All games tend to be softer, when people are not working, because then more recreational players have time to play. So it will depend on, which time zone you are in, and which time zones most of the player pool is in. On PokerStars the european afternoon hours tend to be the worst time to play, at least in my experience / opinion. But with cash games, should always table select, and this is far more important than playing at certain times. If you cant find good tables after multible attemts, thats usually a sign to end the session. If you play Zoom style tables, then look at number of players per flop and try to play, when its high.
Hi Everybody! I agree with most of You!
@PockerGod thank You for Your Question - it is very interesting. As
@fundiver199 wrote - it depends on many factors like:
- time zone, geolocation... My zone is Central Europe
- Poker Room - I saw that You are playing ACR Poker - I see it now first time
-You wrote: "Trying to Turn a Fun Hobby Into a Career. " I think we all got dreams to win some big Turnament or big money or got a regular profit from Poker. So if You want to be a real PockerGod

You have to:
-Be prepare to play 24/h - non stop. So any shedule is correct.Play when You feel good, and don't play when You are Tilt (sometimes I need 15 minutes to back to my emotional balance, and sometimes I need few hours).
My experience:
- I play at
pokerstars - I can share my experience - because I made some statistics: When it is midnight in Your country - I drink my mornig coffee

it is near 7:00 am. This is the lowest traffic (near 10.000 tables occupied) at PokerStars and cashgame players are:
NLHE 0,01-0,02$ (blinds) - near100 players
NLHE 0,05-0,1$ - near 60 players
NLHE 0,25-0,5$ - near 20 players
These numbers increase over time. Of cours Today we got GG Poker - there is x10 number of players. And they got "autofold" option. Also HUD.
I want to point out that a lot of that players are regular players, multitable players, often they play only monsters and only at SB and BB possitions. But of course some of them are just recreational players.
In my opinion You have to spend some time to find Your way - what time is best for You, what kind of players You are able to beat - 72o will win only few times hihihi I also believe that hand because of few flops like 772

Good Luck! When You love this game - only sky is the limit!