Hi Cardschat,
I am Dara O’Kearney, known as Doke online. I am an Irish poker professional tournament player, with over $1 million in live earnings and more than $3 million in online MTTs, not to mention 8 PocketFives Triple Crowns.
I am perhaps best known for being a satellite specialist. I have won over $1 million in online satellites alone and have just written a new book on this subject called Poker Satellite Strategy:
Away from the tables I am the co-host of the Global Poker Award winning Chip Race Podcast and sponsored by Unibet Poker. Prior to poker I was an ultra marathon runner
Cardschat have kindly agreed to let me do an Ask Me Anything thread where you can ask me anything at all about satellites and tournament strategy. This will be on an ongoing basis, I’ll be checking in most weeks starting this one to answer your questions and to begin with I will be around tomorrow to answer the first batch.
Also this month I will give a free copy of my book on Apple iBooks to my favourite question, once a week for the next four weeks.
Thank U 4 being here for us.
I have both your books they have helped me immensely. I also subscribe to your youtube channel it is full of great insights as well.
My question today is regarding rebuying in micro PKO formats with long rebuy periods.
I have heard you state rebuys are not good in PKO's and your reasoning is, reduction of possible winnings through bounties being gone. That makes perfect sense.
I am however today playing in a PKO $5 buy-in rebuy that currently has 2/3 of the field entering in the rebuy period.
Also first with no bounties pays $656 rebuys still active
Would you think that this feature might be a situation where you would rebuy? If so how deep into the rebuy period would you do so?
Thank U 4 any insight you may choose to share
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