Silver Level
It's miners fees to verify the transactionthanks for sharing this important information with us my friend.
It's miners fees to verify the transactionthanks for sharing this important information with us my friend.
Thanks for info. I've been looking for answers to some of the questions about bitcoin and depositing and with drawing with such.Hi, I am the ACR Rep. We do not charge any fees for crypto currency transactions. However, there is a mining fee for sending/ receiving cryptos. Those charges that were applied to you might be coming from your wallet. I suggest you to contact them directly to get further details on this. Let me know if you have any other question and I will happily assist you.
So. How long before BTC become entirely worthless? I would guess about another year or so. Opinions?
So. How long before BTC become entirely worthless? I would guess about another year or so. Opinions?
Just a counter opinion here:
Her opinion is just a bunch of libertarian bullshit.
She’s deadly afraid of inflation in a world where inflation is still too low in Japan and Europe despite significant efforts by their central banks. Here in Switzerland interest rates are still massively negative and inflation is still about zero.
why are you so afraid of Bitcoin? do you like to give your money to someone else to control it? or you are one of those middlemen?
I’m afraid that it will ruin little people at the expense of a few ruthless scammers. That’s all.
Also, government issued money works great. There is no need for an alternative. Certainly one that works as badly as bitcoin.
what about the big problems in Argentina or Venezuela the banning from FMI to some countries. actual monetary system depends on trust to politician, i don't need to give the control of my action to third parties. in terms of money you just have luck of living in Switzerland ( at least for now).
Bitcoin as currency is the only one that has kept value in the last 10 years while all other Fiat currencies lose value constantly.
and yes scammers are scammers is your problem if you want to risk your money in doubtful business, in crypto there are a lot of garbage ( Bitcoin Cash, Tron, Ripple (technically is a security), Bytecoin for example), if you want to trade or invest you can win or lose money in any type of markets and even winning in scam models.
Hey folks, I have been searching for a thread that talks about cryptocurrency investing, news, and mining, but I haven't found one.
Hopefully this will be a good thread for crypto enthuisist to share their knowledge about anything cryptocurrency related. All is welcomed! Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Dash (DASH), Monero (XMR), and any others that you can think of.
I play no limit coin poker, they are a crypto site and have a free roll in about 1 hr but run all day long. You can buy in w credit card and they have WSOP ME satellites non stop. They pay out coin that you can sell for BTC.
Hello, want open a curency wallet but totaly out of this, anyone have a simple tuto to know how open, deposit ...
Hello, want open a curency wallet but totaly out of this, anyone have a simple tuto to know how open, deposit ...
I'm actually in french polynesia, I open a Coinbase account but they said I can't buy crypto, I open a account on bitpanda too, it's same thing. with all that I really don't know how it's work between buy and trade. thank you for your repply btw.
Bitpay has suspended all cash services, ATM, POS etc since March 8, 2019. I was told by Bitpay phone support to make an ACH debit transfer but my bank said that is only for business use, not personal. It is really shady and not to mention a pain in the azz not to have access to my cash once bitcoin is transferredto Bitpay's debit card.
Is the Bitpay Debit Card on its way out?? Would love to know what others think....thank you.