Another try to improve my stack. No time due to Christmas visits ahead, so jammed AJo and JTs calls.
First double up ✅
Then AQo and raise to 4 BBs over a fish limper. Someone 3-bet jams for 14 BBs and ofc fish calls. I decide to 4-bet jam for 50 BBs.
Fish has me covered and calls. He reveals 98s (🤣), 3-bettor gets in with 66.
Flop brings a 9 and river a 6. GG to me. 🤪
First double up ✅
Then AQo and raise to 4 BBs over a fish limper. Someone 3-bet jams for 14 BBs and ofc fish calls. I decide to 4-bet jam for 50 BBs.
Fish has me covered and calls. He reveals 98s (🤣), 3-bettor gets in with 66.
Flop brings a 9 and river a 6. GG to me. 🤪