Rock Star
Platinum Level
actually last freeroll I had only 9,5 bb and guy with huge stack made a rase I had J6 suited and because my stack was so short and big blind was coming to me I was like "Please, fold and let me just take this 4bb" so I go all in but he snap call with AA and I got straight Q10987 board. That was amazing. But then I had AQ and go all in for 17bb and same guy calls with A10 and gots his chips back because he hitted two pair. Funny poker)))i faced similar situation. i was tempted to go all in with QQ, but i folded. KK won against AA & AK. Many times i have seen AA lost to mediocre hands.
My worst defeat with AA is against 8 J offsuit.
i got shocked. i never expected someone goes all in with that hand.