Platinum Level
the game of poker itself is a lottery by its very natureProgrammers I want to hear you the most.
Of course the official terms alegate that there is no manipulation of the cards dealt in online poker room tables. It actually says that (and this is only for the big poker sites) the dealing cards system is "as random as possible". Wait, is it totally random or not?
Folks, legal or not, I do believe our real experience more than "legal terms and conditions" drawn by the company lawyers. We are talking about multi milionare companies that has every resource available to circumvent the borders of legal burocarcy. Even though there is regulation, it doesn't mean they have no way of rigging and profiting by it in their softwares.
"They would loose all their players if it was rigged". No, because the players are dumb and the company too smart. "There are small poker sites that we have to worry about, but big ones like GG or PS would never do that". Really? Does that make any sense at all? Small companies get caught because they don't have the legal resources to back them up. As more money a company possess, more we have to worry, cause basically they can do whatever they want. You can say whatever you want, call me conspiratory, but in a capitalist system, this is a reality.
What grounds can we have to at least justify this allegations, if they say is not rigged? Math. Well, we are students of chance, probability, and I'm telling ya, with frequency I've seen with my own eyes some turnouts that math would disagree with.
But the insteresting thing would be to hear some software engineers, programmers, people that actually know how it is to manipulate, to PROGRAM this kind of system. Oh, the big letters are to make sure we're talking about something that can be pre-set, previously defined, architected, programmed. We are talking about something that is more than possible to be rigged within legal boundaries.
Tell us your opinion.
the luck factor is very high even if everything is seen and controlled