Hi ACR REP - soon poker will become legal on the National level in the USA - I hope you take these suggestions seriously to make America’s Card Room the best place to play POKER in the USA on-line. We are the customer - with that in mind - we will come play real $$$ games - if you offer what we need. We really do wish to spend time playing REAL games vs Freerolls -
So here is the suggestion for Freerolls - take the $$$ budgeted to Freerolls, maybe $240, and only have four Freerolls a day - with $60 for each distributed to the top 20% of players - actually $100 for each would be better - the 20% distribution is the key - not just the top 10 players.
Your WSOP steps are great - maybe you make the lower 0/7 WSOP step pay the top 1-3 players - the final two steps is where you just pay top one or two players - with cash for the third - but basically the STEPS are great that you offer them. I sure would like to represent ACR at the WSOP - as would all great POKER players.
All your RING games are great - I suggest no changes - sometimes I play them - but mostly I think your audience (customers) will be the tourney and Sit - And - Go players - I am biased toward those games. They are more FUN - which you should be trying to make ACR cardroom - just FUN for us!!!
Remember you customers when setting the games selections for tourneys and SnG games - I know $1.50 seems like a low starting level - but I Don’t see a lot of players ink those - I think 25 cent games and 50 cent games would be better for the average players - keep the higher level games - you could eliminate the hyper games - those are just for y’all to speed up games - why rush any POKER game? - the girls and I never play them.
These would be the basics of a great POKER site - you can add or keep the higher games as each player progresses - we may even deposit - if you upgrade the software to make it playable and secure - as a requirement you should require a deposit to ACR - before any funds or winnings are withdrawn - that make it fair for ACR and us!!!
Holidays are when Mose players have time to play POKER - I suggest you consider a special for each holiday - maybe a $500 Freeroll or a special game to/for tickets to one of the high $$$ tourneys - think about what appeal that would have for only a 25 cent entry - tickets given to the top 10%.
With your vision and help - ACR could be the BEST site for USA players and the world actually - but just if y’all are willing to make changes and prepare for the future.
Have a great day - and Thank you for listening to sippy!!
I am trying to make POKER better for the MOMS and POPS, the sit-ins - you know the players that can’t do much else in life that is left - help me if you can.