Bitcoin for idiots
It wasn't too long ago that I found myself way way behind the curve. I thought I was reasonably intelligent and understanding bitcoin would be easy.
It actually isn't all that complicated, but there were several things I had to convince myself of before I took the plunge.
[A little preface is necessary]
The first was my notion of value. I grew up in a cash world and had to learn about credit when it because easy in the 70's. Prior to that credit was not easy! It was not standardized in almost any sense of the word.
So having cash in hand is having something we all accept has value. It spends the easiest of all mediums of exchange, still easier than credit cards. Having a good credit line has value to you, but it has more value to the folks you have debt obligations to. Your credit has a lot of future value to others.
OK, so I accepted that Credit was almost as good as cash in hand.
Then bitcoin came along and I found myself needing to understand why it has value. Read a bunch of stuff on just what 'value' is and what it means. Also read all about money and its history as a medium of exchange.
Remember that all mediums of exchange trace their roots back to the barter system, which at its most basic is just a tit for tat, or I'll do something for you if you do something for me, or I want this, and I'll trade some other this for it.
The barter system worked fine for eons. But it's problems were that sometimes what you wanted wasn't available right then, or you didn't need the carpenter to build you another house. So tokens (think broadly here) were substituted for some unit of value that was agreed on by all parties in a variety of deals.
Blah blah blah (history of money is actually not that exciting) and we discover a lot of way for these 'mediums of exchange' to fail. And they failed a lot!. It wasn't till the 20th century that any sense of true stability arose.
Primarily thru the ages precious metals (gold, silver, copper, bronze, etc) were the portable means of money. There were lots of other things that worked as the tokens of exchange, most failed.
Interesting fact; Paper money wasn't a known thing until after the New World was discovered by Northern Europeans.
In the meantime 'notes' came along, and they are nothing more than promises to do such and such in exchange for this or that'.
They have value because people believed in those promises.
There really is NO thing on this planet that has ultimate value! Gold only has the value you are willing to ascribe to it.
Value for all things will fluctuate according to need.
more blah blah blah and we end up with the US dollar being the closest thing on this planet to something that has a stable transportable value. You can be a skeptical as you want but that is a fact. Carefully crafted monetary policies hammered out over the last 300 or so years, has left the state of world's finances in the
hands of those who control the printing of the US Dollar.
Don't get all paranoid, about that, it works, and probably should require about the same crain commitment as you give to wanting to know how your meat really gets to your table.
OK, so we trust that the USD has value, and credit has value. How do we know that bitcoin has value?
It has value because it can do stuff that the other mediums of exchange can't do, or won't do.
Since you are reading this here, at a
poker forum, you may not understand bitcoin. While I wondered that a month ago, I now realize I don't really need to understand everything about bitcoin.
[End of that preface]
If you are willing to accept bitcoin for something and someone else is willing to give you bitcoin for something, then it has value. It really is that simple. It has value to both of you.
By now I assume everyone knows it is a digital thing. There are a zillion articles you can find about the mechanics of how it got to where it is and google is your friend.