If you figure out what to do for the American people to take our country back you let me know. I am a sane educated middle class american and I am day after day disappointed by both the right and the left in the USA.
At this point no matter who I vote for in elections both state and federal the scumbags will do the same thing but only talk about it in different ways. Unbelievable!
I think it's funny that Zorfox included the ironic misspelling above. The Feds certainly are "banning" together. (I think he meant "band together.")
The rest of his rant sure seemed like a Glenn Beck type end-of-the-world tirade.
Just remember, the "Poker Players Bill of Rights" was making it's way through congress just fine until the idiots from the Tea Party showed up and killed it.
America is at an all time low. I am disgraced to be living in this country. And poker is just the latest part of that....
Open your eyes people, we are not free, stop thinking this government is so great.
If you figure out what to do for the American people to take our country back you let me know. I am a sane educated middle class american and I am day after day disappointed by both the right and the left in the USA.
At this point no matter who I vote for in elections both state and federal the scumbags will do the same thing but only talk about it in different ways. Unbelievable!
"The land of the free"
... but only if you pay for it....
Dude has a horrible mullet and looks like a douche.
Ron Paul 2012.
If you didn't support Ron Paul in 2008 as a poker player, a fiscal conservative and a lover of freedom and the truth, you had your head in the sand.
People who voted for Obamma voted for big gov. They gotta pay for all his free insuraunce, trillion dollar jumpstart the economy bs somehow. We as a free people need to stand up do something. My fear is its probally too late already.
Who started this indictment? A bunch of republican FBI in NY office.
Open your eyes kid.
Who started the indictments? The poker sites did by violating the US banking laws, using deception to circumvent the UIGEA (unanimously approved by BOTH houses of Congress) and setting up bogus companies. The FBI just CAUGHT them at it.
No wonder even the major poker companies had problems with their payment processors periodically .... while posting lies to the players about 'why' they were having problems. I can't believe, knowing what we hear now, that the sites were not aware of EXACTLY how the processors were operating. They were, after all, giving these processors millions and millions of dollars to collect and distribute. Would you give that kind of money to companies you know nothing or little about ??
The other part of 'opening the eyes' is that it was Congress that unanimously passed the UIGEA ... not any Pres (Bush or Obama) ... not the FBI and not the DoJ. Blame Congress !!
Speaking of the DoJ, this wreaks of the same stench that the DoJ had when it needed to expand it's departments and budgets and went on their pornography industry witch hunts in the late 90's and on early into the 2000's.
There's more to 'waking up' than blaming Republicans.
btw ... isn't Eric Holder the Attorney General ? He's head of the US Attorney offices and staff nationwide ... and he is an OBAMA appointee .... do you think the NY Office proceeded without his nod of approval ???