This is the eternal question in poker! In fact, skills in poker mean a lot more than luck. But without luck you will very often lose in situations where you are the favorite on pre-flop or even turn.What do you consider more important: luck or skill in poker?
This is correct.In the short term - luck.
In the long term - skill.
The bigger the sample size the more skill will win out.
I think it depends on your goals. If you want to be a profitable player in the long run, then skills will be more important. If poker is just a weekend pastime for you, or a bingo game in general, then perhaps luck will be more important to you.What do you consider more important: luck or skill in poker?
Skill to win a tournament you need luck to get rich playing poker and keep it skill wins out every time over year after year decade after decade....So you need both...A 4 hour tournament you might need luck 20 to 80 times depending how many times you go all in lol....With any type of flip etc...Smartest statement any pro ever told me was you only need to win once in a tournament one hand IF YOU GO ALL IN...thats the last hand...I got it he is a champion he taught me limit holdem and ive won so many times using that... Now its more aggressive then like...Like that in omaha PL but not so much in nl holdem tournaments want to play trapping style but now got to mix up more it seems to be successful so need to change ways at times i guessWhat do you consider more important: luck or skill in poker?
Will it be difficult to play without heart?🤔😁🤣🤣The most important thing is to play with heart.
Said the most skilled guy on Cardschat.😁🤣🤣Skill is when preparation meet opportunity
Luck will help in late stage of tournament but skill take you there
If the answer is based on Cardschat freerolls, it's 99% luck and 1% skill, and I'm being generous.😁🤣🤣What do you consider more important: luck or skill in poker?
In general, I think skills are more important. I think the ratio of skills to luck is about 75% to 25%. But this is a very generalised ratio, and if we talk about super turbo or hyper tournaments, then everything looks the other way roundWhat do you consider more important: luck or skill in poker?
I think luck will be mad at you now, my friend.Always skill. What percentage of pots do you think are settled without showing cards?