Ask Evan Jarvis Anything About Learning Poker!

Amanda A

Amanda A

Bronze Level
Feb 23, 2016
Total posts
Hey Evan,
Just following up on the topic of late reg you touched on in your stream last night. You were saying that it's personal preference as to how many big blinds is enough to enter a tourney.
Late reg is certainly very appealing. It beats playing 4 hours in some the micro tourneys on ACR :) And there's the added benefit that you haven't busted yet in a 2000+ people tourney where there's say 560 left. That's a kind of advantage right there.
So I've jumped in late a few times and gotten ok results, cashing but not making it really deep in the $2 8K GTD Daily Special . I feel like running deep is possible if things work out and I win another flip or 2 so I'll keep trying :) Most of the time I'm only coming in with about 25 bigs and looking for a good spot to shove or reshove and get lucky. I'm just wondering if there's a better way if I come in with a few more bigs.
If you late reg a tourney and come in with 40 BB, what spots are you looking for? Do you play 40 BB the same way as a really deep stack or are there certain things you don't want to do and certain hands you might play differently? What about if you come in with 30 bigs? With 20 are you just looking for a good reshove spot? Should you still over limp with spec hands or not? Do you have any videos on late reg strategy? I guess these are similar considerations to stack size but there are other things going on as well, with the bubble drawing near. Sorry about this very long winded question :)
Have a great weekend! Cheers, A


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Mar 29, 2020
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Hi Evan, got another question for you - how do you play small connected and suited hands such as 34s or 23o? Do you consider them as garbage hands or is there any spot where you would actually play with such hands?
Amanda A

Amanda A

Bronze Level
Feb 23, 2016
Total posts
Hey Evan,
This is my 1000th post! YAY!!!! Just wanted to say your stream on twitch is the best. Love it! It's totally inspiring, and I've learned so much. You are a great teacher as well as an awesome player. It's so cool to be playing at your table, and see it all on twitch. Makes me want to go study and come back better and stronger next time. Thank you for giving us microstakers so much fun and for being so generous with your efforts to make us better players. I've noticed a few cardschat regs in your homegame and I'm sure there will be more! :) Cheers, A


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Feb 29, 2016
Total posts
Hi Evan, I would like to know what should be the best strategy to face the final stages of a multitable tournament. Thank you


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 2, 2016
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Hi bablovod,

I invite you to take a look at your motivations for playing poker.

If your motivation is related to playing for excitement or playing for a rush, then this behavior makes complete sense. You're giving yourself a chance to win a big pot.

Likewise if your motivation is fear based, making plays like this is also common because it prevents you from having to think/act on later streets and potentially make more mistakes.

Thinking thru a hand takes a lot of mental energy, the same way keeping your willpower takes a lot of mental energy. When your mental energy is depleted we go back to our default behaviors (be it maniacal or mouse like). It sounds like you're more on the aggro side of the spectrum.

It's likely that discipline is not just an issue on the poker table but in life in general. I invite you to look at areas where you like discipline and look for simpler ways to build it up. i.e making your bed in the morning, following any kind of exercise routine, staying away from stimulating/addictive things, and so on.

Doing this will build the habit of discipline which will naturally carry over into your poker game. And building discipline will also build your ability to learn, at which point you can get into the finer points of strategy.

For now I would really ask yourself, why you play poker, what your motivation is, and where the easiest places to start building more discipline in your life would be. And from there enjoy the rewards that come with it if you choose to embark on that journey.

Hope that helps!

This text does not refer to me but in any case I thank you for your effort in helping other people in aspects that are not just about poker.

Gratitude and solidarity are qualities that are unfortunately found in few people, especially in a competitive environment.

I do not know if you have a religion but that you profoundly benefit twice in the size of your support.

I subscribed to the channel and now I'm going to watch the videos very carefully.


Silver Level
May 16, 2020
Total posts
Hello! I'd like to know how should i play in the middle of the tournament. Thanks
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Guys, tell me how to stay calm at the poker table when your pocket aces moved and you have a very short stack left.

Accept before you start playing at all that there is a good chance at some point you will bust out of the tournament. Don't fear the end, embrace the opportunity to get in the action.

Fear of busting out prevents you from playing your best game. A fearless willingness to mix it up and take chances is what will get you deeper and not being on a short stack.

As for having Aces, put the money in and hope for the best.
As for not having aces, check out this video for some tips

Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
My question is if you think it is better to play in a single poker room and concentrate well in that room and all its variables or play in several poker rooms :confused:...

When you are starting out it's worth playing on a few different rooms for a few reasons

#1 Taking advantage of deposit bonuses and new player promotions, if you have a solid strategy for cashing tournaments you can pick up quite a bit of value doing this

#2 Finding which software YOU like the most. Only by playing around will you find the site that feels best to you, and once you find it that's a good place to focus most of your effort.

As for building a bankroll here's some more info that should help!

Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hi. I have a question: How do you regulate your sessions by time? The point is this: I play one session for about 1.5 hours, and I win. But. If I play for, say, about 3 hours, I go back to my original buy-in. I don't know why, but I'm losing my concentration. That's probably why I don't play tournaments. I can't find my concentration. It's not about the number of tables. I can play both one table and 6. How do You handle it? How do you set yourself up? Thanks.

When I started playing i only played SNGs because my focus could only last 1 hour.

After a few years of playing I was able to do longer sessions so I moved to cash games, but i kept my play to 2-3 hours (as I saw a big drop off in my skill level after this).

I learned that the more effort I put into setting up a good play environment, the easier it was to put in longer sessions (but there was still a limit to how much I could play)

And when I tried MTTs at first... I had the exact same issue you did.

That's why I started studying diet, nutrition and exercise. It's only by having a mastery of these things that one can really perform at a high level for an extended period.

Some quick tips are having tea during your session so you can keep your blood sugar balanced, and also listening to music that energizes you. These things will help greatly as music nourishes the soul and herbs nourish the body. Having some healthy snacks around like avocados, almonds and fruits will also help (just make sure to not eat too much at once)
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
if you have funds on multiple sites, do you use a bankroll management plan for each individual bankroll or is based on your total bank roll. lets say your brm plan is 100x buy-ins for mtts.

for example, if you had a $500 bankroll but it's divvied up as such:

  • site a: $100
  • site b: $170
  • site c: $90
  • side d: $240
do you allow yourself to play up to $5 mtts because of your total bankroll or can you only play, for example, up to.90 mtts on site c and up to $2 games on site d?

2 things to consider

#1 can you move the bankrolls around easily (if yes than it's no problem)
#2 will you be mentally affected by losing 5% of the bankroll on one site

If you will not be affected and it's easy to move the money when needed then by all means play the bigger games.

It's only if you start to make poor decisions or get into chasing mode when you see the cashier dip by significant percentages that you would benefit to sticking with the smaller abi.

How strong is your mental game and are you able to play without looking at the cashier? If they're good to go then make the plan, stick with it, and once a big score comes in on one site go about re-allocating the bankroll across the sites :rock:
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hi Evan, got another question for you - how do you play small connected and suited hands such as 34s or 23o? Do you consider them as garbage hands or is there any spot where you would actually play with such hands?

I pretty much never play 23o. The only time I play 34s is when facing a raise from the big blind getting extremely good pot odds OR when an absolutely terrible player who is sitting deepstacked has opened (in this case the implied odds make it worth it, but I must be on the button to guarantee position for the hand).

Here is a video where I go thru the tiers of hands and how I like to rank them

Skip to 21:00 for the section on hand ranking :)
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hi Evan, I would like to know what should be the best strategy to face the final stages of a multitable tournament. Thank you

Hello! I'd like to know how should i play in the middle of the tournament. Thanks

Hey Guys!

Both of these are covered in my MTT Video Guide

How to approach the middle stages of multi-table tournaments. This includes:
  • Learning how to read and react to the table
  • Advanced chip accumulation techniques
  • How and when to change gears
  • How to play the bubble with various stack sizes

How to approach the late stages of multi-table tournaments. This includes:
  • Late stage tournament checklist
  • Transitioning into closing mode
  • Final table bubble play with various stack sizes
  • Adjusting to shorthanded play

If you'd be interested in getting a free copy of the guide just send me an email and I can hook you up with a copy.

The main thing is paying attention to your opponents and picking your spots. Based on how they are playing, how experienced they are, and how much they care about the money involved different opportunities will be available to make chips!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hey Evan,
This is my 1000th post! YAY!!!! Just wanted to say your stream on twitch is the best. Love it! It's totally inspiring, and I've learned so much. You are a great teacher as well as an awesome player. It's so cool to be playing at your table, and see it all on twitch. Makes me want to go study and come back better and stronger next time. Thank you for giving us microstakers so much fun and for being so generous with your efforts to make us better players. I've noticed a few cardschat regs in your homegame and I'm sure there will be more! :) Cheers, A

I so appreciate that you chose to make your 1000th post here with me.
Much love to you Amanda <3

I appreciate your kind words so much and would like you to know that it's always a pleasure to see you in the stream. Thank you for sharing some of your online poker times with me!

Enjoy the new level, you legend you!


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 21, 2020
Total posts
When I started playing i only played SNGs because my focus could only last 1 hour.

After a few years of playing I was able to do longer sessions so I moved to cash games, but i kept my play to 2-3 hours (as I saw a big drop off in my skill level after this).

I learned that the more effort I put into setting up a good play environment, the easier it was to put in longer sessions (but there was still a limit to how much I could play)

And when I tried MTTs at first... I had the exact same issue you did.

That's why I started studying diet, nutrition and exercise. It's only by having a mastery of these things that one can really perform at a high level for an extended period.

Some quick tips are having tea during your session so you can keep your blood sugar balanced, and also listening to music that energizes you. These things will help greatly as music nourishes the soul and herbs nourish the body. Having some healthy snacks around like avocados, almonds and fruits will also help (just make sure to not eat too much at once)

Thank you so much. I will definitely use the advice. Well, I will try to play less tables. Thanks.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
May 22, 2020
Total posts
Question on this hand in ACR

Hi, want to ask why this hand is splitted?


Bronze Level
Oct 20, 2016
Total posts
Hey Cardschatters!

I have been teaching playing poker for over 15 years and teaching it for 10 on my youtube channel. I absolutely love teaching poker and helping players improve their game.

I know first hand how frustrating it can be to have a question which you can't get the answer to and how much it can drive a mind nuts. So I'm here to offer my experience and services to help put your busy mind at rest and help you build confidence in your self and your poker game.

Over the past 5 years I have made 100 Q+A videos in

If you've got a question that hasn't already been made into a video please post it here and I will give you a written response, and if you're lucky I might even make a video on it too!

Looking forward to being of service and helping you reach your goals in poker, be it to be the best player in the room, or simply to have more fun with your friends.

Let's Get Stackin!

I got few main questions that may be a lot of people to bother about it how to be professional how long it will take approximately and it is possible to be professional online without online tools and how about health issues. Moreover, I have a question about how many hours of daily practicing will help to reach better levels and do you think that reading poker books give some kind of value to play more quality games.
Amanda A

Amanda A

Bronze Level
Feb 23, 2016
Total posts
Hi Evan, thanks for your reply!
By the way, your code worked on sharkscope. Thank you!!!! I got 15% off a silver subscription for 3 months. YAY!!!! Also, I saw on your stream how you get a free twitch sub through Amazon prime (which I got recently because I'm trying to stay in and consequently ordering a lot of stuff online). Anyway, I think I hooked it up so I'm a subscriber now. YAY!!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
For the more serious Tournament Players out there I just finished an in-depth review of the Bounty Beast PKO Masterclass from Raise Your Edge

It goes very in depth on ICM, KO Strategy and all things Math in MTTs. It's a really great program and I just wanted to share it with you all!

I also have a sneak peek video inside the Tournament Masterclass as well which was the first program I took from Raise Your Edge which really re-ignited my MTT fire!

They're running a sale until the end of the month, check it out in the videos!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hi, want to ask why this hand is splitted?
View attachment 271047

You are likely sitting at a PLO8 table (emphasis on the 8)

In this game half the pot is awarded to the high hand and half is awarded to the low hand (provided the low hand is 5 cards 8 or below).

In this hand there was a qualifying low and so they won half the pot while the high hand won the other half :2in1:
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hi Evan, thanks for your reply!
By the way, your code worked on sharkscope. Thank you!!!! I got 15% off a silver subscription for 3 months. YAY!!!! Also, I saw on your stream how you get a free twitch sub through Amazon prime (which I got recently because I'm trying to stay in and consequently ordering a lot of stuff online). Anyway, I think I hooked it up so I'm a subscriber now. YAY!!

Awesome, Awesome and Super Duper Awesome!! :lollypop:

Enjoy those new emotes!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
I got few main questions that may be a lot of people to bother about it how to be professional how long it will take approximately and it is possible to be professional online without online tools and how about health issues. Moreover, I have a question about how many hours of daily practicing will help to reach better levels and do you think that reading poker books give some kind of value to play more quality games.

Anyone can be a professional, it's not a matter of 'how long it takes' so much as 'when do you start behaving like a professional and treating it like a job'

Regarding health issues it is pretty much the same with any intense job at a computer. If you are able to live a healthy balanced life away from the computer then you won't have health issues. If however you are addicted to the computer and never go outside or eat well then certainly you will have health issues.

I think if you're serious about this you should be putting in at least 4 hours a day of quality study or quality practice. Anything less than that and you are doing it part time, you can still make money at it but you will not be able to consider yourself a professional.

Hope that answers your questions!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
What method do you use in the study of poker? Book or Internet?

I use a mix of both

I have read about 25 poker books and I have watched thousands of hours of videos.

I prefer to study on the computer during the day and to 'warm my mind up' before playing. And I prefer to read books in the evening as they are easier on my eyes and also the more structure organized learning I find is assembled very easily during my sleep time.

For you it will be whatever you prefer or maybe you will end up doing a mix like me!


Platinum Level
Mar 19, 2010
Total posts
Expected Value

Hi Evan,

Hope you are having a good one. Kudos to you for taking the time to help us, Im sure it can become time consuming.

I wanted to ask if there is a quick way to figure out your EV preflop and/or on any of the subsequent streets.

i have read several articles on the subject but some of the formulas I have seen out there seem a bit complex to quickly do a calculation.

Do you use any particular method to come to a quick calculation of your optimal EV? or is it just a matter of having memorized many of the scenarios that you have run into?

Thank you.

PS you're an awesome teacher, I recently went to your youtube channel to give it a "like" after you mentioned something about it on twitch recently, the least I can do.