I have greatly reduced my playing at WPN for these reasons;
Tourneys have way too much clock; A tourney with 80 players should not be taking 5 hours to complete. For reference find a PLO8 tourney that starts at 11:20 pm (ET) nightly (thats 7:20pm my time).
Besides the clock issues, that particular game and all PLO8 games don't have ante's. That alone probably adds an hour to the game.
The clock issues are that you start everyone with x time in their clock, and while it might deplete over a few
hands, it gets pumped back up every blind level. --If you feel the need to pump it back up to starting levels, please change it to only once per hour.
As a US player I am sort of limited in what I can wish for, but I found that the Chico Network now has BOOST games which actually plays a little bit faster than ZOOM at stars.
So, until I hear that you (WPN) have reduced those clock time issues and come up with a clean (no gimmicks) speed game, I won't be playing all that much at WPN. I play at least one session a day, and it used to be that WPN got 90% of my sessions. Now it is maybe 20%.