Personally I cannot see On-line Poker being improved with the intervention of AI, I have never fully trusted any
poker site to be 100% honest especially when you play for big Stakes, They certainly wouldn't bother to rip off Micro stake games as the rewards just wouldn't be viable. Unless of course they did it all the time? Who knows?
But in all reality playing against AI would be impossible, if the AI is part of the Program, there would be no use
bluffing if the AI knew the outcome of the hand before it is even dealt. I used to play chess against a computer and it took me hours to find the reason why I constantly lost against it, It was programmed to always play an attacking game and the only way I could beat it was to play exactly the same way, always making an attacking move, Playing a defensive move was a trap and once it had the lead, you could never win.
I feel Poker would be even worse, especially as the AI would be in control of the program and could control what cards hit the River, You think there are too many bad beats now, You would see a hell of a lot more if you were playing against a computer player.
I don't have any Ideas as to how on-line Poker could be improved, maybe GG Poker has the right idea where they are in control of the type of help you get from the software like giving you the added advantage that other players get from Poker programs. Having the same advantage as players who use compatible software.