Is the Iron Man bonus that is paid every 6 months just paid straight to your account? Is there any way of tracking this other than your iron man calender which just shows points? I can't find anywhere on FTP that mentions the 6 monthly bonuses.
They don't ever advertise it until the month right before it happens. I guess it's so if they wanted to they could not give it at any time but I can't even imagine the outcry if they decided not to.
As for the bonus (note not instant cash it must be cleared):
You'll need to hit at least bronze in the immediate month before (June or December) the bonus is given (July or January).
You'll get $25 for every bronze month you've had in the past 6 months, $50 for each silver, $75 for each gold, and $100 for each iron.
If you fail to get at least bronze in the month immediately before the bonus is given you get NOTHING!!!
The bonus has in the past cleared at .05/point but I really expect that will change to .04/point to be in line with all the other FT bonuses now. It has never effected rakeback in the past but that's never a given and they could always change that policy in the future.
You do NOT get bonus $$ credit for months were you buy a continuation month. You will get full credit for the month if you have to buy continuation days.
For the past 2 to 3 times FTP has given 45 days to clear the IM end of/mid year bonuses.