About the same way I behave, only when I have experience playing with the opponent (notes on it), I can play it differently.In terms of procedure versus rules, I believe guidelines are true in terms of shoving ranges and then there are the absolute minimums that are going to be profitable to shove regardless of your opponent (Ie hands that I would shove regardless of any specific knowledge of my opponents because they are so +EV). An example of that that first pops in my mind of a rule that I will always shove (or play in some way) any Ace for ten bbs or less in the small blind (with the exception of very extreme ICM situations). Someone’s procedure in that case could be something as simple as shoving wide with 10bbs in the small blind.
I try to avoid looking at run outs whenever possible. I don’t find that much good really can come from it. We should be focusing on making the correct plays, getting our money in correctly and then zooming out to the long run when we will win the % of the time we’re supposed to. If we watch every run out, I’ve found it’s very easy to feel like we’re running bad. The negative is unfortunately way more remembered than when we ourselves suck out on someone, which is just human nature. So for me personally, I always try to avoid watching run outs, though I can’t help but peek in the big spots