Dara O'Kearney (Satellite Specialist) - Ask Me Anything about satellites/knockouts

Dara OKearney

Dara OKearney

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2019
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is it profitable to play multiple satellites for one tournament? What strategies do you use to classify? And finally, what type of satellite is better?

The short answer is yes, it's profitable to play multiple satellites for one tournament. There's no real link between a satellite and the target tournament other than entry to the latter is the prize of the former. People sometimes have a mental block about losing more than the buyin to the target in satellite buyins, or some percentage, but this isn't really rational. Downswings happen and there will be times you ace the first satellite, and others when you brick satellite after satellite, but so long as you are profitable in the satellite itself it makes sense to keep playing them. If you were playing normal tournaments that offer, say, a first prize of $5000, would you give up and stop playing them as soon as your downswing hit $5001 because now first prize doesn't get you level? There's no reason to think of satellites any differently.

As far as which satellites are best, it obviously depends, but the two biggest factors are number of seats (prizes) and proximity to target event. Number of seats matters because the more there are the bigger the mistakes non skilled opponents will make (which you can profit from). Proximity matters because when there are a lot of satellites for one event, the better players will tend to win seats in the earlier ones, and therefore won't be playing the later ones.

Good luck and thanks for your questions!


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 16, 2015
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Hi Dara,

I'll apologise for the amount of questions.

With the advent of so many super late reg events accross almost all the networks I thought I'd ask you some questions.

Assuming all things being equal, is there any bad reason to max late reg a non PKO tournament?Particularly those that allow late reg until 10bb. Immediately our stack is worth more and with some super long late reg sites like 888 or GG we can almost stall very close to the money. Could we theoretically be very profitable regging up to 1bb ? Is the goal of max late regging as we have much less than average to min cash and then see what happens from there?

Is max late regging a higher variance route?

With the above sites with super late reg are we better off just late regging because our equity of players busting is shared by even those max late regging?Also, do big stacks suffer by long late reg as they can't open as wide etc ?

If we can max late reg a tournament for 5bb where either we can be 22/22 with 20 paid or 88 of 88 with 80 paid, which is better with all other things being equal(min cash, rough stack distribution) ? Is the 80 paid a better option with high icm?

Is it a good or bad thing being placed with all the new max late reg entrants on a new table (assuming they don't stall)? Would you prefer to be on a table with greater stacks?

Dara OKearney

Dara OKearney

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2019
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Hi Dara!

Thanks for thread and GL on tables!

I love to play micro(under $2) SnG Sats on PS (16 players, Hyper-Turbo, 2x shooter, 2+ seats) and want to ask you about optimal game in those sats.

And are there any differences for the optimal game in such sats for MTT and KO tournaments?


The strategy outlined in my book "Poker Satellite Strategy" applies to any satellite which has more seat (prize) than one seat: satellites with only one prize (winner takes all) are the exception (strategy there is just cash game strategy and try to win all the chips).

KO tournaments are a very different animal. Correct satellite play is to lower variance and play tighter than a normal MTT: in KO tournaments (covered in my next book "PKO poker strategy" which will hopefully be out later this month) you go the other way completely.

Thanks for your question!
Dara OKearney

Dara OKearney

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2019
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Hi Dara, thanks for your help.
I want to start playing MTT's, but i'm not sure if the properly is to play regular tournaments or satellites. I have a small bankroll (about $20) and i don't want to bust. Any suggestion?

With that size of bankroll, I'd recommend sticking to low buy in normal mtts with not too many runners to keep variance down.

Good luck!


Rising Star
Bronze Level
May 23, 2020
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Hi Dara,

How do you measure how well you're doing in satellites (is it ROI like MTT's)?

What would be a sustainable win rate at low, medium & high stakes satellites?

Also great book, it has to be the best poker related purchase I've ever made. Looking forward to your new book.



Silver Level
Dec 1, 2018
Total posts
Hello Dara!

Read in previous posts about your new KO tournaments book and wait it.

Today played in unusual tournament for me on PS.One of players on my table shoved or called shove some times in a row with middle notsuited connectors like JT, T9, 89. Is it profitable in those type of KO tournaments(4max, progressive KO)?

Below you can see last hand when I was eliminated by this villain.

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Rock Star
Silver Level
May 6, 2020
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Hi again Dara,

Please forgive me if this question seems a little out of place or unconventional.

I hope it is relevant in terms of learning about the mental side of poker, or at least learning from mistakes!

I would like to ask how you cope with the ‘if only’/’what if’/hindsight part of poker?

To give an example, last night I was in a PKO approaching the money bubble. I folded KTo pre-flop (see below). Later I deeply regretted it as I only min cashed. It was my last real chance to get a larger stack and target the small stacks for bounties. When this sort of thing happens, it can leave me deflated for several sessions because of the opportunity cost.

I have read The Mental Game of Poker book series but can’t seem to shake this. Admittedly, I’ve only been playing poker for a few months.
I imagine that after more than a decade in Poker you have personally experienced or heard about countless similar moments. I cannot fathom what goes through the minds of pros who final table at the WSOP for instance.

Would love to know your tips on this because, even early on in my poker journey, I can see it developing into a long-term obstacle.

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Dara OKearney

Dara OKearney

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2019
Total posts
ok but at the moment i'm out of resources for research, and i'm using the push fold method when i'm under 20bbs and they are working out, will i continue with this strategy?

Yes. It's a reasonable strategy (you lose very little EV by sticking to it) and very easy to implement.

Good luck!
Dara OKearney

Dara OKearney

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2019
Total posts
Hi Dara,

On PStars playing the micro SpinGo games, I would usually collect about 10 each of the $11 and $22 tickets before playing satellites for larger games with them. (These are the $2.75 games and past $4 SCOOP tickets.)
My questions:
How far up the satellite chain should I play? Should I try to play for $109 tickets or should I try to final table some of these smaller MTT's first?

There's no substitute for playing against solid players and I'd like to identify what solid players do when I'm in the mix. I've played in a few satellites where I bested some "revolving star" Sharkscope rated players. Could you suggest satellite games which would provide a challenging proving ground of my ability or inability? My goal is to play in at least one $10k entry this year.

Cheers and thanks!:D


Well done on your success in the Stars satellites. I have to admit I'm a little out of date on Stars satellites as I don't grind them any more but as a general rule the higher up the chain you go the tougher the opposition. I'd stick to smaller MTTs for now: it's not just the satellites themselves you have to consider but also the target tournaments, and $109s tend to be very reg infested. As you build your roll though, by all means take a few shots.

Good luck!


Silver Level
Jun 10, 2020
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Ask anything

What is your method on satellites ?? :cool::):D:D


Bronze Level
Aug 10, 2010
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Hi Dara,

Stars has a lot of sats, where every 10th player qualifies, for instance $5.50 sats for the Big $55 or Hot $55.
Would you recommend these satellites or not, is it too much variance?
These sats are always turbo and hyper.
And what about late registering in these with 10BB - 20BB?
Dara OKearney

Dara OKearney

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2019
Total posts
Interested to hear your thoughts on my satty.

20 get tickets, 25 left, 6 max hyper turbo with 1 min blinds so 10 - 25 all have <5bb.

I'm in BB, with a 2BB stack, get dealt 10 3 off. A lot of tanking goes on, leaving 21 players by the time SB shoves on me (3.5bb). With thenthe tanking I will be all in next hand regardless, and be in 21/21 so I have to win the next flip basically.. Do I call or fold?

I folded here, next hand got Q4o and lost to the BBs K6s. Busted in 21... It hurt haha.
My thoughts on folding are that I am likely to get a better hand, but it is possible more people might play the next hand...

Hi Mateo,

This is exactly right. I would call any above average hand and fold below average since our expectation is to get an average hand next time, and it doesn't matter whether we win this hand or next.

The only two other considerations are is there a danger a bunch of people will limp next hand (which would seriously reduce our chances: in this case it sounds like this isn't too likely though with everyone else just folding to preserve their stack) and is the sb shoving 100%. If not then we need a slightly above average hand to call here.

Thanks for a very interesting question!


Silver Level
Dec 1, 2018
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Hi, Dara!

Glad to know about your new PKO book.

Want to ask about shoving/calling ranges in sats - how its depends from buyin level of sat?

Thanks and GL on tables!


Bronze Level
Apr 12, 2013
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I understand that we need to be calling and raising wider where we cover someone, because we can win the bounty. How does this effect our ranges when they cover us? Do we need to be playing tighter because they have more incentive to call (reducing fold equity)? Or do we play the same way, or maybe even a few more hands, because we know their ranges are weaker than normal and we can get value from their playing more hands than they normally would?


Sep 9, 2019
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Hi Dara and welcome.

Love 'The Chip Race' podcast.

The simplest for questions for you. When you pivoted to satellites was it exclusively so at the expense of other tourneys? I can't imagine it was but could you give an approximate idea how you allocated your time between satellites and other play?


Silver Level
May 19, 2010
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Got this question on my own AMA but thought I would ask the expert.

How do you think PLO PKOs would play? My instinct is the equities run so close together that you can justify getting it in preflop with any four cards pretty much all the time, but in practice they play quite nitty.


Silver Level
Jun 11, 2020
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Hi Dara! My respects to his career. Since I am a regular satellite player I would like to know if it is a profitable long-term strategy ... what kind of emotional capacity is essential to achieve high. Thank you very much! Greetings from argentina where we vibrate high with the deck !! good fumes
Navin Sarabjeet

Navin Sarabjeet

Bronze Level
Jul 1, 2016
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Hi Dara,

I have a question .
I have noticed that when i openraise in ep i usually get called by certain players.
Even if i have f.e. AK and the flop is K42 rainbow and i make obviously a C-bet and get called where the turn is a 7o, i bet again and get called and river a 9 and i check where they bet potsize and when i call i see that they have k2o or 42o.
And sometimes i even fold this top top and show and then they show me they had totally nothing. Maybe AQo or so.

For short: i just don't know how to deal with calling stations who keep on calling my every open or reraise. Sometimes they have something and sometimes nothing.
I also tried playing only premium but noticed that this was not a good strategy for i get blinded out and hit the rails.

How can i adjust myself to these people that keep on calling in position of me?

P.S. also hope that we can get a signed edition of you new book whoever wins:)
Dara OKearney

Dara OKearney

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2019
Total posts
Hi Dara,

Thanks for the AMA - loads of great stuff here.

I’m fairly new to poker but I’m having moderate success building a bankroll playing double-your-money SnGs at the micros. What I’m wondering, given the structure of DYMs, is how much satellite strategy can be incorporated into them? My guess is that the crossover is quite big, given the min cash aspect of DYMs but I’d really appreciate your thoughts, particularly on where strategy will diverge. Cheers!


Glad to hear you're having some success. DYMs (or DONs as they used to be called) are basically satellites: the strategy is exactly the same.Sky Matsuhashi realised this and bought my book to play them better and made a couple of videos, one a
and another of him

Hope these help!
Dara OKearney

Dara OKearney

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2019
Total posts
Hi Dara,

I'll apologise for the amount of questions.

With the advent of so many super late reg events accross almost all the networks I thought I'd ask you some questions.

Assuming all things being equal, is there any bad reason to max late reg a non PKO tournament?Particularly those that allow late reg until 10bb. Immediately our stack is worth more and with some super long late reg sites like 888 or GG we can almost stall very close to the money. Could we theoretically be very profitable regging up to 1bb ? Is the goal of max late regging as we have much less than average to min cash and then see what happens from there?

Is max late regging a higher variance route?

With the above sites with super late reg are we better off just late regging because our equity of players busting is shared by even those max late regging?Also, do big stacks suffer by long late reg as they can't open as wide etc ?

If we can max late reg a tournament for 5bb where either we can be 22/22 with 20 paid or 88 of 88 with 80 paid, which is better with all other things being equal(min cash, rough stack distribution) ? Is the 80 paid a better option with high icm?

Is it a good or bad thing being placed with all the new max late reg entrants on a new table (assuming they don't stall)? Would you prefer to be on a table with greater stacks?



These are excellent questions. To answer them:

(1) There's no real downside to max late regging. The ICM value of your chips is worth more than at the start (and therefore more than your buyin). This is largely down to you having a greater chance of min cashing, a better than at the start chance of a decent cash, and the same chance of winning (from a purely ICM point of view). The only drawback is in very soft tourneys the weaker players may punt before you have a chance to win their chips but the ICM benefit of late regging and the inherent advantages of being short (stealing fold equity from bigger stacks to have to play against each other) is usually far greater than this
(2) The variance question is a complicated one. If everyone was equally skilled I think max late regging actually reduces variance, and the additional ICM edge should also do this, but if for example you're a significantly better player 100 bigs deep than ten, this might negate that
(3) At sites with very late late reg you're better off doing that. Players who reg from the start lose significant equity to the late reggers (since it's a zero sum game: if you gain equity by late regging it must be at the expense of others)

(4) Big stacks do lose some equity. If they have 100 bbs but are opening into a field of late reggers with 10 bbs, they're playing 10 bbs effective too. However, near the bubble they gain ICM equity by being able to open wide into players they can bust
(5) I believe that the more prizes there are the bigger an edge we have when we max late reg. I can't run ICM for 88 runners left but I can verify that 8/8 with 6 paid is better than 4/4 with 3 paid so by extension I assume 88/88 with 80 paid is better than 22/22 with 20 paid.
(6) Roughly neutral EV I think to be on a max late reg table. You lose equity not being able to steal fold equity from big stacks, but you gain equity from being able to exert ICM pressure. But in reality it's probably bad as it's reasonable to assume the standard of other max late reggers will be higher than average.

Really great questions!
Dara OKearney

Dara OKearney

Poker Pro
Silver Level
Apr 11, 2019
Total posts
Hi Dara,

How do you measure how well you're doing in satellites (is it ROI like MTT's)?

What would be a sustainable win rate at low, medium & high stakes satellites?

Also great book, it has to be the best poker related purchase I've ever made. Looking forward to your new book.


Great questions.
(1) Yes, you measure success by ROI
(2) Sustainable win rates very much depends on a lot of factors like field size, softness, structure etc and I'm a little out of touch as I don't grind them full time like I used to but I will say they're way higher than people think. My historical ROIs are more than 1-00% at low stakes, 80% at mid stakes and 60% at high stakes. People played satellites much worse back then though so if I had to guess I'd go with 60% 40% and 20% these days

Glad you enjoyed the book and hope you enjoy "PKO Poker Strategy" as much!


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 13, 2017
Total posts
Hi dara

Learning a lot from these posts thanks for that.

My question is I usually play KO tournaments but lately I've tried hyper turbo KO and not had much luck because my knowledge of shoving ranges for hypers isn't too good atm. Would u suggest staying away from these or learning to become better at them. I've read that hypers are not that profitable. Is this true

Kind regards Deri
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