Jason Bralli
Rock Star
Bronze Level
yes it is true, for those who know how to do a bankroll control, there are several freeroll tournaments, many of them here at cardchat, which are very worth the cost benefit!
Because it is "free", many do not select those that are really worth it, small filds, cool payments and end up frustrated, for playing a lot and earning little.
In poker, whether freeroll or highroller, the important thing is to know from the beginning, make the right decision, the first of which is which tournament to register for.
Because it is "free", many do not select those that are really worth it, small filds, cool payments and end up frustrated, for playing a lot and earning little.
In poker, whether freeroll or highroller, the important thing is to know from the beginning, make the right decision, the first of which is which tournament to register for.