Pokerstars Shut Down & Full Tilt Poker Shut Down by the FBI



Silver Level
Mar 12, 2009
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It does not really matter who you vote for.
Look at the disgusting way Bush jr. was elected in 2000, the American people elected Al Gore; only to find out that it did not mean squat! The other crooks we elected to office decided for themselves through "electoral votes" who would be President! Sad times, sad times for sure!
We let ourselves get to this point, only WE can get our butts out of this jam!

Nice first post friend - however I think you are confused, this is a poker forum, not an anti-Bush forum...


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 18, 2011
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This is confusing to say the least... I'm not talking about poker being shut down to the United States, that is about as clear as it gets...

What I am talking about is the fact that a majority of American's see with their own eyes day in and day out that the Freedom we hold so dearly, our constitution, our bill of rights, the declaration of independance, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... are all a thing of the past...

The image of the woman holding the scale comes to mind. The fragile balance that is justice. The current image that comes to mind is of a woman wearing a blindfold, holding a scale that has a pile of stones on one side, and feathers in the other, obviously the side with the stones has tipped the scale completely out of balance, and the side with the feathers, representing the average hard working, good natured citizen of a country we generally used to believe to be the best in the world, that side is way up in the air. The feathers are being blown away in the wind, and none of us knows what the hell to do.

Somebody else mentioned that we are not about to pick up muskets or hop on a horse yelling that the redcoats are coming. That made sense to me. We would be over powered in a second! And besides that, it's not something I'd even WANT to do. I haven't been in as much as a fist fight since I was in high school over 15 years ago... not because I am not a strong individual but because I have a desire for peace! I just want to be left alone to enjoy some aspect of life.

Playing online poker was one of the very few things I actually enjoy anymore. It is a very sad statement, I know, but I suffer from incredible depression. Medication helps a little, but "drugs" only do so much, we need to be able to find ways to accept what we have been given in this world. Poker helped fill that emptiness as a way to relax and enjoy the world. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I don't engage in behavior that hurts my fellow man, I played poker as a daily escape from the harsh realities of the world. It was my time to relax, listen to some music, eat some chips and salsa, and let the craziness of the world just go by for at least a few hours a day. Now that is gone too.

How much more will they take away? And how much more can I and everyone else handle? I used to say things like "They better watch out, they don't want to set me off!" but the truth is, there's not much I could do that would matter much to any of them. They could stop any effort I put out in the snap of their fingers.

But there is one thing they can do nothing about, something that may happen and I don't even intend for it to happen. They can't force me to be productive. They can't force me to care. Right now I feel broken. I feel like the country is crumbling around me. And I don't feel there is any incentive anymore to waking up and trying hard anymore. They can't tax money I don't make. I doubt I am alone here, nor am I proud that I've reached this point, just the opposite, I'm quite ashamed at how weak I've become. But the bottom line, is I feel broken.

I don't know what happens if our country becomes one as oppresive as I suspect it might. I hope that my fight or flight response kicks in. Even writing this, I worry that I am putting myself in danger for expressing my thoughts. I honest to God am worried that my so called first ammendment right of free speech has become nothing more than an empty promise. That these unalienable rights set forth by our forefathers, are all subject to interpretation at this point. The constitution, the declaration of independance, the bill of rights... they are all pieces of paper with signitures of men long dead.

Forgive me for being dramatic, but what I see all around me is a country on the verge of becoming an oppressive dictatorship whose citizens are so brainwashed and naive that they believe they are immune to the types of injustice they have heard of in other parts of the world. It is the type of thing we've only heard of on the news and is no more relevant to our lives than is Hansel and Gretel or The little engine that could... well I am telling you right now, this little engine doesn't believe he can anymore... and that is sad...


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 18, 2011
Total posts
Nice first post friend - however I think you are confused, this is a poker forum, not an anti-Bush forum...

I doubt he's confused... in case you hadn't heard, poker players have been called out... He's discussing a topic quite relevant to poker, that being "why can't I play?"

But I'll say this, it has nothing to do with Bush, or Obama, or Cheney, or any of the figureheads we like to blame, it's much deeper than that. And it goes much further than poker, it's about absolute control.

Anywho, sorry if you don't like political discussion, I'm not a big fan myself, but it's not as if he came into a discussion about how to play Ace-King suited with a raise and re-raise ahead of him and made a comment about politics. This stuff has to be said somewhere, if not here then where?


Bubble Punter
Feb 2, 2009
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This is confusing to say the least... I'm not talking about poker being shut down to the United States, that is about as clear as it gets...

What I am talking about is the fact that a majority of American's see with their own eyes day in and day out that the Freedom we hold so dearly, our constitution, our bill of rights, the declaration of independance, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... are all a thing of the past...

The image of the woman holding the scale comes to mind. The fragile balance that is justice. The current image that comes to mind is of a woman wearing a blindfold, holding a scale that has a pile of stones on one side, and feathers in the other, obviously the side with the stones has tipped the scale completely out of balance, and the side with the feathers, representing the average hard working, good natured citizen of a country we generally used to believe to be the best in the world, that side is way up in the air. The feathers are being blown away in the wind, and none of us knows what the hell to do.

Somebody else mentioned that we are not about to pick up muskets or hop on a horse yelling that the redcoats are coming. That made sense to me. We would be over powered in a second! And besides that, it's not something I'd even WANT to do. I haven't been in as much as a fist fight since I was in high school over 15 years ago... not because I am not a strong individual but because I have a desire for peace! I just want to be left alone to enjoy some aspect of life.

Playing online poker was one of the very few things I actually enjoy anymore. It is a very sad statement, I know, but I suffer from incredible depression. Medication helps a little, but "drugs" only do so much, we need to be able to find ways to accept what we have been given in this world. Poker helped fill that emptiness as a way to relax and enjoy the world. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I don't engage in behavior that hurts my fellow man, I played poker as a daily escape from the harsh realities of the world. It was my time to relax, listen to some music, eat some chips and salsa, and let the craziness of the world just go by for at least a few hours a day. Now that is gone too.

How much more will they take away? And how much more can I and everyone else handle? I used to say things like "They better watch out, they don't want to set me off!" but the truth is, there's not much I could do that would matter much to any of them. They could stop any effort I put out in the snap of their fingers.

But there is one thing they can do nothing about, something that may happen and I don't even intend for it to happen. They can't force me to be productive. They can't force me to care. Right now I feel broken. I feel like the country is crumbling around me. And I don't feel there is any incentive anymore to waking up and trying hard anymore. They can't tax money I don't make. I doubt I am alone here, nor am I proud that I've reached this point, just the opposite, I'm quite ashamed at how weak I've become. But the bottom line, is I feel broken.

I don't know what happens if our country becomes one as oppresive as I suspect it might. I hope that my fight or flight response kicks in. Even writing this, I worry that I am putting myself in danger for expressing my thoughts. I honest to God am worried that my so called first ammendment right of free speech has become nothing more than an empty promise. That these unalienable rights set forth by our forefathers, are all subject to interpretation at this point. The constitution, the declaration of independance, the bill of rights... they are all pieces of paper with signitures of men long dead.

Forgive me for being dramatic, but what I see all around me is a country on the verge of becoming an oppressive dictatorship whose citizens are so brainwashed and naive that they believe they are immune to the types of injustice they have heard of in other parts of the world. It is the type of thing we've only heard of on the news and is no more relevant to our lives than is Hansel and Gretel or The little engine that could... well I am telling you right now, this little engine doesn't believe he can anymore... and that is sad...

Introductory post of the year here!

Very well said. While I am not a citizen of America, nor has these recent events actually hurt me in any way (that I can see at this time), I too feel that things are getting to the point where the population either does something drastic to make themselves heard or they will soon be so broken and overly oppressed that they will no longer be able to.

Someone else said how social networking helped the cause in Egypt, and I believe that the over 10 million US poker players, if they all pooled their voices, could make a very strong statement and impact not only towards this very situation, but towards other matters of freedom that are slowly being stripped from the "land of the free".


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 18, 2011
Total posts
Introductory post of the year here!

Very well said. While I am not a citizen of America, nor has these recent events actually hurt me in any way (that I can see at this time), I too feel that things are getting to the point where the population either does something drastic to make themselves heard or they will soon be so broken and overly oppressed that they will no longer be able to.

Someone else said how social networking helped the cause in Egypt, and I believe that the over 10 million US poker players, if they all pooled their voices, could make a very strong statement and impact not only towards this very situation, but towards other matters of freedom that are slowly being stripped from the "land of the free".

lol! Oh yeah, Hi, I am from Minnesota, and I enjoy playing poker. :) Forgive my bold entry onto the forum, recent events have me crazier than usual.

You are SO right though. 10 million people is significant, if just 10% stepped up to the plate and expressed our displeasure with all of this it would be hard to ignore.

Not worried about the poker, I've got 2 cardrooms open 24/7 that always have a game and a casino with a fairly steady 2-4 and 2-10 spread game all within 30-45 minutes drive away. I am actually looking forward to getting out and playing some live poker again, it's been a while and playing at home has just been too convienient. That and in short order online poker will be back, albeit it'll be Steve Wynn and friends running the show, it's the fact that I love this country and actually bought into the patriotism that was heavily pushed upon me in school growing up. I remember feeling pride in america when I watched the olympics as a kid, I remember proudly singing the national anthem or saying the pledge of allegiance in school. I was patriotic to the point other kids made fun of me in school. Never "nationalist" so to say, I just really liked all that America offered despite the flaws that came with our country. I remember shooting off fireworks on the 4th of July really feeling blessed that our forefathers stood up for freedom the way they did. What the hell happened?


Was good while it was good. It no longer is.
Feb 3, 2010
Total posts
I live in Canada but the US is being smart... they don't want 'losers' to waste their income on Poker... most of us are smart enough to play the right game, but addicted gamblers are going on Welfare do to poker sites of such. This is how the US loses incomes to the Countries of Poker sites. This way the US poker sites will be gaining money for the government and they won't be losing... There are byways to this but the US government has been planning this out. I will stay tuned to this discussion hoping people will be smart with their money.

Hmmmm, according to your logic, then outlawing small businesses is next. Cause they lead to bankruptcy as well. But seriously, this has nothing got do with the way the US views losing gamblers.....
IDK, The "The US is being smart" comment got me very undecided whether or not to RPFL or cry at the absurdity of such a statement...........

A lot of political discussion, and thank God for that. I wont even go into any detail, cause what I think is so utterly unimportant here. It would be a step in the right direction, however, if more Americans would start "thinking" and not just reacting. (Finding reliable information sources would also be nice)

America is not dealing with problem situations in a far sighted, long term way,and has not been for some time, in many cases. Both parties are in need of a LOT of change. And third (or more) party influence would be, although probably impossible it our system, so helpful.

I dont want to de-rail, (and I have my own personal aluminum hat, thank you very much) but in the very near future, this situation could possibly seem trivial to the US players here. I am following a series of articles in the "Sud-Deutsche Zeitung" a very reliable and interdependent newspaper here in germany, and the economic future of the US is a questionable thing, and not just in a single German newspaper.

But I have gone against my own wishes and de-railed here. Blame is a word used a lot ITT. Blame is a cop out. Its closing the barn door after the horse has run out. Each and every American needs to look at themselves, and ask what they can do to constitute change NOW. Sadly, the information sources in the US that many view as reputable and solid, are tainted and biased, and this has led to a a mis guided complacency and an also mis guided anger.

If we must point a finger, lets do it to the mirror............. Thats where change REALLY starts.

EDIT: Just re read my post. I am not trying to say we the people are entirely to blame here, although we must carry some of the burden. It IS the government, and dont even think of singling any one party out here. But we the people can make waves, if we have not gotten too complacent and comfortable...........
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Hoof Harted

Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 17, 2011
Total posts
Nice first post friend - however I think you are confused, this is a poker forum, not an anti-Bush forum...
The statement was not intended to be a judgment about "Bush" per se, but a reference used only to show were we are at as a nation of sheep with no real control of our destiny, including the right to spend what is left of our hard earned income after Uncle Sam is done with it! But the bottom line is that until the Gov. feels that they are in full control of the revenue, we will not be playing online poker legally anytime soon!


Back to work ... zzzzz
Silver Level
Oct 3, 2007
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lmao ;) it's like you have no blame :eek: lies to the players was the funniest crap I've heard in awhile . so you never knew it was illegal to deposit or realized you were cashing out from an illegal payment processor , with a legit sounding name that had no ties to gambling , or that they changed the amount slightly .

LMAO ... every one of us knew what they were doing and were glad they were doing it so we could keep playing . we are lucky if they don't come after us too :eek:
love ya guy but that just sounded so hypocritical I had to post :eek: :p
and for the people who really did have their head up their ass ?? ignorance is not an excuse:p

You misunderstood what I wrote. My comment was directed toward the countless times when their were forum threads that the sites were having payment problems and they chose to gloss it over with comments to players indicating they really didn't know what the 'processor' was doing. In essence... building a wall of lies about their knowledge of what was going on in their own house.

As to deposits, if you've followed anything I have ever written on CC, you'd know I have NEVER deposited on any poker site and I use what I make on the sites to enjoy playing whatever I want online, on THEIR money. I may lose whatever was in all the bankrolls I have at the various sites, but I'm not being a hypocrit since I neither deposited nor withdrew. Since I haven't, I wouldn't have a clue what name/s appeared on withdrawal checks.

I save my serious play for live tables... and have since '69. No problems there... cash in the door... cash out the door... in licensed BnM casinos.



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 16, 2011
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Anytime a bunch of religious whack-jobs are trying to do something, "For your own good" better start running the other way.

This is a country that outlawed alcohol for God's sake! Don't forget who you're dealing with.

On the other hand, I like the idea of 10 million people calling congress and screaming at them. Your political stripe doesn't really matter. In fact half dems and half gops would probably be better. That way they know it's not just one or the other.

I've already sent some angry e-mail to my congressman, two senators, and a president. The worst thing you can do is be quiet about it. You're not quiet on this board so let THEM hear you.


Made in the USA
Silver Level
May 21, 2008
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anyone else notice they unregistered all of the US players for the CC freeroll?
Dammit, I was really hoping that would be my last hoorah on Full Tilt.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 27, 2009
Total posts
It was only a matter of time for this to happen. To me a snitch has no place in life - they are the lowest of the low. A rat is a rat is a rat.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Apr 10, 2005
Total posts
You are SO right though. 10 million people is significant,

In a nation of 300 million, that's just over 3%. And even if all 10 million of those players voted in the last presidential election, it'd still be only about 7% of the total number of voters.

It's not that significant. Those 10 mil need to energize way more to truly create a voice that will get anything done.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 15, 2011
Total posts
lmao ;) it's like you have no blame :eek: lies to the players was the funniest crap I've heard in awhile . so you never knew it was illegal to deposit or realized you were cashing out from an illegal payment processor , with a legit sounding name that had no ties to gambling , or that they changed the amount slightly .

LMAO ... every one of us knew what they were doing and were glad they were doing it so we could keep playing . we are lucky if they don't come after us too :eek:
love ya guy but that just sounded so hypocritical I had to post :eek: :p
and for the people who really did have their head up their ass ?? ignorance is not an excuse:p

well call me Naive, but what got me interested in playing poker online

were commercials run on US TV ... do they have to give back their dirty money?

does this mean i have a lawsuit? ... can I sue any network that took money from these supposedly ILLEGAL sites and ran ad after ad after ad after ad

hey, i dont buy stuff from informercials, but legit prime time commercials ... i dont think i'm a SUCKA for deciding to type or

if others were learning, chatting and playing with the pros, why not me, why not me!!!!! ... you certainly can't play with the pros for play money

i mean i can drive 40 minutes to a casino and play ... so why is a virtual "drive" to a casino so terribly illegal

this suks


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Apr 6, 2009
Total posts
yea i accidentally downloaded those play money sites on accident awhile back.
Charade You Are

Charade You Are

you can call me Frost
Silver Level
May 9, 2008
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I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the irony: (bold is my edit).

"While we work to ensure that the Internet remains an open marketplace for ideas and beliefs, it must also remain an open marketplace for business. In recent years, however, we have seen a significant up-tick in threats to the free flow of information on the Internet," Locke said.

"At the Commerce Department, we feel strongly that the Internet must remain, as much as possible, a worldwide open market, one where vigorous competition is allowed to thrive and where trade barriers are negligible."


Rock Star
Silver Level
Sep 30, 2008
Total posts
Just reading all of this.
I live in a cave, Ugh :(


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Apr 4, 2008
Total posts
has any1 cashed out on tilt since fbi

has any1 cashed out since the fbi tried to shut down full tilt. won couple hundred dollars the day before and it still aint gone through. Its normaly in the bank the next day.Getting worried now. and ive just won some more money:( Have the FBI stolen my poker winnings? This is like the 9/11 of poker.


Sep 7, 2004
Total posts
Just bumping this thread :)

edit: for people looking for the news
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Forum Admin
Oct 13, 2006
Total posts
Why? If you really enjoy torturing Americans go buy the Hostel DVD for your jollies.

Most of us Americans - though not at all happy with recent events - still want to follow and read what is in these threads to help us sort out exactly what has happened and try to understand what the future might hold. :)
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