For me its getting harder and harder to stop for awhile do you have any tips so that I could focus on learning rather than playing continuously hoping something will change 🥲
And also how long you stayed without playing poker?
Hello brother
Well, from what you say, I guess you're going through a rough patch and you want to progress in the game.
my advice would be
1) If your goal is to be a regular player, keep studying and start regularly imposing your study in practice
2) Focus on a game that is or the one you like, or the one that regularly with the study that you carry out is profitable for you.
If you play Hold'em, or if you play Omaha, etc., do it in a single game, focus on it and make the most of the situation.
3) According to the game that you have decided to play, establish in which modality to do it. Cash, MTT, SnG. This is very important, because the variation of the dividends that you acquire by playing will be faster in one stage than in another. For example, most regular players prefer cash, because the daily income can be a constant flow, which is not the case with MTTs and SnGs, let's say they are halfway between one and the other.
4) Once you have considered these 3 situations, comes the stage of starting to build a
bankroll. This is essential in the career of any regular poker player. In the construction of the bankroll you must be very responsible. For example, if you level up because you are fit and a bad streak affects you on the other level, don't worry brother, you have to be humble enough to go down to the previous level.
5) Establish a game schedule and a study schedule. I at least spend an hour a day studying, in some cases if I find something very interesting I give it more time. And I give my time to the game 3 hours a day, more or less.
In this you must also be very responsible. Except that you play MTT, which takes more time and you must dedicate it logically, if you play cash like I do, 3 sessions of 3 hours is fine, because you also have to understand that your brain must rest, and if your brain is tired, the decisions that are generally taken are wrong.
Lastly, don't be scared of a bad streak, be scared if in the bad streak you find that you make too many mistakes for it to happen. A badbeat AA or KK all in is not the death of anyone. If you did things right, you will win many more times than you will lose, I guarantee that.
Learning and reflecting on the mistakes made helps us grow in the game, which is ultimately what will bring dividends to our account in the long run.
Greetings brother, and I hope my reflection has served you for your moment, which is neither more nor less than a moment that every poker player has lived.
A hug........Carlos