Jeff Gross (Poker Pro) - Ask Me Anything!



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Mar 31, 2022
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Book vs training program

Hi team

What’s best
Raise your edge mtt training OR applications of No limit Holden book ?
Thank you


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Sep 15, 2016
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Trying extremely hard to stay positive

I’m trying my hardest to stay positive while playing poker. It seems whatever I do I cannot win. It literally doesn’t matter what hands I play, how much of a favorite I am, I just CANNOT WIN at any consistent rate for it to translate into anything meaningful. I signed up to acr a few years ago. When I first started it was amazing. It seemed I was making a deep run every other day. This lasted for a few months and words cannot stress enough how much of a cliff dive it’s been ever since. I’ve played so many tournaments where I’ve entered the reg ending w a top 10% stack, too many times and yet 9/10 times I’ll either get coolered non stop until I’m out, or get 2-6/7j basically every hand until I blind down and have to shove. I just don’t understand how someone can consistently dominate ENTIRE open regs and then once it ends and approaches the money, it’s like a switch goes off. I’ll run the top 1% of my hands into the top .9% of my opp hands. Jus a quick stat and i know I sound like a complete fish but can you please help me understand how I can win kk and aa all in pre flop at less then 25%? Every time I’ve manually kept track it’s never been higher than that. I just went 8/83 all in pre while being ahead 56 of them. Last time I tracked I went 3/47. I know this isn’t a large sample size but I can assure you this is basically how I run on a day to day basis pretty much. I usually stop keeping track because it’s too discouraging to focus on such negative things. But it’s like it doesn’t matter how hard I try. Or how good I get my money in. It’s just a total disaster. Today alone I lost both kk I had to qq. Got it all in on the flop turn 3 times against a gut shot and lost to all 3 of them. Anything I’ve ever kept track was never a higher win rate then 50%. I’ve tracked flopped two pairs/sets. It’s astonishing how many four card flushes and straights I see when I have two pair+ The amount of times I chop pots are EASILLLLYYY 5 to 1 when I’m ahead compared to when I’m behind. I understand variance. I understand this can happen. But at what point does it stop? It it’s insane how pure I’ll run in any tourney w a less than 100$ top prize. It’s pathetic. I watch ppl stream and it’s like I have to watch a bad beat compilation to ever see what I go through in one day in one sitting. I’m sure I’ll get trolled but I’m being serious. I can’t win when I’m ahead. I can’t win when I’m behind. Just bleeding money. And the worst part is I’m playing correct. Would never complain about losing hands I’m behind in. But when you basically lose 40/50 hands while being ahead 35 of them. Day after day. For months and months. Until you bink tourney. And then it’s like it comes back 1000x harder. How many times do things have to happen before it’s no longer a coincidence

Maybe you should try to go all-in less?
This helped me a lot.

I see you lose kk vs qq all-in many times and I see many players online shoving all in preflop with high cards vs 6 or more does and losing
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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Trying extremely hard to stay positive

I’m trying my hardest to stay positive while playing poker. It seems whatever I do I cannot win. It literally doesn’t matter what hands I play, how much of a favorite I am, I just CANNOT WIN at any consistent rate for it to translate into anything meaningful. I signed up to acr a few years ago. When I first started it was amazing. It seemed I was making a deep run every other day. This lasted for a few months and words cannot stress enough how much of a cliff dive it’s been ever since. I’ve played so many tournaments where I’ve entered the reg ending w a top 10% stack, too many times and yet 9/10 times I’ll either get coolered non stop until I’m out, or get 2-6/7j basically every hand until I blind down and have to shove. I just don’t understand how someone can consistently dominate ENTIRE open regs and then once it ends and approaches the money, it’s like a switch goes off. I’ll run the top 1% of my hands into the top .9% of my opp hands. Jus a quick stat and i know I sound like a complete fish but can you please help me understand how I can win kk and aa all in pre flop at less then 25%? Every time I’ve manually kept track it’s never been higher than that. I just went 8/83 all in pre while being ahead 56 of them. Last time I tracked I went 3/47. I know this isn’t a large sample size but I can assure you this is basically how I run on a day to day basis pretty much. I usually stop keeping track because it’s too discouraging to focus on such negative things. But it’s like it doesn’t matter how hard I try. Or how good I get my money in. It’s just a total disaster. Today alone I lost both kk I had to qq. Got it all in on the flop turn 3 times against a gut shot and lost to all 3 of them. Anything I’ve ever kept track was never a higher win rate then 50%. I’ve tracked flopped two pairs/sets. It’s astonishing how many four card flushes and straights I see when I have two pair+ The amount of times I chop pots are EASILLLLYYY 5 to 1 when I’m ahead compared to when I’m behind. I understand variance. I understand this can happen. But at what point does it stop? It it’s insane how pure I’ll run in any tourney w a less than 100$ top prize. It’s pathetic. I watch ppl stream and it’s like I have to watch a bad beat compilation to ever see what I go through in one day in one sitting. I’m sure I’ll get trolled but I’m being serious. I can’t win when I’m ahead. I can’t win when I’m behind. Just bleeding money. And the worst part is I’m playing correct. Would never complain about losing hands I’m behind in. But when you basically lose 40/50 hands while being ahead 35 of them. Day after day. For months and months. Until you bink tourney. And then it’s like it comes back 1000x harder. How many times do things have to happen before it’s no longer a coincidence

Wow! That is sooooooo unfair!
Only suggestion I can think of is perhaps some warm milk & cookies and ask your mom to tuck you in to bed. Just remember, there's always another day, another tournament... another hand. You'll get a deep run in something and all of the whining will seem like something far in the past.

Now give me back my 2mins.!


Rock Star
Platinum Level
Aug 20, 2022
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Hi Jeff,

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 😂😂

Only kidding I think I saw YouTube videos of yourself, your a hell of a player friend!

It lovely to actually see pro poker players on cardschat me myself I have no questions so I just simply wanted to say hello 🙂

Much love

DJ HighRoller

Rising Star
Bronze Level
Dec 8, 2022
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Hello jeff how are you doing? what are your thoughts about cultivating this feeling to know each time or maybe most of the time when to raise when to fold i mean how to achieve this feeling and master the game , once doyle said nobody can teach you this feeling , what do you think one can do in poker and also outside the game to become winner 9 out of 10 times