NBA Playoffs 2018



Bronze Level
Jan 23, 2009
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GoldenState Warriors make no excuses they are and will be the best team in the NBA..:reddy:
johnny tigre

johnny tigre

Silver Level
May 4, 2016
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Golden State Warriors, They are not building a dynasty, it already is. LOL


Bronze Level
Jan 23, 2009
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There is always GOLF if nothing else 2 watch :bebored:


Silver Level
Jul 20, 2016
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No more NBA and no football, what do we watch now? :boring:

Im still watching Lebron Highlights on youtube trying to figure out how he doesnt foul out of every game in his first 6 drives. Must be nice to literally stiff arm the defenders out of your way and the defender gets called for the foul lol.


Silver Level
May 10, 2018
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If the defenders didn't move, he would get called for charging. He gets called for it pretty often if the defender is set, it happened quite a bit in the playoffs, even at key times.

Im still watching Lebron Highlights on youtube trying to figure out how he doesnt foul out of every game in his first 6 drives. Must be nice to literally stiff arm the defenders out of your way and the defender gets called for the foul lol.


Silver Level
Mar 19, 2014
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Cleveland fan's I know I understand that: it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday, you guy's just couldn't see you were blinded it was just to Golden.


Silver Level
Jul 20, 2016
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If the defenders didn't move, he would get called for charging. He gets called for it pretty often if the defender is set, it happened quite a bit in the playoffs, even at key times.

Im not talking about him running into people. Im talking about him sticking his off arm, usually forearm, into the defenders chest, then pushing them away and propelling himself forward. He does it no less than a dozen times per game. Nearly everytime he drives. The announcers and espn are so unbelievably under his spell that they show highlights of him committing obvious fouls, but somehow they are still highlights of his greatness. This is one of the latest obvious ones. Played on espn at least 200 times.

So you have a guy in mid air with no one between him and the basket clearly going to dunk the ball. Lebron comes from a side angle, jumps not only right into his path which would be a blocking foul, but uses his left arm to push the defender backwards and stop his momentum entirely. Then bodies him, then hits almost his entire arm with his arm, and THEN gets 2 fingers on the ball. The defender is spun around and comes up several feet short of the basket. All this contact came before any touch of the ball and regardless of that touch a man jumped into another man from another angle in midair and creates all the contact and its a highlight reel instead of a foul?

A blocked shot never ever has been when you get to go through a mans body to get to the ball. Incidental contact after the ball is blocked is a maybe. This was as clear a foul as one can get and it happens over and over and over with lebron. He gets to use his off arm to completely deter offensive players and defensive players multiple times every game. You wont find one 30 point game from him this year where 15+ didnt come from him pushing defenders out of the way first. The sad part is he doesnt need to do it. Hes good enough to not need it. But this is why it "LOOKS" so easy for him. Its illegal and the nba looks the other way.

One more a travel, and a nfl style quality stiff arm, and yet another highlight played over and over on sportscenter

Nba travel rule. A gather step and 1 more this is considered 2 steps althought the rule is written as 1.5 steps. The gather step is the step taken while the dribble comes up into the hand and stops moving, then lebron takes 2 more as he shoves his defender out of the play entirely. Travel and offensive foul. The defender never tries to hook lebrons arm. He is even raising his arms to get away from the contact. But lebron initiates contact by leaning his shoulder in and putting his own arm under the defenders arm..........trying to draw a foul as usual......then he decides to just push him out of the way instead. Again..........totally different set of rules.
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Silver Level
May 10, 2018
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The first one could go either way. I don't see him pushing off though in that one he is freakishly strong, if he had pushed off on that block then he would have slammed the other player to the ground to his left. Watching that in real speed, I wouldn't have called a foul either. To me that's a fair block, and almost every iconic block you can find in history has the defender between them and the rim, then full body contact.

The second one is just about every player in the nba unfortunately... they might as well change the rule book and say 3 steps now because they let that slide 99 percent of the time for every player.


Silver Level
Jul 20, 2016
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The first one could go either way. I don't see him pushing off though in that one he is freakishly strong, if he had pushed off on that block then he would have slammed the other player to the ground to his left. Watching that in real speed, I wouldn't have called a foul either. To me that's a fair block, and almost every iconic block you can find in history has the defender between them and the rim, then full body contact.

The second one is just about every player in the nba unfortunately... they might as well change the rule book and say 3 steps now because they let that slide 99 percent of the time for every player.

Synopsis if Lebrons feet were set on the first video and the defensive position established, and he then went strait up, so long as not in the restricted area, then body contact would not have mattered. Defensive player is allowed to go strait up if he has his feet set and position established. Lebron comes from middle of the lane, jumps 1 footed from the restricted area, into the lane of the offensive player who is already airborn. The first ANYTHING that is contacted is lebrons left forearm into the offensive players chest and abdomen stopping his momentum toward the basket. That is a foul right there all by itself. Lebron never had any position established, he just literally jumps from top of restricted area to out in front of rozier and runs into his body. Notice the mans momentum was going to have his forarm and the ball over the rim for a dunk, but after lebrons forearm rozier is almost stopped entirely midair. Its not lebron touching the ball with his pinky and ring finger that stops rozier lol. The ball is barely touched. Its the 240lbs of lebron hitting a smaller man with arm and body then another arm to stops him.

If he hits ball, then hits offensive player I say biggy even though he never established position first. But when you run into a man in midair and the illegal contact with your off arm causes you to then even have a chance to make the block then its a foul and only a foul. I cant grab your shirt as you go by and take the ball from you and call it a steal. This one wasnt even close.

The 2nd video I agree it happens across the nba. Harden also gets to use his off arm like a battering ram.............but nobody and I mean nobody does it like Lebron. Beating your man use to mean faking him out or just speeding by him. It never meant pushing him out of the way then getting a free layup. Heck Lebron even complains he doesnt get a foul called on the guys he just pushed out of the way because their chest made contact with his stiff arm........and heck a lot of times he DOES get the foul as well lol.