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Hi, I found this class very interesting. I don't quite understand the calculations. But from what I've been able to figure out is that as the game happens, in its phases, Pre flop, flop, turn river, the range of hands tends to either win or lose equity. Faced with this reality it is necessary to know how to regulate the bets to catch the pot. As in the example of the book if the hero had bet all in preflop could have won the pot, but as allowed the villain to grow his equity, ended up losing in showdon. If I'm wrong please direct me.
You are correct in that the hand loses in the book. But, that's not important. If they had gotten all-in, and the 65s had called, he would still lose on that board. But, more importantly, he isn't getting all-in preflop against 65s. If had shoved all-in, the 65s would usually just fold. You win 30 chips with AA. What a waste!
This flop happens to be exceptionally good for 6h5h. It would be very hard to get 65h to fold on this flop without over-playing your one pair hand. The AA still puts in money when he is good and folds when he is bad. Ignore the fact that the river was the 3h. If the river was the 9s, you would be thrilled to have played it this way. Equity is just part of the equation to find expected value. You need to go for the way that makes you the most money.
Hmmm...I get the concept, got 4/4 on the quiz. Interested to see where this concept goes. Are people really using software while they play? Downloaded Equilab and played around a little. Not going to be able to play turbo anymore.
I don't think this is an example of over-valuing a pair. In total, the player with AA only lost 18 big blinds in this hand (15 if you look at post-flop). And, this board isn't bad for AA. It's good for 6h5h, but it's still not bad for AA.
both types of actions are very interesting, but I used to base it on the value of can to see how many I’m betting and not my stack
. Are people really using software while they play? Downloaded Equilab and played around a little.
Typically used off the tables while reviewing HandHistories. Sites like Stars are able to detect if you even have something like Pokerstove, Equilab open on your computer (I wasn't aware of this and was analyzing a hand one time... 'awhile after it'd been played... & from a different site I was playing on & immediately I had a message pop up on my screen from Stars, letting me know I was getting a warning for it (I emailed & explained my situation but don't even analyze HH's on the computer I use for playing poker now.... instead I go over stuff on my laptop while studying).
fwiw, I'm still sorta stuck on using Pokerstove (although it is does not do as much as the others) - - super simple, easy to use.
Typically used off the tables while reviewing HandHistories. Sites like Stars are able to detect if you even have something like Pokerstove, Equilab open on your computer (I wasn't aware of this and was analyzing a hand one time... 'awhile after it'd been played... & from a different site I was playing on & immediately I had a message pop up on my screen from Stars, letting me know I was getting a warning for it (I emailed & explained my situation but don't even analyze HH's on the computer I use for playing poker now.... instead I go over stuff on my laptop while studying).
fwiw, I'm still sorta stuck on using Pokerstove (although it is does not do as much as the others) - - super simple, easy to use.
Sites like Stars are able to detect if you even have something like Pokerstove, Equilab open on your computer (I wasn't aware of this and was analyzing a hand one time... 'awhile after it'd been played... & from a different site I was playing on & immediately I had a message pop up on my screen from Stars, letting me know I was getting a warning for it (I emailed & explained my situation but don't even analyze HH's on the computer I use for playing poker now.... instead I go over stuff on my laptop while studying).
fwiw, I'm still sorta stuck on using Pokerstove (although it is does not do as much as the others) - - super simple, easy to use.
I guess you can use some programms like this , not at the same PC that you play the games (on Stars on anywhere else ) , but at a laptop next you , maybe android tablet or whatever . So what's the point of Stars forbidding some softwares , cannot get it .
I also had such a problem , by mistake I did it , I emailed them told them I didn't did this on purpose , didn;t play not even one hand , won't repeat it and everything is fine
Some programs like Equilab are very usefull if you are familiar with their use , i want to try this
Fold equity , tournament equity , our hand equity vs a range of villain's hands , very important concepts . I like especially the fold equity , I want to make them fold many times especially short stack , cause they call ATC for a flip , almost all in but not quite (half blind or 1 blind in the stack) in some circumstances save my tournament life , sometimes i like doing it online![]()
These were my answers to the quiz on day 4
1) Killdonk's equity in percentage is 8.8%.
2) Killdonk's chips equity is approximately 47 chips.
3) I would say that there is not much fold equity because Ralph487 will find it difficult to fold his top pair, although since we don't know what type of player the villain is, I think it will depend on the size of the bet.
4) Killdonk will win 531 plus the chips he bet.
I answered the first three correctly but I didn't understand that the gain in chips was referring to the difference between the total pot minus Killdonk's equity in chips.
See you on day 5!!!
Day 4 is very interesting. (1) 8.8% (2) 46 (3) I agree (4) 484. Fairly simple with to % showing, requiring Pot odds % like through Equilad seems overwhelming at first glance. I suppose if you master this system you can be labelled a card counter?
Interesting chapter. I've had to go over this a few time as I am not sure I fully grasp this. My thought is this and correct me if I am wrong as I feel +73% Equity on this thought.
Clearly a great way to study to understand + EV and - EV situations to learn and make sure you are putting yourself in + EV spots and not in - EV spots. It is not the exact math you need to figure out in game situations but knowing the concept and therefore being able to approximate the situation at hand and decide whether you are + or - EV?
73% equity on this thought haha that’s great![]()
It is exactly right though so you are now at 100% equity. The key thing is understanding the concept; so long as you’re good on how it works, you’re more than ready to keep progressing in the course!
Let's say in a very very dry flop, do I have a very good fold equity against my opponent when I'm playing in position?