For me its getting harder and harder to stop for awhile do you have any tips so that I could focus on learning rather than playing continuously hoping something will change 🥲
And also how long you stayed without playing poker?
If the answer to this question is no, then the person has serious addiction problems.
Even if poker is your job, if you can't switch off, you have an addiction problem, that's sad and extremely worrying.
Now looking at the author's answer:
Friend, you fit what I said above, if you can't organize a study, why are you playing every day?
Do you depend on that money (apparently you only lose by seeing your report)?
You are kidding?
Are you trying to improve your people reading?
First you need to know the reason for playing.
Being honest, it will already help to understand.
Knowing this, you can go to the second step, if you are having problems with addiction, search for a support group, seek help, for your own good and that of the people around you.
If it's just fun (I hope that's the case for you), you just need to be more disciplined, not open the program to play.
I see that you have problems with the game but you don't know what's going on.
First, I advise you to try to find out what's going on, find out what your playing style is, and improve your range. (this step is taking into account that you already understand the basic concept of the game and have mastered the math).
The main tip to improve the range is not to overvalue a hand, knowing that, just constantly adjust your range.
I don't know how many tables and what type of game you play, but if you have difficulty or are simply too lazy to review your game, the adjustments can be made during the games, but this can only be done if you have experience to notice changes in the opponents' game , and the main thing is to realize that your flaws are being exploited.
In short, it's hard, without focus and discipline, the money doesn't come.