Ask Evan Jarvis Anything About Learning Poker!

Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
To what extent do you think the fear of failure can hinder your best performance in the game?

Happy Saturday everyone!

Fear of failure is a MASSIVE block to success in poker. Anyone who has fear of failure is unable to take chances, unable to take risks, and unable to accept the small losses along the way that lead to building big fortunes.

It is essential to embrace potential loss, potential mistakes, potential 'failure' or whatever you want to call them for your opportunity to grow as a player, and as a person.

We tend to learn the most in life from our biggest losses and most painful experiences, so to actively avoid them is to rob ourselves of our potential growth as people and of the wisdom we can benefit from financially for many years to come.

When you have fear of failure you are playing not to lose, and that is very different than playing to win. Glory goes to those who gamble and if you aren't willing to embrace variance and a little bit of uncertainty, then certainly this isn't the right game for you :)

hope that helps, and happy sunday!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hey Evan,

I just wanted to take a second to thank you for everything you do. For you to give so much of your time to help other poker plays improve their game is really a awesome thing. I was reading through this entire post and the thing that stood out to me was that not only did you respond to everyone's questions but you took the time to give in-depth and detailed answers in every one of your responses. I hope you realize how much all of your work is appreciated. I'm at a relatively early stage in my poker journey were my wallet couldn't support hiring a private trainer. For a while now I've been using your videos and articles to grow my understanding of the game which has really improved every aspect of my poker game. I still have a long way to go but thanks in large part to you Im heading down the right path. So please keeping doing what you do for as long as you possibly can because you really are helping so many people. Thanks again.

Thank you oh so much deeznutts. I really appreciate receiving feedback like this and it's messages like this that motivate me to keep doing what I'm doing.

I'm really glad that you have been receiving great benefit from the knowledge and wisdom I share, and I enjoy playing with you in the homegames as well!

See you 2 sundays from now, and every sunday thereafter. We about to get superstackin!


Silver Level
May 10, 2011
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Thanks a lot for taking the time to write a very insightly and helpful message, Evan! Things to reflect on...

Happy Sunday and may God bless you!


Silver Level
Nov 28, 2019
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Good afternoon. I want to ask for advice, tell me what you need to use poker software for training and how best to spend your time regarding practice and training. Suppose now I have an amount of $ 100 which I am ready to invest in software or buy a trainer from a trainer. What is the best way to use your resources?


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 13, 2020
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cash have less variance

I have a question about my bankroll I have $ 100 how to play tournaments or cash game
I recommend you cash to start building your bank, with 100 usd you have 50 tickets, which is more than enough for nl2 if you have a solid and conservative game


Silver Level
Nov 28, 2019
Total posts
I recommend you cash to start building your bank, with 100 usd you have 50 tickets, which is more than enough for nl2 if you have a solid and conservative game

You do not understand, I have $ 100 not for bankroll. And for training or for some kind of software to invest in the development of yourself
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Good afternoon. I want to ask for advice, tell me what you need to use poker software for training and how best to spend your time regarding practice and training. Suppose now I have an amount of $ 100 which I am ready to invest in software or buy a trainer from a trainer. What is the best way to use your resources?

First piece of software to invest in should be Pokertracker 4 (it has a 30 day free trial and during that time you can likely recoup the cost of it)

In terms of courses I would start with my free one
In that video you'll also learn how you can get my cash and MTT courses for Free

Then for more advanced training material I like
1) From the Ground up by Run it Once
2) membership (where I make videos along with many coaches)

Between all this your investment is still quite small money wise ($100-150) and the time investment is reasonable. Start with the free courses, then the advanced courses, and then keep fresh by doing PC quizzes and getting feedback from our discord groups.

Hope that helps, and wish you the best in your poker endeavours!


Silver Level
Mar 18, 2020
Total posts
Hi Evan.I have a question about the late stage of the tournament.Many play fold, rarely seen turn.Is it worth it to increase the range of your hands in order to enter the game more often and steal the Bank?Or is this stage worth playing carefully, only with a good hand, because the game is played only with a good card, in most cases?


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jul 28, 2018
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How to not get "lost" in the mid stage of the tournament? There's been way to many MTT's I start really good, like getting 200bb and something is happening that I lose a good portion of my stack didn't even realising it😔


Rock Star
Silver Level
Feb 21, 2016
Total posts
Preflop: Holding A-x

Hi Evan,

I'm a long-time fan and I learned a lot from you these past few years. Tyvm, fellow knit!

So, I have a question. I do this thing in NLHE, which I haven't seen any poker coaches allude to, which is that if I hold A-x preflop (even if it's a weak Ace and unsuited and I'm in early position) and I haven't seen an Ace in the prior 2-3 flops, I'll play it because theoretically an Ace should fall on the flop approximately once every three flops. I even would shove, or call shove, with my mid-stack.

Or, I would fold my ATs/o short-stacked to a shove if I saw that an Ace had shown up in the previous flop/turn/river.

And I'd do this, i.e., watch the frequency of a King or a Queen showing up on the flop, too.



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 11, 2020
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How do you determine if a player has a set?
If more than one factor, what are the factors from greatest to least.


Silver Level
Mar 27, 2020
Total posts

Как определить, есть ли у игрока сет?
Если более одного фактора, то каковы факторы от наибольшего к наименьшему.
It depends on who you play. For example, against a newcomer it will be difficult to determine the set by the rate you can find out. And against a professional he can do a check and then lure him to an allin.:)
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hi Evan.I have a question about the late stage of the tournament.Many play fold, rarely seen turn.Is it worth it to increase the range of your hands in order to enter the game more often and steal the Bank?Or is this stage worth playing carefully, only with a good hand, because the game is played only with a good card, in most cases?

Hi Borataylor, great question

In the late stages of a tournament it's very important to pay attention to stack sizes and your opponents play style. When you are on a tight table you can open a lot more, and on a loose table you have to keep it under control.

Also when you are the biggest stack on the table you can apply a lot more pressure if the bubble of final table bubble is approaching. This is because of a concept called Bubble Factor which basically says that if you cover someone and can bust them from a tournament, then they have to play much more cautiously against you.

Put yourself in their shoes, if they really want to ladder up or make the money you can put a ton of pressure on them, if they don't care then it won't work.

These are the sorts of things you want to consider when deciding if you want to loosen up or tighten up. I go deep into this in my MTT Video Guide which you can find on my website, and also here is a video that covers this concept reasonably well for a sample :)

hope that helps to answer your question, cheers!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
It depends on who you play. For example, against a newcomer it will be difficult to determine the set by the rate you can find out. And against a professional he can do a check and then lure him to an allin.:)

Thank you for helping out with the thread Mariya! Much much appreciated!!!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
How do you determine if a player has a set?
If more than one factor, what are the factors from greatest to least.

There are a few factors that come into play
1st - What type of player are they, loose, tight, passive, aggressive?

If they are tight and passive and they are now playing aggressive, they likely have something

2nd - What is their range preflop, is it mostly pocket pairs or is it lots of unpaired hands. The more pairs the more likely they are to hit a set

3rd - How many players saw the flop? Most people won't bluff into multiple players, so if 3, 4, 5 players see the flop and a someone is playing aggressively there's a good chance they've hit.

In general if there was only one raise preflop you want to play more cautiously postflop, whereas if it's a raised and reraised pot where over 10-20% of your stack is in preflop you don't need to fear a set as much.

I've included some videos that should assist with the understanding of these concepts
Hope they help!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
How to not get "lost" in the mid stage of the tournament? There's been way to many MTT's I start really good, like getting 200bb and something is happening that I lose a good portion of my stack didn't even realising it😔

Hey Sharky,

Another great question, playing mid stages of MTTs can be tough!

It's important to adjust properly to the chip accumulation stage of the tournament when antes come in, and also to adjust to the closing mode stage of the tournament when stacks get shallower.

A big thing to be on yourself about is how loose you are opening and defending your blinds. It's very easy to get loosey goosey with this when you have a lot of chips but it can be a bad habit that's costly. I think if you pay very close attention to everytime you put a chip in the middle you'll see where they are going.

Don't let pot odds get you trapped, always consider the # of big blinds you are investing in any situation and it will help you be more selective.

If you want a full playbook my MTT video guide covers a lot of this and right now if you go to the 'free poker training' section of my website you can score a free copy!

Hope it helps and best of luck on the tables!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hi Evan,

I'm a long-time fan and I learned a lot from you these past few years. Tyvm, fellow knit!

So, I have a question. I do this thing in NLHE, which I haven't seen any poker coaches allude to, which is that if I hold A-x preflop (even if it's a weak Ace and unsuited and I'm in early position) and I haven't seen an Ace in the prior 2-3 flops, I'll play it because theoretically an Ace should fall on the flop approximately once every three flops. I even would shove, or call shove, with my mid-stack.

Or, I would fold my ATs/o short-stacked to a shove if I saw that an Ace had shown up in the previous flop/turn/river.

And I'd do this, i.e., watch the frequency of a King or a Queen showing up on the flop, too.


My understanding of mathematics is that previous outcomes of deals have no impact on future outcomes of deals. The boards will always be completely random.

Therefore even if an Ace has hit the last 3 flops, the chance of it coming next time is still 1/3. And if no ace has hit for 4 flops the odds of it coming next flop are still 1/3.

(and it's actually slightly lower because when you hold an ace there are only 3 left to come)

That's what every poker book has told me and same with the videos, so I just trust it :)
Amanda A

Amanda A

Bronze Level
Feb 23, 2016
Total posts
Hey Gripsed, thanks so much for the game last night!!!
Wow! We get a low buy in game plus you commentating and making us all feel like super stars (it's totally thrilling to hear your name and play being talked about, like being on a wsop final table, so cool), and then we get a poker lesson too! Unbelievable! So thank you!!!
Was my last shove ok? Reasons for shoving - getting very short, less than 5 bigs and made the money and may not get a better spot, unopened pot and I'm in middle position with a pair (albeit the worst one, 22) also first hand after break sometimes people are still getting coffee :) Reasons against shoving - the Big Blind is a pretty big stack and likes to call a lot, so my fold equity is pretty bad against him. If he is not still getting coffee I'll probably get a call and 22 is never a great favorite. Best I can hope for is a flip. I didn't want to go through the blinds again but maybe I should have shoved with a slightly worse hand and another player in the big blind? Hmmmm....
You mentioned study sessions - I would love to sit in on these. How do we find out about them?
You also mentioned something about trying to get to was it 1000 subscribers? Is that on twitch? How can we help? You are a great poker Ambassador & everyone on cardschat should follow you!
Can't wait for the next game!
Amanda A

Amanda A

Bronze Level
Feb 23, 2016
Total posts
Hey Gripsed, me again :) I love playing your games. The last one was so much fun. I hope you keep playing affordable games so some of us microstakes players can join you. I see you have some really cool tourneys coming up with the online poker league. I would love to play some of these. Ahhhh...they are a little pricey for me though, and I've watched your videos on bankroll management :) so I know not to play out of my league. They are freezeouts, not rebuys right? So at least that's something. I might have to play one. I'll also cross my fingers you do some giveaways and I win one. Cheers and GL!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hey Gripsed, me again :) I love playing your games. The last one was so much fun. I hope you keep playing affordable games so some of us microstakes players can join you. I see you have some really cool tourneys coming up with the Online poker league. I would love to play some of these. Ahhhh...they are a little pricey for me though, and I've watched your videos on bankroll management :) so I know not to play out of my league. They are freezeouts, not rebuys right? So at least that's something. I might have to play one. I'll also cross my fingers you do some giveaways and I win one. Cheers and GL!

So glad you're enjoying them Amanda!

I intentionally made the 6pm ET game on Sundays the lowest buyin I could ($1.65) to keep it affordable and accessible for as many members as possible.

As for the 2pm ET game, yes, it's definitely more expensive at $6.60 and since it's a 6-max the play is a bit more challenging than regular 9-max games.

That being said, I do give away 2 buy-ins every week on the stream so if you tune in early you just might get in there for Free! -->

And I'm giving away 1 buy-in per week to the CC community to the most impressive hand history in this thread -->

So far we don't have many entries this week so you may be able to scoop a buyin there too!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hey Gripsed, thanks so much for the game last night!!!
Wow! We get a low buy in game plus you commentating and making us all feel like super stars (it's totally thrilling to hear your name and play being talked about, like being on a WSOP final table, so cool), and then we get a poker lesson too! Unbelievable! So thank you!!!
Was my last shove ok? Reasons for shoving - getting very short, less than 5 bigs and made the money and may not get a better spot, unopened pot and I'm in middle position with a pair (albeit the worst one, 22) also first hand after break sometimes people are still getting coffee :) Reasons against shoving - the Big Blind is a pretty big stack and likes to call a lot, so my fold equity is pretty bad against him. If he is not still getting coffee I'll probably get a call and 22 is never a great favorite. Best I can hope for is a flip. I didn't want to go through the blinds again but maybe I should have shoved with a slightly worse hand and another player in the big blind? Hmmmm....
You mentioned study sessions - I would love to sit in on these. How do we find out about them?
You also mentioned something about trying to get to was it 1000 subscribers? Is that on twitch? How can we help? You are a great poker Ambassador & everyone on cardschat should follow you!
Can't wait for the next game!

Thank you Amanda, so glad you enjoyed the game! I had been concerned in the past that when I busted the game people would change the channel because they couldn't see any cards, but it sounds like the play by play commentary is a hit and worth staying for!

Your shove was totally fine, when you're that short you're looking to be the first one in the pot, and having a pair is a great hand to back it up. Just unlucky that you didn't win the runout.

As for study sessions we're figuring it out now, I've spoke with Debi about using the CC replayer for HH reviews during the stream and it looks like we'll probably be good to go. I don't have full length study sessions planned but I'll just review individual hands here and there as people send them in. I think it will be a nice addition to the stream.

And the goal is 10k watch hours on twitch in a month (currently at around 5.5k) This is to reach the top level with the ACR Stormers and feel like I'm being a top contributor to that team.

If you want to help out it's pretty easy, just tune in and keep the stream up. If you want to help extra just invite a few friends to join us. Even if they just watch in lurk mode and don't chat at all it helps the stream, so truly a little bit goes a long way!

Thanks for thinking of me Amanda, I really appreciate it!
Crash Burn

Crash Burn

Silver Level
Apr 10, 2020
Total posts
Is there a rule for playing MTT? Ex: Tournaments are usually long and tiring, as SNG are faster but less profitable in proportion to money. What is the tip to reach an FT in an MTT?
Amanda A

Amanda A

Bronze Level
Feb 23, 2016
Total posts
Thanks so much for your replies! I'll try and keep the stream on as much as I can and spread the word.
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Thanks so much for your replies! I'll try and keep the stream on as much as I can and spread the word.

If you guys wanna learn how to consistently cash MTTs keep an eye on this Amanda A. She is steady cashing almost every home game we host, very impressive stuff!! :girlshit: