I think the huge rise in marketing and celebrity sponsorship has drawn a lot of beginners to the game - it started with
pokerstars getting people like tennis player Nadal and Neymar etc advertising more and with the introduction of phone
Apps and micro stakes and loyalty programs there was a huge influx of novice players that just needed to know the basics and have a bit of luck. As my hubby says even a blind squirrel will find a nut in the woods once in a while 🤣.
Then you’ve got youngsters with disposable income playing aggressively after watching a few twitch streams or YouTube films that now and then will hit big and think they are masters. After all when they don’t they’re behind a screen so they can forget it and think it was a bad beat ( not them playing badly) and continue playing their crazy range hitting miracles that compound to them they are playing well - when really they aren’t.
On the flip side you have people that are hard to fathom who make some really ridiculously bad plays but then make some brilliant plays. And you have to wonder if they are just reacting to other bad players or seriously don’t have a clue.
I think poker is more accessible to more people of all levels than it ever has been.
online poker is a lot more affordable than live and I think people play looser because of that, the speed and anonymity (and in reaction to other bad play)