why I don't suggest reviewing the big losing hands too much is because they are often coolers like AA vs KK where everybody is going broke. Good to have a look at them sometimes too though, just to be sure.

Hope this helps.
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
Hey Nate, been following your stuff lately. Would you say that red line in micros is still more important than anything else and would you say your microstakes book is still relevant?

Hey Dispo,

Nope I would say that the red line actually isn't that important at the micros. At lot of people get this completely wrong, even many so called "experts."

The micros are full of calling stations and players with high WTSD% (went to showdown percentage). You don't get ahead by trying to bluff a bunch of players like this (good red line).

So this is why I have always suggested that at the micros you just aim for about break even with your red line. If you are winning big on red line, you are probably gonna be bleeding money at the micros, cuz all the calling stations will call down your bluffs.

As for my books. Yes, they are all up to date for today's games. I believe I am the only poker author out there who publishes only digital books.

I do this for a very good reason.

Digital books can be edited while printed books cannot. This allows me to make updates to all of my books anytime I want when I see changes in the way that the games play.
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
Nate, what's good buddy. What edges would you suggest a breakeven hero to search for atm. Specifically ff format...

Hey line,

I think a lot of the biggest edges these days are mental. What I mean by that is having superior emotional control and knowing when to quit if necessary.

Also, discipline and work ethic, like always, is crucial. Most of the biggest winners that I know play an ungodly amount of poker.

This provides them with the experience to not only understand what works and what doesn't at the tables, but it allows them to understand the long term better and deal with routine variance.

For much more, I just published a huge article last week on what the top players are doing to take advantage of the soft quarantine games right now.

Here's the link:


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Aug 27, 2018
Total posts
Hey Nate,

Really appreciate the response. Just out of curiosity, I looked through your glossary and I see only up to 5NL, do you have any material that goes further than that?

Also, how often do you update this book if it's updated a lot & do we get updates free or is that paid for?


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 6, 2020
Total posts
Hey nurse,

No problem glad I could help!

I think you can still study your hands even without a HUD program, although it is a lot less convenient. There are tons of free hand replayers online. Just plug in the hand history and review your hands.

As for what to look for, I recommend reviewing your losing hands in particular (medium sized losing pots in particular), and finding out if you could have played it differently or lost less.

The reason why I don't suggest reviewing the big losing hands too much is because they are often coolers like AA vs KK where everybody is going broke. Good to have a look at them sometimes too though, just to be sure.

Hope this helps.
That's a really interesting point that I never considered regarding studying medium sized pots more. Thank you for that and best of luck to you and your brand!


Silver Level
Mar 20, 2019
Total posts
Is there any merit in using smaller raise sizes in micros? Is this something you do? Someone who did a lot of solver work told me anything more than a 2bb open is losing EV but that's undoubtedly a nosebleed stakes strategy.

And do you use lower open raise sizes the higher you go in stakes?


Silver Level
Mar 7, 2011
Total posts
Nathan, pokerstars is full of fish again due to the Coronavirus, will you start playing there again? Maybe you are under a new name. I feel many successful poker players stopped playing a few years ago, and just turned to coaching because they realised the game isn't very profitable any more. Smart move, can't blame them for doing it. But will you return now, and put in some serious grinding?

Win rates are 20bb+ at the micro and small stakes right now.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 8, 2014
Total posts
Hi Nathan,

I have a question about when it becomes the time to fold nuttish looking hands, for example - calling a min raise or limp from Btn sitting in the BB 7Thd or better or worse? and something like TTQccs comes on the flop.

Would you ever be cautious and over fold these types of hands?
Would it matter much about position?

If I were to be looking at my own mistakes by calling this down to the river, not making a full house, and the straight and flush draw realising itself in some way in later streets, is it really a mistake to call against most players at microstakes?regardless of player?

I’d just assume that with a holding such as this one, it would never pay to be aggressive past the flop?
Is it true that sometimes even really good looking hands are incredibly fragile?
Is it a mistake to bloat a pot with a hand such as this?

What can help us identify being in front or behind with hands such as flopping bottom two pair, trips on a soaking wet board, bottom straights etc?

Thank you in advance for any response.
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
Hey Nate,

Really appreciate the response. Just out of curiosity, I looked through your glossary and I see only up to 5NL, do you have any material that goes further than that?

Also, how often do you update this book if it's updated a lot & do we get updates free or is that paid for?

Hey Dispo96,

No problem.

My two most recent books I typically recommend for NL10+ players. The Micro Stakes Playbook for example includes many strategies designed to beat good players at higher limits:

Since I am one of the few (the only?) poker author out there who publishes books exclusively in digital form, I do update them from time to time.

And so when people buy my books, they are always getting the most up to date version.
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
Is there any merit in using smaller raise sizes in micros? Is this something you do? Someone who did a lot of solver work told me anything more than a 2bb open is losing EV but that's undoubtedly a nosebleed stakes strategy.

And do you use lower open raise sizes the higher you go in stakes?

I prefer bigger bet and raises sizes at the micros. I also do not recommend using a solver at lower stakes.

Smaller more balanced bet and raises sizes definitely make a lot of sense in mid and high stakes games though.
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
Nathan, PokerStars is full of fish again due to the Coronavirus, will you start playing there again? Maybe you are under a new name. I feel many successful poker players stopped playing a few years ago, and just turned to coaching because they realised the game isn't very profitable any more. Smart move, can't blame them for doing it. But will you return now, and put in some serious grinding?

Win rates are 20bb+ at the micro and small stakes right now.

I try to still play some poker when I can but honestly with my website, youtube, books, social media etc. it is pretty overwhelming. Just answering all the comments and emails alone is a full time job, as you can see by the fact that it took me a week to reply to you here :)
Last edited:
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
Hi Nathan,

I have a question about when it becomes the time to fold nuttish looking hands, for example - calling a min raise or limp from Btn sitting in the BB 7Thd or better or worse? and something like TTQccs comes on the flop.

Would you ever be cautious and over fold these types of hands?
Would it matter much about position?

If I were to be looking at my own mistakes by calling this down to the river, not making a full house, and the straight and flush draw realising itself in some way in later streets, is it really a mistake to call against most players at microstakes?regardless of player?

I’d just assume that with a holding such as this one, it would never pay to be aggressive past the flop?
Is it true that sometimes even really good looking hands are incredibly fragile?
Is it a mistake to bloat a pot with a hand such as this?

What can help us identify being in front or behind with hands such as flopping bottom two pair, trips on a soaking wet board, bottom straights etc?

Thank you in advance for any response.

Hi John,

Honestly it is pretty difficult for me to give an answer for a situation like this because there are so many variables that are extremely important such as the player type, stack sizes, preflop action and so on.

This is partly why I just created a brand new Facebook poker group a few days ago where you can post your hands (including all this information), and get advice from myself and other top players.

You can of course also just post your hands right here on CC as well in the hand history review forums, including all this crucial information needed to give you a proper answer.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 25, 2020
Total posts
I wanted to have this sale of everything and travel the world hahaha
you are a beautiful story.
already read about you !!

soon we'll see you at the tables!


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 21, 2020
Total posts
Hi, Nathan. I can't stop thanking you for your book. It really helps me rethink how I played before. And the results went up. Thanks. Funny photos on instagram. )))
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
I wanted to have this sale of everything and travel the world hahaha
you are a beautiful story.
already read about you !!

soon we'll see you at the tables!

Thanks for the kind words Airles17!

Selling everything and traveling the world isn't for everybody. But for me personally, I am glad I did it, 8 years ago.
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
Hi, Nathan. I can't stop thanking you for your book. It really helps me rethink how I played before. And the results went up. Thanks. Funny photos on instagram. )))

Thanks andreypuch I am glad my book is helping you! Thanks for following my IG as well :)
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
Hey Nathan!

I've really enjoyed your material and your social media and want to pick your brain on my current situation.

I currently play low to mid volume cash for the most part, currently comfortable playing 10NL, but will play Sng and MTT's occasionally, mostly $5.50 or lower. I have won tickets for bigger tournaments and cashed ($55 on GG, $55 on 888, $215 on Party). The majority of my volume has been on Stars, but I do enjoy the experience on Party and GG. I like what ACR is doing with innovation and their honesty and I have had some money on 888 primarily from a free ticket that turned into about $110.

So what I'm curious about:
- Is GG the better site of the 5 for cash?
- How many sites do you recommend someone with my bankroll to play on?
- Do you recommend playing Zoom type of tables or standard cash tables
- Are Stars and Party dying for a recreational player like me?

Any insight is greatly appreciated!

Thanks CRStals! I am glad my poker advice is helping you :)

I don't really get into recommending poker sites anymore because it differs so greatly from person to person according to their goals, and where they live in some cases as well.

I know that CardsChat already has it's own list of recommended poker sites as well, so that might help you decide where to play.

I do recommend playing multiple sites if possible because that will increase your ability to table select. But if you are on a shorter bankroll, that might not be possible.

I personally prefer regular tables over Zoom because I like to table select a lot which you can't really do in Zoom.

However, there are many clear benefits to playing Zoom as well such as the ability to quickly get into the action and also play a ton of hands quickly.

I have a huge Zoom poker strategy guide on my website for more on this, which also compares the pros and cons of Zoom vs regular tables.

You can find that right here:

I think Stars and Party are still two of the heavyweights of online poker. I don't see either of them dying any time soon.

If anything, I think both of these sites have been taking action lately towards helping to create a better playing environment for recreational players by limiting the table count for example. This keeps the action moving quicker.

I hope this helps answer your questions :)


Jan 14, 2016
Total posts
Hey Nathan!! Really appreciate the insight and your time getting back to me. I going to follow up and re-word some questions to hopefully make it easier to you to help with.

Totally get the site opinion - everyone feels differently about a poker room so that's totally valid. So let me ask it this way:

If I have an overall poker bankroll of $1000 say, and I want to play 10NL does it make more sense to divide that over more sites to take advantage of different promotions, softer tables, etc, or does it make more sense to use 1 or 2 sites to ensure that movement of money isn't an issue. It really comes down to are you spreading yourself thin playing 5 sites which I'm currently rolled on, versus 1 or 2. I recently consolidated down from 7 sites but feel unless I balance myself out, I am more limited on what I can play on some sites that have less than 10% of my roll on.

I do enjoy Zoom - and I have read your guide before - but I am trying to play more standard tables to take advantage of information available to me.

Thanks for the insight and really appreciate you keeping up this thread on here for our members!!
Thanks CRStals! I am glad my poker advice is helping you :)

I don't really get into recommending poker sites anymore because it differs so greatly from person to person according to their goals, and where they live in some cases as well.

I know that CardsChat already has it's own list of recommended poker sites as well, so that might help you decide where to play.

I do recommend playing multiple sites if possible because that will increase your ability to table select. But if you are on a shorter bankroll, that might not be possible.

I personally prefer regular tables over Zoom because I like to table select a lot which you can't really do in Zoom.

However, there are many clear benefits to playing Zoom as well such as the ability to quickly get into the action and also play a ton of hands quickly.

I have a huge Zoom poker strategy guide on my website for more on this, which also compares the pros and cons of Zoom vs regular tables.

You can find that right here:

I think Stars and Party are still two of the heavyweights of online poker. I don't see either of them dying any time soon.

If anything, I think both of these sites have been taking action lately towards helping to create a better playing environment for recreational players by limiting the table count for example. This keeps the action moving quicker.

I hope this helps answer your questions :)


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 14, 2020
Total posts
Hey everyone,

My name is Nathan "BlackRain79" Williams. I am a 10+ year poker pro, 3 time poker author and the founder of

It was also around 7 years ago that I decided to sell everything I own, hop on a one way flight to Bangkok, Thailand and travel the world. I am from Vancouver, Canada by the way.

I have been active here on CardsChat for many years and this is the only major poker forum that I consistently recommend, besides my own.

And that is because I have always found CardsChat to be a positive, welcoming environment especially for beginners who want to learn and improve.

Throughout my own poker career I have been mostly a cash game specialist and I am best known for having some of the highest winnings in online poker history at the micro stakes.

I would be happy to answer any poker questions you may have. Or anything else in general! :)

Although for specific poker hands, please post those in the relevant poker hand analysis sections here on CC. I will be active there also.



sounds interesting i'm going to take a look


Bronze Level
Nov 10, 2019
Total posts
The madness of NL2

Hi Nathan, hi everyone.

I am making my first forays into cash (I come from sit and go and mtt, which I still play) and I have read and studied various strategies: shortstack, midstack, deepstack, multistack.
I suppose that all must be good strategies but there is something that I cannot understand: they all pose a preflop game with open raise, 3 bet and 4 bet or 4 bet allin.
At the level I play (NL2 at fullring tables) it is very difficult to see preflop reraises, generally half the table calls the blind and if someone does the open raise, the vast majority of limpers call their raise and will see the flop .
The problem of this is, from my very humble rookie opinion, almost fish, that if we are the ones who raise preflop for example with AK, AQ, AJ, etc., and we do not link, we will be in front of two, three or four players, it does not have no sense the C-Bet. And this happens many times !!!
I imagine this must be because the level I play is a mix of zoo with madhouse.
I am reading your book, Nathan, slowly because I must translate it since English is not a language that speaks or reads very well, and I know that you differentiate NL2 from NL5, which you assimilate more to NL10.
The question is: should I start directly on NL5?

Well, it will be an honor to read you.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards from Buenos Aires.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
May 21, 2020
Total posts
Hey Nathan, I saw your really helpful videos on YouTube, Didnt realise you were here too. Im very new to poker (2-3 weeks on microstakes) so apologies if you've covered this topic alot.

I have looked around the internet for an answer to my question but I seem to struggle to find information on my problem, however I expect its a common one!

I play 6 ring max, 1/2c. I have been beaten a number of times where the villain seems to bluff in the opposite direction. for example they will play like they have pure air.. e.g checking (if they have the option) right up to the river.. then call my final raise and then they show 3 of a kind Aces that they had already made on the flop.

Is there any way to spot this? or perhaps any reading material on this?

Im such a sucker a fall for it every time, And lose alot as im trying to play aggressively


Silver Level
May 1, 2020
Total posts
Hi Nathan - I'm looking for some advice on SPR.

I've been doing some reading and looking at things that advice you stack off regularly on 0-3 SPR pots.

How should you effectively use SPR - are the pot odds and equity not good enough to calculate a +EV call/raise?
I really do not understand how or why SPR is useful.

Thank you!


Bronze Level
Sep 21, 2013
Total posts
I joined this thread just to thank Nathan for the videos and thanks those responsible for Cardschat, because I didn't know Nathan and his work. Yesterday I saw a lot of videos and it helped a lot to play NL2 zoom at Pokerstars.

I took what I learned and adapted it to my game and the dynamics of the tables. Some things I had to adjust, others worked exactly as was said in the videos. Even without HUD it worked.
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Sep 13, 2011
Total posts
Hi Nathan, hi everyone.

I am making my first forays into cash (I come from sit and go and mtt, which I still play) and I have read and studied various strategies: shortstack, midstack, deepstack, multistack.
I suppose that all must be good strategies but there is something that I cannot understand: they all pose a preflop game with open raise, 3 bet and 4 bet or 4 bet allin.
At the level I play (NL2 at fullring tables) it is very difficult to see preflop reraises, generally half the table calls the blind and if someone does the open raise, the vast majority of limpers call their raise and will see the flop .
The problem of this is, from my very humble rookie opinion, almost fish, that if we are the ones who raise preflop for example with AK, AQ, AJ, etc., and we do not link, we will be in front of two, three or four players, it does not have no sense the C-Bet. And this happens many times !!!
I imagine this must be because the level I play is a mix of zoo with madhouse.
I am reading your book, Nathan, slowly because I must translate it since English is not a language that speaks or reads very well, and I know that you differentiate NL2 from NL5, which you assimilate more to NL10.
The question is: should I start directly on NL5?

Well, it will be an honor to read you.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards from Buenos Aires.

Hey Warrior,

The NL2 cash games online can definitely be a little bit crazy sometimes like you describe them, lot's of limping and generally passive players who like to call a lot.

However, I do think it is important to prove that you can beat these players before you move on up to NL5 where you will face better players.

There is no big rush and even just a week or two at NL2 can go a long way towards letting you know where you stand in regards to these players.

Thanks for the kind words. I hope my book helps you!
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