I dont think îs there such a thing as a right time to play, more important îs to play only when you feel good and your mind îs focus on the poker game 😄
I adapt to the times I have available, but for those who have time, the best time is when there are fewer players and a weaker field, I believe that at dawn is like that.
on natural 8 ( GG poker skin) there is so much traffic I don't think it makes much difference. but on acr (. wpn ) the nightime is much softer opponents ( 8pm to midnight ) . weekends are great on acr and Friday nights also.
I definitely find Fridays to Sundays work best, as mentioned before there are more players in the evenings and a whole lot more skill levels that play, obviously with that comes more variance as numbers and probability factors come into play but i tend to find i have made more money playing at these times.
I would however caveat that by saying its worth sticking to lowest stakes at these times too if you are a cash game rookie and have a cut off limit as part of good, solid bankroll management.