Dara OKearney
Poker Pro
Silver Level
I've seen some people mention multi-table even up to 180 people Sit & Go's and similar - how's that any different to a classic tournament? Other than I suppose no rebuys and no late registration.
Also where's a good place to play Sit & Go's? I've had some luck playing on 888 especially with the Double or Nothing format, but their Double or Nothing format is only available with 40c and $1 buy ins and they don't have any multi table sit and go's that I can see.
You are mainly a stellite player , and have won over a million in sties. However once you win a seat you are a regular MTT player. Is this were you have made huge profits?
How much per month can you earn playing satellites/knockouts?
Hi Dara,
this Saturday I will win a ticket for a 55$ PKO starting on Saturday 6 am German time. I know this because I'm a member of dare2streams competion. Problem is normaly I'm playing only 1.50$ 9max SNG. I have already your book. So which chapters are the most import for me. Or some youtube / Twitch videos I should look. Could use the money for bilding my bankroll and starting with PKO, after reading the book. Start bounty for each player will be 12.50$ and I think maximum starting number of players will be 120.
And sorry for my bad English I'm a German native speaker.
Sorry for slow reply. The best chapter to read for a quick overview of all the most important concepts is "PKOs in 30 minutes".
Incidentally, Christian Zetsche who translated "Poker Satellite Strategy" into German is currently working on the German translation of "PKO Poker Strategy".
Good luck!
Finished on place 12 for 101$ incl. 3 knockOuts.
I might playing a first live WSOP event next month in Calgary. What would you suggest is the right one? I play online a little. I’m familiar with the strategy of playing MTT’s would it be best to play a black chip bounty as my first live tournament or a double stack event? I feel like a bounty tournament is more justification for all ins. I’m torn
Well it depends on how much u are ready too loose.How much per month can you earn playing satellites/knockouts?
Do you feel like the hands are structured to make you play and commit chips. I feel too often they hit when I'm winning and I don't hit when I'm loosing, is it a roller-coaster for you? And do you get knocked out as many times as you have earned some money
hello Clutch, can you tell me on which rooms you know its possible to get t$ and not a ticket ?When you register for tournaments - what frequency do you unregister from the tournaments and take the T$? If so, what type of fields do you use for T$ money into cash and why?
Thanks for answering the questions - Im a big fan of the 2x shootout hyper satellites, if you tiered satellites, what would you categorise this type of satellite as in terms of long-term bankroll building?
I've recently been playing a quite a few of the 'shootout' satellites on pokerstars. Are there any specific tactics with these that could help?
I feel like my general strategy so far, is to tighten up more than usual 4 handed, but also up the aggression when I do play. One thing I am enjoying is the extra heads up practice I get with these too.
Then if I do win the first shootout to tighten up even more again as the other players can KO themselves quite frequently just when 2 decent hands get dealt. I'm still looking for spots to shove, but also trying to reign it in a bit more than usual, as Top 2 win a ticket and 3rd usually gets almost their money back.
These are only at micro stakes $1 and under.
I currently have 2 of your books (satellite and PKO) but didnt have the time to read the yet.
My question is not really to you but its may be interested to list which poker site allow to "unregister" to get T$ or cash
I was doing a lot of satellite when I was playing for a living like sunday million but a large % of the poker site do not allow it.
On 888poker you have to keep the first one and the second is credited in cash.
I will definitely tune into Twitch - thats for recommending that and thank you for replying to my question - your information and thoughts are really beneficial to not just myself but anyone else thinking of taking poker more seriously and looking to have a healthy poker lifestyle away from the tables that can benefit our play.
Best Wishes
When you register for tournaments - what frequency do you unregister from the tournaments and take the T$? If so, what type of fields do you use for T$ money into cash and why?
Thanks for answering the questions - Im a big fan of the 2x shootout hyper satellites, if you tiered satellites, what would you categorise this type of satellite as in terms of long-term bankroll building?
Dara, congrats for all your poker jov. Very noce and very profitable to me your tips on PS bounty builders tourneys.
Do you play at PS? Can you tell your nickbame? And which are tour favorite ref sat tourneys at PS? A de
thanks for the reply
At first the GGPoker policy is close to a scam but I did a few sats lately they have an overlay a lot of the time, so I guess if you are selecting well and know which one have overlay, its can be profitable.
For stars I talked to someone few days ago and he told me, if on the they said Prize Pool = 1 Seat, you can unregister for $T money
If they said ticket, its a ticket.
I haven't tested it yet because I am in unlocking bonus ATM on other rooms atm, but I will try when I move to another room for bonus
On 888poker, you have to keep the first seat and you get $ for the second, etc. But a very high % of there satellites are tickets