For me personally, any cash games have always been unprofitable. And that's why I just stopped playing them, currently I only play in tournaments and my bankroll is steadily growing. But you have to decide for yourself what to focus your attention on, and your statistics will help you with this.Hi everyone,
What’s ur opinions/experience is zoom profitable?
I learned poker from the school of Claudio Davino (aka Peixe Feliz) and Nanonoko, and both players made gigantic fortunes playing Zoom Tables (Fast Play).Hi everyone,
What’s ur opinions/experience is zoom profitable?
Very profitable. I never make the money from poker my first rent, but i have some notes in pokerstars for example, for some guys who i started play plo z2 some years ago, and now they are playing zPLO100/200Hi everyone,
What’s ur opinions/experience is zoom profitable?
Hi.Hi everyone,
What’s ur opinions/experience is zoom profitable?
ALL of the zoom regs are 4-tabling. (same with on GG rush & cash, same with on partypoker FastForward). Ask me how I know.. You also play more hands per hour, so rather than having 4 regular tables running, 1-2 Zoom tables will be enough.
I learned poker from the school of Claudio Davino (aka Peixe Feliz) and Nanonoko, and both players made gigantic fortunes playing Zoom Tables (Fast Play).
However, I never made one cent playing these games, because 1 table of Zoom is equal to 3 regulars tables, which means we play 3 times more blinds, 3 times more rake.
I made one single session where I’ve opened 3 Zoom tables at once and in less than an hour I lost $ 50 dollars, which has caused me a large TILT (playing NLHE 2!!!)
So I never ventured myself to play in these tables anymore, I think we gotta play many hands and be very good in reading to overcome the blinds and the rake.
Personally I do not recommend these games for any beginners. It is dangerous and can make you very angry.
Besides all of that sometimes you’ll see one or another playing sitting there with 50 buy-ins, I saw once a player with more than 100 buy-ins!!!
Which lead me to believe Zoom is a little bit rigged but I have no proof, so it’s useless to state.
I recommend to play regular tables and a few tables at a time, at maximum three tables.
I compared it to chess: only a few chess Grand Masters have the skills to defeat many players in many tables and the same goes for poker.
Nanonoko and a few enlightened ones can do it, but most of us gotta be humble and do what is more healthy and profitable to our own gameplay and style of life.
Besides, as much more hands we play, bigger the variance and bigger the chances of lack of psychological control (tilt).
Nice to read it mate, I’m glad for you. I wish I had this ability to play fast tables but I’m satisfied with the slower games of regular ones.I've played *many hands of 'Rush Poker' (Z00M, SNAP, FastForward, SPEED, BlitzPoker). It's a tougher game with a lower winrate... but I LIKE IT!
(* many as in 2.5 million+ hands< this is supposed to look like an 'embarassed' emoji )
I mostly 4-table these but have 6-tabled in the past on Partypoker (it had a 4-table max. but there was a way to fast click on the 5th & 6th table as you were opening up the 4th table).
what kind limit you play in zoom and on which room PS ?For me Zoom is more profibale than reg tables. I am a fish who would get bored and start calling bets I should not on reg tables.
I can easily fold 20 hands on the trot in zoom and no one really notices, but if i did that on a reg table I would be noted as a nit and when I do raise, every body would fold haha - so for me Zoom is more profitable, plus I enjoy the format way more.