Ask Evan Jarvis Anything About Learning Poker!

Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts

when if ever should I fold AA before the flop?

In a Satellite tournament where you are guaranteed to win the prize if you fold.

Example, 26 people left, 25 people get seats, you are in 2nd place, and 5 people have 1 big blind.

The chip leader goes all in under the gun, you are in the big blind with AA, he has you covered. You should fold here... why?

If you call you will be an 80% favorite to double up. (who cares... if you get 1st of 25th you get the same prize payout, this is how satellites work). That also means you will have a 20% chance of losing and getting no prize.

But if you fold odds are about 99.9% that you will make the payout because one of those 5 players with 1 Big blind is going to have to go all in next hand (maybe many of them) and as soon as one of them busts you are paid.

Hope that makes sense... and this is the ONLY time you would ever want to fold AA preflop... you know... unless you're playing in a crooked homegame or something :D
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
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Hey Evan I am SOOO happy to have found your thread.....this is really just what I need. Although I have been playing a very long time I have got really rusty and need to get back to basics, as the games have changed so much I know I have been left in the dust!!!! Just reading through your posts above has already been so encouraging. Thanks a lot

Super Happy to Help brother, glad you found the thread!

If you ever want to brush up on your fundamentals again this playlist is my fav and everything is still applicable 7 years later :)

This one's also very awesome for postflop play Can never go wrong going back over the fundamentals.

Tim Duncan was nothing but Fundamentals, and he won how many championships??? :rolleyes:
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hi, although I am not a beginner, I have been playing for a couple years now. I am 18 years old and I really enjoy playing the game and seek to maybe becoming a professional at the game. Is there any tips or advice you can give me to solidify the idea that it is possible for me to achieve this goal?

How about 7 tips :)

Anything is possible with enough work ethic and discipline, the question to always ask yourself is are you willing to work hard even when the going gets tough or are you hoping that poker is a golden ticket kind of like winning the lottery.

Then the question is if you truly have that high work ethic and motivation, is poker the best place for you to be applying yourself, is it your natural skillset and what you love... or is it the instant gratification and the gambling rush that get you excited.

If you can enjoy the studying, and you can enjoy the long hours, and you can enjoy the breakeven spells and downswings, and the talking hands with friends... then yea, you can do it. If those things don't appeal to you though, then 'pro' is a risky proposition.

Even as a pro, I would also invite you to look for supplementary sources of income as you go thru the journey, doing coaching, helping others, getting a good rakeback deal, maybe even getting in the referral business. These are all things I used to supplement my income while i was playing full time and to ensure that every hand I played got me the maximum return.

For me it was the lifestyle I enjoyed the most, I liked being my own boss and getting to play a game with my friends that gave us freedom... but truthfully the hours playing poker professionally when you include the study are some of the toughest out there, and it is one of the only jobs in the world where you can show up to work and lose money... and many people can't handle that.

Hope this honest perspective from me helps you feel it out. And hey, as long as you're working hard, taking care of yourself, and being smart, the skillsets you develop by going after poker will help you in many other work environment as well.

Just remember what Mikey D said "Always leave yourself outs!" :icon_comp
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hey. What do you think is the best poker game to win $ on low stakes online? sitngo or mtt?

It depends on your personality and natural disposition

If you're looking to win money consistently then cash games or sit n gos are the move. Sit n Gos also are better for clearing deposit bonuses which help build the bankroll early.

If however you want to have a shot at big money (but are ok with losing 80-90% of the time) then MTTs are the move.

In my experience the best thing is to get practice and build your skillset up playing sit n gos and cash games, and once you are confident in your game then mix in some tournaments because you get to play higher stakes against inexperienced players if you're lucky enough to make a deep run.

Play what you enjoy, and if you do that the money will come... it's one of the great secrets of life!
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
I would like to learn to be more aggressive in the game and to bluff ... kkkkkk

I've got a video for that...

The important thing is knowing WHO you are trying to bluff. And being will to give up.

bluffing is useful in poker, but it's main purpose is to keep people guessing so they'll pay you off when you have a strong hand. If you try to bluff too much people will trap you and let you give your money away.

Best piece of advice I can give you if you're going to bluff more though is
A) Be in Position
B) Do it when you think your opponent has a mediocre hand (never try to bluff people off top pair or better... that's not what bluffing is for)

Cheers :cool:
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
OK, I have a situation where I am uncertain how to play connected unsuited cards. From early position I always fold anything less than 10 / J and from middle position i fold everything from 6 / 7 and even 8 / 9 unless there has been no action prior. Am I being too cautious noting my VP is always between 17 - 24.

You are playing well my friend. Small suited connectors should be folded in early position.

Big hands make you money, small hands get you in trouble.

As for when to play the small hands and how to play them well, here are a couple of videos that will really help put things into place for you. Hint: In position vs a weak opponent ;)

Selection Theory:

Specific What and When to play:

2012 Edition "The Preflop Checklist":

PS. Sorry for the quiet audio on the last one, I'm uploading a new version with louder audio in about a week :)
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
I have a question outside of normal luck in certain situations, do you feel that cards in a tournament just shut off or go opposite, from one extreme to the other? Meaning if youre getting lucky and start off hot by the end it will cool off and vice versa? Thanks for the input.

It sounds like the poker sites were reading your name ;)

Yes, sometimes you run hot, sometimes you run cold, sometimes you run average.

Most of the time someone will be running super hot at the table (there are 9 other ppl there afterall) and someone will be running super cold (just the law of numbers at play here)

A tournament though is such a small amount of hands, maybe 500-1000 max that it's impossible to predict it. In my big wins I've usually run hot the entire time.

For luck to balance out you're looking at more like 100k hands. So knowing that, and knowing that luck is going to do whatever it's going to do that guy, all you can do is focus on playing your best and hope that the poker gods take care of the rest.

This is the mindset that I've found most successful poker players adopt and the one that leads to playing their A-Game more often than not.

So yes it happens, but no you shouldn't put any mental energy towards it because... it's something you can't control, and you should spend your mental energy focusing on what you can control!!!
Eric Salvador

Eric Salvador

Silver Level
Mar 28, 2018
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I subscribed to your YouTube channel and I’m still a break even player. I only play micro stakes with a $175 bankroll. I don’t have additional money for coaching or to add to my bankroll. I watch Every Vlog I come across and have read many books. Any thing you think I could be missing to advance to low stakes? Anything you think I could seek out to improve my game?
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
I subscribed to your YouTube channel and I’m still a break even player. I only play micro stakes with a $175 bankroll. I don’t have additional money for coaching or to add to my bankroll. I watch Every Vlog I come across and have read many books. Any thing you think I could be missing to advance to low stakes? Anything you think I could seek out to improve my game?

Thanks Eric, I appreciate the support for my channel :)

If I were in your shoes I would take a break from all the vlogs, video content, articles, and just focus on grinding and playing poker.

If you've gone thru my 'how to win at poker' playlist then you already have everything you need, it's just a matter of applying it, over and over and over. When you have a win-rate (even if it's small) volume is the only thing you need to do (and exercising game selection helps speed the process too).

Watching VLOGs is distracting and can make it seem like everyone's doing great except you, putting comparison and maybe even unrealistic expectation in your mind. But if you'd just shut everything out, the pokernews sites, the videos, the social media feeds and just focus on grinding, reflecting on your play, and taking care of your health you'll find that things start to 'click into place'. You'll realize where you're making mistakes.

Set a hand target goal and STICK TO IT for the month
Set a study goal (I will review X# of hands in pokertracker) and STICK TO IT
Avoid checking your balance of your graph except maybe once a week

And ask yourself... are you enjoying the process? Because if you are you'll do great, and if you aren't then you may be better off not playing. Playing & Reviewing should be fun!

Here's my most popular video on microstakes
and it really just talks about the principles of grinding

And here is a video on how I structure my sessions and all the mistakes I made in my career that kept me distracted from just getting to work

Finally, shift the focus of 'getting out of micro stakes and into low stakes' to improving on a daily basis and finding pleasure in the process of playing poker. If you can do this, and really feel it, moving up will happen when it's right, but you won't be in a rush because you'll be enjoying every hand, every decision, every new insight of the game.

And, if you don't have it, make sure you get pokertracker so you can track your results accurately. It's essential to have this so you can be objective about your play.

Good luck my friend.
Eric Salvador

Eric Salvador

Silver Level
Mar 28, 2018
Total posts
Thanks Eric, I appreciate the support for my channel :)

If I were in your shoes I would take a break from all the vlogs, video content, articles, and just focus on grinding and playing poker.

If you've gone thru my 'how to win at poker' playlist then you already have everything you need, it's just a matter of applying it, over and over and over. When you have a win-rate (even if it's small) volume is the only thing you need to do (and exercising game selection helps speed the process too).

Watching VLOGs is distracting and can make it seem like everyone's doing great except you, putting comparison and maybe even unrealistic expectation in your mind. But if you'd just shut everything out, the pokernews sites, the videos, the social media feeds and just focus on grinding, reflecting on your play, and taking care of your health you'll find that things start to 'click into place'. You'll realize where you're making mistakes.

Set a hand target goal and STICK TO IT for the month
Set a study goal (I will review X# of hands in pokertracker) and STICK TO IT
Avoid checking your balance of your graph except maybe once a week

And ask yourself... are you enjoying the process? Because if you are you'll do great, and if you aren't then you may be better off not playing. Playing & Reviewing should be fun!

Here's my most popular video on microstakes and it really just talks about the principles of grinding

And here is a video on how I structure my sessions and all the mistakes I made in my career that kept me distracted from just getting to work

Finally, shift the focus of 'getting out of micro stakes and into low stakes' to improving on a daily basis and finding pleasure in the process of playing poker. If you can do this, and really feel it, moving up will happen when it's right, but you won't be in a rush because you'll be enjoying every hand, every decision, every new insight of the game.

And, if you don't have it, make sure you get pokertracker so you can track your results accurately. It's essential to have this so you can be objective about your play.

Good luck my friend.

Thank you!!!! I think that’s what I needed to hear. I’m going to go over the videos you posted and tighten up any holes I may have. I really appreciate you taking the time out.
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
Great question, and I totally know what you mean. I had that for a long time too where I would have to play 2 or 3 meaningful pots to get those early session jitters away.

I find the most helpful thing to do prior to playing is visualize myself playing poker, see myself shuffling chips, holding cards, making bets, taking my time to observe opponents, breath, play in a calm collected fashion etc.

It may sound a little 'woo woo' but I can promise you it works. When we visualize ourselves doing things it 'myelinates' (I think that's how you spell it :p) the same brain circuits we use when actually performing the task. So we basically warm our brain up with fantasy and pretend for it to do the task when it's time.

Another thing you can do if say you're on the wait list and have 15-30 minutes is just look thru some hands you played last session (have them in your phone or in a note pad) and start thinking critically about poker decisions. I find this to be really helpful as well.

When driving into a casino sometimes people listen to podcasts, but I find this doesn't work as chit chat isn't really the same vibe as critical thinking. So if anything I'll do self-talk, tell myself how I'm going to play, carry myself at the table etc.

Doing this really gets me in the zone, it's like being my own personal mindset coach ;)

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes next time?

BTW, you can do self talk at the table too, but just do it quietly, whisper to yourself, that way people won't think you're crazy haha :bike:

Great stuff!

On the flip side, something to avoid >> don't have a 'non-poker experienced friend' come along for the ride - - it can be very distracting. Years ago I took my best friend with me to a tournament I was playing in. I explained to him how I was trying to get myself into the zone before the tourney (& during the breaks). He couldn't seem to help himself & the barrage of questions became overwhelming.... ie. telling me at break that he could see I wasn't doing well as I hadn't even gone ALL-In once since the tourney started (we're talking 1st break in a slow structure).... sigh

I have a tourney series I'm heading to next week. I'll be trying out these techniques Evan... thanks for posting!
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
Thanks Eric, I appreciate the support for my channel :)

If I were in your shoes I would take a break from all the vlogs, video content, articles, and just focus on grinding and playing poker.

If you've gone thru my 'how to win at poker' playlist then you already have everything you need, it's just a matter of applying it, over and over and over. When you have a win-rate (even if it's small) volume is the only thing you need to do (and exercising game selection helps speed the process too).

Watching VLOGs is distracting and can make it seem like everyone's doing great except you, putting comparison and maybe even unrealistic expectation in your mind. But if you'd just shut everything out, the pokernews sites, the videos, the social media feeds and just focus on grinding, reflecting on your play, and taking care of your health you'll find that things start to 'click into place'. You'll realize where you're making mistakes.

Set a hand target goal and STICK TO IT for the month
Set a study goal (I will review X# of hands in pokertracker) and STICK TO IT
Avoid checking your balance of your graph except maybe once a week

And ask yourself... are you enjoying the process? Because if you are you'll do great, and if you aren't then you may be better off not playing. Playing & Reviewing should be fun!

Here's my most popular video on microstakes and it really just talks about the principles of grinding

And here is a video on how I structure my sessions and all the mistakes I made in my career that kept me distracted from just getting to work

Finally, shift the focus of 'getting out of micro stakes and into low stakes' to improving on a daily basis and finding pleasure in the process of playing poker. If you can do this, and really feel it, moving up will happen when it's right, but you won't be in a rush because you'll be enjoying every hand, every decision, every new insight of the game.

And, if you don't have it, make sure you get pokertracker so you can track your results accurately. It's essential to have this so you can be objective about your play.

Good luck my friend.

Another great post Evan! Some real gems here.
I used to play in the leagues/games you had going on a few years back (on williamhill & some others). Your games were much appreciated as is the time you're putting into these posts here.
I'll be joining your Youtube channel here shortly (I don't think I've ever 'joined' a channel before.. I'm a tad illiterate on much of the interent/puter etc. stuff :( )


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Sep 30, 2019
Total posts
SnG recommendation

Hey man. Can you recommend training site for low stake SnGs and also some for MTTs? I have experience playing live poker. I read few books and tons of articles but information is all over the place. I am new to online game and can totally relate to you and that over 30 you should play live games, unfortunately I don't have opportunity to play live games at the moment. That is why I would love to find a place where I can learn from scratch, start beating low limit SnGs and MTTs and move up slowly.


Bronze Level
May 27, 2007
Total posts
Have you come to terms with Variance yet?
I get this sick little smile and start laughing when I get 3 outered.
A good poker player is either well disciplined or becomes part Sadist.
I agree with many of your tips.
I always choose the same exact bet sizing as to give no information away
My Aggrression hud stat is often at INFinite
I always try to isolate and always bet the same amount.
Once my opponents realize my agrression and begin to open theyre range I can get people to call out of position with mediocre ranges defending
I use understanding, reads and self image awareness PRECISELY when my opponents are trapping/calling down the "MANIAC" and ready to check call me down to the river!!
I believe the person who has the ability to get action/chips wins MTTs at a much higher rate.
I want them to think I'm an idiot
to loosen their range
to call and defend the blinds out of position
I want them to fightback/ defend 3bet a10+ at me or worse
I want them to believe what I'm showing ie tendancys, range, personal hand information line logic
3x preflop CBET 80% in position 1/2 pot on flop.
I aim for isolation/steal 0-3 times a round
I use the position and not the cards as early as MP+1 3x preflop
I am acting like an idiot with any 2 in position against a selected opponent with a wide range that doesn't pair often
Villians preflop shoves using a8+Kq+ often stealing my 3x preflop raise. But also allowing one of the best Race opportunitys available Aq vs Ax to be targeted at me specifically and being way more common of an occurrence instead of waiting to be dealt the top end of a cooler AA vs QQ or something of the setup or flip.
So I'm a conservative highly aggressive Maniac with a trigger on the fold button always looking to outplay and make believable check raise bluffs against loosened out of their comfort zone that telegraph their mediocre hands so well.
My goal is to break their range and make them feel uncomfortable

Theres many many strategys, tight ,solid, loose, aggrotard, GTO exploitative Reactive and Pro-active ways to play Poker.
okay so My question is ....
Do you believe GTO poker will ever find the right balance of gears and manipulation that will actually allow it to be Optimal against opponents due to their view of the GTO player.
An algorithm that is based on the Villians perception of the GTO player that specializes in being unreadable highly aggressive
By understanding what our opponents view us as
is an "implied equity" and governs in the moment
opponents reactions and decision making highly affecting our EV
Manipulating Villians towards call stations,/slowplaying or to Bluffs and aggression
with proper reads/actions we can influence a gear change, read and react accordingly the moment of the change

okay question number 2
Have I gone down the exploitative proactive reactive GTO rabbit hole?

ps sorry if you couldn't understand what I'm talking about, I cant always convey whats in my head


Platinum Level
May 26, 2019
Total posts
Doubt? Cash game

Good afternoon.
I am very interested in online cash game.
Who do you think are the top 5 online cash game players?
Can you direct me to online cash game videos?
Recommend a cash game book?
Amanda A

Amanda A

Bronze Level
Feb 23, 2016
Total posts
Hi Evan, I'm a big fan of your videos (very inspiring!) they are awesome! I was so excited to see you have a thread here. I'm a micro-stakes and freeroll player of MTTS and Sit and Go's. Never made a deposit and trying very hard to move up :) (I have about $160 at the moment.) I'm studying icmizer and trying to get more out of my HM2. I first got HM2 a few moths ago and have watched your video on setting up a hud, which was great, but I never really paid attention to my stats as they change with every game whereas other players are cumulative on the display. I suddenly realized I didn't know what my overall stats were. Ooops. Now I'm wondering if I can see any weaknesses by looking at my stats. Can you give me an idea on what winning player stats look like for the most common stats used? (This is what I use: VPIP, PFR, tot3bet, totfoldto3B, totcoldcallraiser, Ag%, or Agfact, C-bet, C-betccall, Cbetfold, turnC-betfold, TotSteal, tot-resteal, totfoldtoSteal, BBfold toSt, BB coldcallRaise, BB3Bet, SBlimp, SBlimp-fold, Buttonlimp-fold) I guess it will depend on things like whether they are a TAG or LAG but I'm just wondering what winning player numbers look like and what I should look at specifically so I know what I should focus on improving. I already learnt from your video that my PFR even though it was going up in later position probably still needs to be a bit higher from the button than it is. I may not be playing strong enough from the button, so I'm going to be more aware of this when I play and look for opportunities to take advantage of my position. Anyway, thanks so much for all your wonderful videos!!! Cheers, A


Apr 26, 2016
Total posts
Hey Cardschatters!

If I can ask anything, then I have several philosophical questions.

1) What useful/unique product poker is giving to the society?

2) What chemical reactions occur in the body when human is placing a bet? How and why these reactions differ from those that occur during drug consume?

3) If 100 year life is 24h*365d*100yr = 876K hours is our stack in the game of life, and we do understand that we're paying ante every second, we also understand that 30% is sleep time, some % will be spent for brushing teeth, shower and so on, so we'll be left with some amount of effective time. What makes poker so special that people prefer to spend big portion of their effective life time playing it?

4) If rake in MTT is 10%, and daily tournament is 10K grtd with $110 buy-in, then how many days needed for poker site or casino to generate 10K profit?

5) What is the difference for the computer server when it hosts 3 types of tournaments for 1000 players:
type A) Freeroll
type B) $1.1 buy-in, 1Kgrtd
type C) $215 buy-in, 200K grtd.

Will PC server consume much more electricity or internet traffic in case of A or B or C?



Rock Star
Silver Level
Feb 14, 2019
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Awesome Evan, I subbed ur Youtube channel!

Question: What are some other streams of income a poker player could explore? Example, poker streamers on Twitch can get both money from Twitch as well as affiliate money through promoting a poker site. What are some other creative ways to make money not directly related to the table game?
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hey man. Can you recommend training site for low stake SnGs and also some for MTTs? I have experience playing live poker. I read few books and tons of articles but information is all over the place. I am new to online game and can totally relate to you and that over 30 you should play live games, unfortunately I don't have opportunity to play live games at the moment. That is why I would love to find a place where I can learn from scratch, start beating low limit SnGs and MTTs and move up slowly.

This is by far the best course for learning SNGs (Discount code to save 5% is ALLINSNG)

If that course is too expensive for you currently (which is understandable as it's $200) I've got a new training package I'm offering free which focuses on MTTs strategy, fundamentals of play and tournament selection (and more of the info is applicable to SNG as well)

To learn more about that go to

and enjoy the material! I built my bankroll playing SNGs, and I love em :)
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Awesome Evan, I subbed ur Youtube channel!

Question: What are some other streams of income a poker player could explore? Example, poker streamers on Twitch can get both money from Twitch as well as affiliate money through promoting a poker site. What are some other creative ways to make money not directly related to the table game?

Thanks for Subbing and supporting brother, I really appreciate it!

Typical avenues of income for poker players are
1) Coaching (group or 1 on 1)
2) Affiliate marketing as you mentioned
3) Streaming sponsorhips (GG, RIO and ACR have partner programs, not sure about others)
4) Rakeback and VIP programs
5) Ad revenue for creating content (a la youtube, twitch etc.)
6) Selling training programs -

The main thing is being able to communicate your knowledge in a way that people can understand it. If you can do that then you can make good money as a teacher/information products salesperson, or coach.

To do well in the affiliate space requires a pretty solid understanding of marketing, in which the internet marketing, social media marketing, and e-mail marketing rabbit holes all run very well (and are very fascinating)

For marketing I suggest reading the book INFLUENCE by Robert Cialdini first, and from there anything you can learn in the fields of psychology, sociology, and sales/marketing will help you a ton.

Much like poker, it's about developing the right skillset, then patiently grinding it out and putting in the reps. When your goal is to genuinely help people though, you're giving them good value, and you deliver on your promises, you'd be suprised how many people will come to you for more coaching and will refer you to their friends as well.

Integrity is everything in this space, and much respect to you for thinking outside the box to additional streams of income. The poker sites and the big business are the ones with the big money so getting on their good side is a great long term strategy.

Look into Zig Ziglar as well, he's a hero :) :rock:
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Good afternoon.
I am very interested in online cash game.
Who do you think are the top 5 online cash game players?
Can you direct me to online cash game videos?
Recommend a cash game book?

Good Afternoon!

Lots of great cash game material, and it comes at difference price points. Here's my list

Free (My 30 day training course) -

$50 From the Ground Up by RIO -
(also comes with a 10-part MTT training program from me as a free gift :))

$99 Cash Game Masterclass -

$400 Mastering Live Cash by RYE -
This is a super comprehensive course, but is a bit theory heavy for many

$800 Master Cash Games in One Class -
This one is from my main Coach Alex Fitzgerald and it's so good for live cash
If you want a discount on this one just send me a DM and I can get you a very good deal

This course is also great because Alex is such a great teacher. Great use of examples and just a clear map of 'use this move here, this is how, this is why'. Of all the courses I've taken (and I've taken all of them) this one is taught the most effectively

If you go with any course on this list you'll be in good hands, the coaches are all top notch, rock solid, and will teach you how to win at cash games guaranteed :)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Feb 14, 2019
Total posts
Thanks for Subbing and supporting brother, I really appreciate it!

Typical avenues of income for poker players are
1) Coaching (group or 1 on 1)
2) Affiliate marketing as you mentioned
3) Streaming sponsorhips (GG, RIO and ACR have partner programs, not sure about others)
4) Rakeback and VIP programs
5) Ad revenue for creating content (a la youtube, twitch etc.)
6) Selling training programs -

The main thing is being able to communicate your knowledge in a way that people can understand it. If you can do that then you can make good money as a teacher/information products salesperson, or coach.

To do well in the affiliate space requires a pretty solid understanding of marketing, in which the internet marketing, social media marketing, and e-mail marketing rabbit holes all run very well (and are very fascinating)

For marketing I suggest reading the book INFLUENCE by Robert Cialdini first, and from there anything you can learn in the fields of psychology, sociology, and sales/marketing will help you a ton.

Much like poker, it's about developing the right skillset, then patiently grinding it out and putting in the reps. When your goal is to genuinely help people though, you're giving them good value, and you deliver on your promises, you'd be suprised how many people will come to you for more coaching and will refer you to their friends as well.

Integrity is everything in this space, and much respect to you for thinking outside the box to additional streams of income. The poker sites and the big business are the ones with the big money so getting on their good side is a great long term strategy.

Look into Zig Ziglar as well, he's a hero :) :rock:

awesome u mentioned "Influence" that was one of my favorite books I've read, always worth a re-read; I suck at poker but have a good marketing backround so let's see where this path leads.
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Hi Evan, I'm a big fan of your videos (very inspiring!) they are awesome! I was so excited to see you have a thread here. I'm a micro-stakes and freeroll player of MTTS and Sit and Go's. Never made a deposit and trying very hard to move up :) (I have about $160 at the moment.) I'm studying icmizer and trying to get more out of my HM2. I first got HM2 a few moths ago and have watched your video on setting up a hud, which was great, but I never really paid attention to my stats as they change with every game whereas other players are cumulative on the display. I suddenly realized I didn't know what my overall stats were. Ooops. Now I'm wondering if I can see any weaknesses by looking at my stats. Can you give me an idea on what winning player stats look like for the most common stats used? (This is what I use: VPIP, PFR, tot3bet, totfoldto3B, totcoldcallraiser, Ag%, or Agfact, C-bet, C-betccall, Cbetfold, turnC-betfold, TotSteal, tot-resteal, totfoldtoSteal, BBfold toSt, BB coldcallRaise, BB3Bet, SBlimp, SBlimp-fold, Buttonlimp-fold) I guess it will depend on things like whether they are a TAG or LAG but I'm just wondering what winning player numbers look like and what I should look at specifically so I know what I should focus on improving. I already learnt from your video that my PFR even though it was going up in later position probably still needs to be a bit higher from the button than it is. I may not be playing strong enough from the button, so I'm going to be more aware of this when I play and look for opportunities to take advantage of my position. Anyway, thanks so much for all your wonderful videos!!! Cheers, A

thanks for all the good vibes, I really appreciate it!

In terms of the stats of a winning player, I don't know them off the top of my head as I'm not a huge data guy. I just looked for extra imbalances in other players huds and would use those to exploit them.

Let me consult with Alex Fitzgerald about that as he's a super stats heavy guy and actually in a lot of the videos he has on my YT channel he highlights what the key stats to look at are.

To get right into the meat of it this course of his covers the key things to look at stat by stat and how to work on them

It's definitely a meaningful investment, but like all things in life, the sooner you have the info the longer you have to apply it and cash in on it. And it's on sale :)

Since you're an MTT player you may actually like the pack that has his courses which go deep into exploits as well

He's an absolute HUD wizard and teaches you how to cut people up based on imbalances you find. Each course deals with a different common situation on the game (blind play, when to check raise, when to lead) and they work really well.

Hope that helps, sorry I didn't have pure numbers off the top of my head, but as I said it's just not my area of expertise but I know it is Alex's :) :captain:
Evan Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Platinum Level
Feb 21, 2017
Total posts
Have you come to terms with Variance yet?
I get this sick little smile and start laughing when I get 3 outered.
A good poker player is either well disciplined or becomes part Sadist.
I agree with many of your tips.
I always choose the same exact bet sizing as to give no information away
My Aggrression hud stat is often at INFinite
I always try to isolate and always bet the same amount.
Once my opponents realize my agrression and begin to open theyre range I can get people to call out of position with mediocre ranges defending
I use understanding, reads and self image awareness PRECISELY when my opponents are trapping/calling down the "MANIAC" and ready to check call me down to the river!!
I believe the person who has the ability to get action/chips wins MTTs at a much higher rate.
I want them to think I'm an idiot
to loosen their range
to call and defend the blinds out of position
I want them to fightback/ defend 3bet a10+ at me or worse
I want them to believe what I'm showing ie tendancys, range, personal hand information line logic
3x preflop CBET 80% in position 1/2 pot on flop.
I aim for isolation/steal 0-3 times a round
I use the position and not the cards as early as MP+1 3x preflop
I am acting like an idiot with any 2 in position against a selected opponent with a wide range that doesn't pair often
Villians preflop shoves using a8+Kq+ often stealing my 3x preflop raise. But also allowing one of the best Race opportunitys available Aq vs Ax to be targeted at me specifically and being way more common of an occurrence instead of waiting to be dealt the top end of a cooler AA vs QQ or something of the setup or flip.
So I'm a conservative highly aggressive Maniac with a trigger on the fold button always looking to outplay and make believable check raise bluffs against loosened out of their comfort zone that telegraph their mediocre hands so well.
My goal is to break their range and make them feel uncomfortable

Theres many many strategys, tight ,solid, loose, aggrotard, GTO exploitative Reactive and Pro-active ways to play Poker.
okay so My question is ....
Do you believe GTO poker will ever find the right balance of gears and manipulation that will actually allow it to be Optimal against opponents due to their view of the GTO player.
An algorithm that is based on the Villians perception of the GTO player that specializes in being unreadable highly aggressive
By understanding what our opponents view us as
is an "implied equity" and governs in the moment
opponents reactions and decision making highly affecting our EV
Manipulating Villians towards call stations,/slowplaying or to Bluffs and aggression
with proper reads/actions we can influence a gear change, read and react accordingly the moment of the change

okay question number 2
Have I gone down the exploitative proactive reactive GTO rabbit hole?

ps sorry if you couldn't understand what I'm talking about, I cant always convey whats in my head

I enjoyed this sort of poem of a post, a nice flow of thoughts.

that said I don't really get the question here. If you can summarize it in one sentence that would be a bit easier for me to answer :)