Bill Perkins
Q:How does your hero ''dies with zero'' during the pandemic ?? Live for the day maybe ?? How does he adapt to these hard conditions , financially and not only , how does he keep on moving like a shark instead of dying as you say ??
Q: Is it possible to have this positive mindset and philosophy even if you are broke or lose your job ?? Is this die with zero philosophy only for wealthy people , middle class people that have some money (more or less) or for everyone ??
Q: Do you plan to write more books in the future ?? If you had to write now a book , what other concept would youlike to write about ????
Q: You are a nice guy to play against at the poker tables , not caring sometimes to burn money for fun , are you so nice guy , careless , also in your personal life and businesses or only at poker ??
Q: Poker : Hobby ?? Lifestyle ?? Way to interact with some specific audience ?? Sth else ?? What is poker to your life ??
Q: You had a conflict with Jungleman (Dan Cates) accusing him for scamming behavior , he apologised , have you settled this difference with him or not ??
Q:Is ghosting on poker so bad thing in comparison to other scams (bots,GTO real time solvers , other programms ) or are all scams the same repulsive for you ??
Q: Women in your life , could youlive one day without them ??
Q:Who are the film producers , directors and actors that you admire the most ??
Q: How would you like to see yourself in 10 and 20 years from now , doing the same things , having the same lifestyle like now ??
Q;If you had the chance to choose to live after 80 years old for 10 years more years but extremelly poor , would you do it or not ??
Q:How does your hero ''dies with zero'' during the pandemic ?? Live for the day maybe ?? How does he adapt to these hard conditions , financially and not only , how does he keep on moving like a shark instead of dying as you say ??
Q: Is it possible to have this positive mindset and philosophy even if you are broke or lose your job ?? Is this die with zero philosophy only for wealthy people , middle class people that have some money (more or less) or for everyone ??
Q: Do you plan to write more books in the future ?? If you had to write now a book , what other concept would youlike to write about ????
Q: You are a nice guy to play against at the poker tables , not caring sometimes to burn money for fun , are you so nice guy , careless , also in your personal life and businesses or only at poker ??
Q: Poker : Hobby ?? Lifestyle ?? Way to interact with some specific audience ?? Sth else ?? What is poker to your life ??
Q: You had a conflict with Jungleman (Dan Cates) accusing him for scamming behavior , he apologised , have you settled this difference with him or not ??
Q:Is ghosting on poker so bad thing in comparison to other scams (bots,GTO real time solvers , other programms ) or are all scams the same repulsive for you ??
Q: Women in your life , could youlive one day without them ??
Q:Who are the film producers , directors and actors that you admire the most ??
Q: How would you like to see yourself in 10 and 20 years from now , doing the same things , having the same lifestyle like now ??
Q;If you had the chance to choose to live after 80 years old for 10 years more years but extremelly poor , would you do it or not ??
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