Evan Jarvis
Platinum Level
To what extent do you think the fear of failure can hinder your best performance in the game?
Happy Saturday everyone!
Fear of failure is a MASSIVE block to success in poker. Anyone who has fear of failure is unable to take chances, unable to take risks, and unable to accept the small losses along the way that lead to building big fortunes.
It is essential to embrace potential loss, potential mistakes, potential 'failure' or whatever you want to call them for your opportunity to grow as a player, and as a person.
We tend to learn the most in life from our biggest losses and most painful experiences, so to actively avoid them is to rob ourselves of our potential growth as people and of the wisdom we can benefit from financially for many years to come.
When you have fear of failure you are playing not to lose, and that is very different than playing to win. Glory goes to those who gamble and if you aren't willing to embrace variance and a little bit of uncertainty, then certainly this isn't the right game for you
hope that helps, and happy sunday!