Let's talk WPT Global! New Community Manager In The House

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Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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There also seems to be some kind of lobby glitch happening when one goes to reg. for a tournament. sigh :( (you need to click on it twice or something and apparently it's possible to get reg'd for the wrong tourney... omg)

Ami_WPT Global

Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 19, 2023
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Hey, @Poker Orifice, Thank you for the feedback; it's appreciated❤️! I understand the frustration with things not going as you expected and as should be expected! The team received your feedback, and we will improve on this experience.

About the software, I know I've said this in the past, but we are truly and always working on improving it (multi-tabling for pace is in the works).
We are attentive to players who have issues and, and we'll gladly address those issues with Customer Support when they cause an interruption to the game.

In regards to your dilemma, bear in mind this Reddit league is giving out a WC $12.4k package + thousands in tickets with very few requirements; I personally had never seen a promotion like this giving so much free value to recreational players.

I understand this first week was a bit messy, but this can and will be improved on. The value with WPTG, IMO, is massive and worth anyone's time, especially recreational players, when you consider the table limitations on pros, the added equity that overlayed MTTs present, and our excellent Customer Service ;)
Suns of Beaches

Suns of Beaches

The All-in-Rippler
Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2019
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Hey, @Poker Orifice, Thank you for the feedback; it's appreciated❤️! I understand the frustration with things not going as you expected and as should be expected! The team received your feedback, and we will improve on this experience.

About the software, I know I've said this in the past, but we are truly and always working on improving it (multi-tabling for pace is in the works).
We are attentive to players who have issues and, and we'll gladly address those issues with Customer Support when they cause an interruption to the game.

In regards to your dilemma, bear in mind this Reddit league is giving out a WC $12.4k package + thousands in tickets with very few requirements; I personally had never seen a promotion like this giving so much free value to recreational players.

I understand this first week was a bit messy, but this can and will be improved on. The value with WPTG, IMO, is massive and worth anyone's time, especially recreational players, when you consider the table limitations on pros, the added equity that overlayed MTTs present, and our excellent Customer Service ;)
What has the value of that league having to do with anything? If its almost impossible to sign-up then the value is like zero.

Ami_WPT Global

Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 19, 2023
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What has the value of that league having to do with anything? If its almost impossible to sign-up then the value is like zero.
Over 400 players registered for this first one despite the issues
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
Over 400 players registered for this first one despite the issues
So 350 players went back the following day and were able to register for a game that said you can't register for it and were fortunate to have discovered that yes, now they were actually able to register for it, LMAO. I'll still take a pass on it. thanks.

I have a question (many actually but I'll stick to just this one at the moment).
I'm curious as to how it is decided upon to add games to the Cash game lobby. I personally play 'Z00M-style' cash tables (fast fold games, 'Pace' on WPT, FastForward on partypoker, ZOOM on Stars, Rush & Cash on GGPoker, etc. etc.). On ALL sites they have 6-max tables. WPT has 8 man tables, with strange blind structure. On all sites you're able to play at least 3 to 4 tables at each buyin level (so you can actually play as many tables as you want if you spread it across multiple buyin levels... the majority of players are playing 3 to 4 tables (which can be observed in the lobbys). WPT limits you to just 1 table. I can understand why if it's in hopes of keeping the site orientated towards recreational players (but actually I am a recreational player too, but just happen to prefer more tables). But still... this is fine.

I've tried the other formats on WPT but I'm really REALLY not interested in BOMB Nlhe, or BIG Ante NLHE ... I just want to play NLHE (preferably 6-max) and that doesn't seem to be available at the limits I prefer to play at (typically 25nl 50nl & sometimes 10nl).

My question about the 'Pace' format on WPT is, what limits does it play at?
So far I can only see this:
0.02/0.05/0.10 where it buys the player in for 50bb's. (so I guess this is 10nl). Peak traffic time = 117 players
1/2/4 'Yuan' which converts to approx. .10/.25/.50 (so I guess this is 50nl) Peak traffic time = 130 players
$1/$2 Peak traffic time = 0 players (<< Yes ZERO players on those tables)
$2/$4 Peak traffic time = 0 players

So it is basically 10nl, 50nl, 200nl, 400nl
Why not have 5nl tables, 25nl tables, & 100nl tables? (at least run 100nl tables and then maybe you'll get the 200nl tables running. Not many players will jump from 50nl to 200nl, just as most won't want to jump from 10nl tables to 50nl tables. fwiw, 25nl tables are a popular buyin on the other sites.

My next gripe will be in regards to how the lobbys are laid out (really poorly organized, tables aren't even listed according to increasing buyin limits, instead they are just mixed up amongst each other (you can have a 10nl followed by a 100nl and a 10nl after that.

Right now I have checked off 'Micro' limits in the filter tabs. The Lobby has 100nl Pace tables now showing grouped in with 10nl Pace tables, along with 40nl Bomb tables, 20nl, etc. And funny thing none of the lobbys/tabs have ever even shown 100nl Pace tables for me before now (and of course there are also ZERO players on those tables as well).
I have no doubt if the lobby was set up in a more organized fashion, AND if you had graduating limits (and more of them), the tables would attract many more players.

I've played a few hands on the site now and I still have a near impossible time trying to navigate the lobbys on the site. Now translate that to a new player who is just starting out? And now think of one who hasn't played on any site before and how quickly they will become lost on the WPT lobbys :(

Ami_WPT Global

Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 19, 2023
Total posts
So 350 players went back the following day and were able to register for a game that said you can't register for it and were fortunate to have discovered that yes, now they were actually able to register for it, LMAO. I'll still take a pass on it. thanks.

I have a question (many actually but I'll stick to just this one at the moment).
I'm curious as to how it is decided upon to add games to the Cash game lobby. I personally play 'Z00M-style' cash tables (fast fold games, 'Pace' on WPT, FastForward on Partypoker, ZOOM on Stars, Rush & Cash on GGPoker, etc. etc.). On ALL sites they have 6-max tables. WPT has 8 man tables, with strange blind structure. On all sites you're able to play at least 3 to 4 tables at each buyin level (so you can actually play as many tables as you want if you spread it across multiple buyin levels... the majority of players are playing 3 to 4 tables (which can be observed in the lobbys). WPT limits you to just 1 table. I can understand why if it's in hopes of keeping the site orientated towards recreational players (but actually I am a recreational player too, but just happen to prefer more tables). But still... this is fine.

I've tried the other formats on WPT but I'm really REALLY not interested in BOMB Nlhe, or BIG Ante NLHE ... I just want to play NLHE (preferably 6-max) and that doesn't seem to be available at the limits I prefer to play at (typically 25nl 50nl & sometimes 10nl).

My question about the 'Pace' format on WPT is, what limits does it play at?
So far I can only see this:
0.02/0.05/0.10 where it buys the player in for 50bb's. (so I guess this is 10nl). Peak traffic time = 117 players
1/2/4 'Yuan' which converts to approx. .10/.25/.50 (so I guess this is 50nl) Peak traffic time = 130 players
$1/$2 Peak traffic time = 0 players (<< Yes ZERO players on those tables)
$2/$4 Peak traffic time = 0 players

So it is basically 10nl, 50nl, 200nl, 400nl
Why not have 5nl tables, 25nl tables, & 100nl tables? (at least run 100nl tables and then maybe you'll get the 200nl tables running. Not many players will jump from 50nl to 200nl, just as most won't want to jump from 10nl tables to 50nl tables. fwiw, 25nl tables are a popular buyin on the other sites.

My next gripe will be in regards to how the lobbys are laid out (really poorly organized, tables aren't even listed according to increasing buyin limits, instead they are just mixed up amongst each other (you can have a 10nl followed by a 100nl and a 10nl after that.

Right now I have checked off 'Micro' limits in the filter tabs. The Lobby has 100nl Pace tables now showing grouped in with 10nl Pace tables, along with 40nl Bomb tables, 20nl, etc. And funny thing none of the lobbys/tabs have ever even shown 100nl Pace tables for me before now (and of course there are also ZERO players on those tables as well).
I have no doubt if the lobby was set up in a more organized fashion, AND if you had graduating limits (and more of them), the tables would attract many more players.

I've played a few hands on the site now and I still have a near impossible time trying to navigate the lobbys on the site. Now translate that to a new player who is just starting out? And now think of one who hasn't played on any site before and how quickly they will become lost on the WPT lobbys :(
Hey, @Poker Orifice , I appreciate your thoughts and feedback. I'm not sure what the decision chain is regarding game set-up, but I have related your comments about the six max tables and limits to our poker room, and I assure you they are considered.
I'll get back to you regarding the exact limits and peak times on Pace.

Multi-tabling Pace is in our pipeline, but there is no date yet.

We have introduced a few upgrades to the lobby in recent releases, and we will continue to make improvements. Indeed, the 100nl Pace table doesn't belong in the micro tab. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. We will fix it ASAP.
I understand the frustration of wanting to play on WPTG but not being able to because of reasons beyond your control ;)

I agree we don't have some of the features of other older online brands, and there is a learning curve of navigating and getting comfortable with a new & different platform. However, we as a company hear you and other players' feedback. We are committed to player satisfaction and constantly pushing the envelope, improving our product, and adding value that our players will feel.


Jul 27, 2011
Total posts
Hi Ami.

I haven't received a ticket for today's Casino free roll and it starts I. 20 minutes. I sent customer support an email about an hour ago. Haven't heard from them yet.

My username is: CofWide


Jul 27, 2011
Total posts
Hi Ami.

I haven't received a ticket for today's Casino free roll and it starts I. 20 minutes. I sent customer support an email about an hour ago. Haven't heard from them yet.

My username is: CofWide
Just received it.

Ami_WPT Global

Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 19, 2023
Total posts
So 350 players went back the following day and were able to register for a game that said you can't register for it and were fortunate to have discovered that yes, now they were actually able to register for it, LMAO. I'll still take a pass on it. thanks.

I have a question (many actually but I'll stick to just this one at the moment).
I'm curious as to how it is decided upon to add games to the Cash game lobby. I personally play 'Z00M-style' cash tables (fast fold games, 'Pace' on WPT, FastForward on Partypoker, ZOOM on Stars, Rush & Cash on GGPoker, etc. etc.). On ALL sites they have 6-max tables. WPT has 8 man tables, with strange blind structure. On all sites you're able to play at least 3 to 4 tables at each buyin level (so you can actually play as many tables as you want if you spread it across multiple buyin levels... the majority of players are playing 3 to 4 tables (which can be observed in the lobbys). WPT limits you to just 1 table. I can understand why if it's in hopes of keeping the site orientated towards recreational players (but actually I am a recreational player too, but just happen to prefer more tables). But still... this is fine.

I've tried the other formats on WPT but I'm really REALLY not interested in BOMB Nlhe, or BIG Ante NLHE ... I just want to play NLHE (preferably 6-max) and that doesn't seem to be available at the limits I prefer to play at (typically 25nl 50nl & sometimes 10nl).

My question about the 'Pace' format on WPT is, what limits does it play at?
So far I can only see this:
0.02/0.05/0.10 where it buys the player in for 50bb's. (so I guess this is 10nl). Peak traffic time = 117 players
1/2/4 'Yuan' which converts to approx. .10/.25/.50 (so I guess this is 50nl) Peak traffic time = 130 players
$1/$2 Peak traffic time = 0 players (<< Yes ZERO players on those tables)
$2/$4 Peak traffic time = 0 players

So it is basically 10nl, 50nl, 200nl, 400nl
Why not have 5nl tables, 25nl tables, & 100nl tables? (at least run 100nl tables and then maybe you'll get the 200nl tables running. Not many players will jump from 50nl to 200nl, just as most won't want to jump from 10nl tables to 50nl tables. fwiw, 25nl tables are a popular buyin on the other sites.

My next gripe will be in regards to how the lobbys are laid out (really poorly organized, tables aren't even listed according to increasing buyin limits, instead they are just mixed up amongst each other (you can have a 10nl followed by a 100nl and a 10nl after that.

Right now I have checked off 'Micro' limits in the filter tabs. The Lobby has 100nl Pace tables now showing grouped in with 10nl Pace tables, along with 40nl Bomb tables, 20nl, etc. And funny thing none of the lobbys/tabs have ever even shown 100nl Pace tables for me before now (and of course there are also ZERO players on those tables as well).
I have no doubt if the lobby was set up in a more organized fashion, AND if you had graduating limits (and more of them), the tables would attract many more players.

I've played a few hands on the site now and I still have a near impossible time trying to navigate the lobbys on the site. Now translate that to a new player who is just starting out? And now think of one who hasn't played on any site before and how quickly they will become lost on the WPT lobbys :(
Hello @Poker Orifice , What do you consider "peak traffic time"? What time zone are you in?
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
Hello @Poker Orifice , What do you consider "peak traffic time"? What time zone are you in?
Peak traffic I'd consider to be approx. 03:00 ET (Eastern Time), 'or' 08:00 GMT (I am actually in PT zone, so at around midnight for me. Tables fill up on WPT, and drop off on other sites.)


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 22, 2016
Total posts
Hello Amy. I have a small problem: on Tuesday I ordered a withdrawal, I was asked to send documents for KYC. I sent them immediately. And I am still waiting for verification and withdrawal. Shouldn't it take less than 72 hours? My nickname is blackwolf747


Bronze Level
Aug 17, 2016
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Is there a card chat affiliation code or you just have to click on the link and there is no bonus code?
Suns of Beaches

Suns of Beaches

The All-in-Rippler
Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2019
Total posts
@Ami_WPT Global any news what they verification requirements for Mexican players will be?

Ami_WPT Global

Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 19, 2023
Total posts
Hello Amy. I have a small problem: on Tuesday I ordered a withdrawal, I was asked to send documents for KYC. I sent them immediately. And I am still waiting for verification and withdrawal. Shouldn't it take less than 72 hours? My nickname is blackwolf747
Hey @blackwolf87 , I'm sorry this is taking longer then expected. I requested the team to check the status of your request and get back with you.

Ami_WPT Global

Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 19, 2023
Total posts
Is there a card chat affiliation code or you just have to click on the link and there is no bonus code?
Hey @RoviP, here is the cardschat link to WPT, not sure about a bonus code but ill tag @Tammy perhaps she can assist ❤️
Suns of Beaches

Suns of Beaches

The All-in-Rippler
Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2019
Total posts


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 22, 2016
Total posts
Hey @blackwolf87 , I'm sorry this is taking longer then expected. I requested the team to check the status of your request and get back with you.
Hey. My account is still not verified. I didn't receive any information :( Only my withdrawals were canceled... It's been a week now... I'm losing hope :D


Can I help you?
May 18, 2005
Total posts
Hey @RoviP, here is the cardschat link to WPT, not sure about a bonus code but ill tag @Tammy perhaps she can assist ❤️
@RoviP you don't need a code, just use the link. Please make sure to clear your browser cache first though before using it, just to make sure there aren't any old cookies lying about. :)

Ami_WPT Global

Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 19, 2023
Total posts
Hey. My account is still not verified. I didn't receive any information :( Only my withdrawals were canceled... It's been a week now... I'm losing hope :D
Hey @blackwolf87 , Can you please check your email? You should see an update from us there.

Ami_WPT Global

Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 19, 2023
Total posts
@Ami_WPT Global any news what they verification requirements for Mexican players will be?
Hey @Suns of Beaches Not yet, but very soon. You can see the details of our standard general KYC here. I'm told we are waiting for a final list of requirements set by the Mexican regulators
Suns of Beaches

Suns of Beaches

The All-in-Rippler
Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2019
Total posts
Hey @Suns of Beaches Not yet, but very soon. You can see the details of our standard general KYC here. I'm told we are waiting for a final list of requirements set by the Mexican regulators
Hi @Ami_WPT Global 😊

Ok thanks a lot 🙏

Do u have any information about that pk9 network? I'm even more curious now after all that dodging 😄 😄
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