Silver Level
Ahhh, almost forgot about this man It's a great super bowl commercial for the non "US Football" watchers
YouTube - Terry Tate Office Linebacker
YouTube - Terry Tate Office Linebacker
dont cheer too soon -.-
yea... you run like shit. glad to know i'm not alone
I think you could have gotten away from the K-10 hand vs. trip aces; you probably were on tilt even if you didn't realize.
That quad 10's was harsh though... you had the 3rd nuts FFS.
On the one where he had a full house... I guess it was a fold. I don't know if I could have gotten away from it.
I'm really interested to read others' responses.
Bah, busted 7th for $57. Wtf, I play like ass.
I turn 24 today! I feel old
I turn 24 today! I feel old
why do you say that like its going to be easy to do? Nothing to do with HEM is easy, i assume i find this update on the forums?
getting home at noon is the way to win at life
Who wants to play online monopoly vs me?
Did you wake up at 11 only to realize the girl you spent the night with was actually a transsexual?
its so on !
get switch to play
its the only game i can beat him at