When people enter into public places like businesses, they are interacting with other members of society in an understood "social contract". I walk into a store and if I want to buy an item, I pay the price marked on the item (plus taxes, usually) the merchant accepts my payment, and we are both satisfied. In other cultures and some situations in North American culture, there may be haggling or bargaining involved. When one goes to a bar or restaurant in NA, there is usually an accepted practice of tipping. The reasons for this can be debated, but the accepted practice is there and tacitly agreed to by Society. It simply is. "Everyone" knows that this is how it works. In many cases, Government regulated minimum wage standards (and income tax standards) take into account that there will be tipping. "Everyone" knows this, and acts accordingly.
When someone tries to break this tacit agreement, they may be treated as criminals - "I don't have to pay money for anything because I do not recognize the Government's right to exist nor to govern me. I do not recognize the value of currency, etc". When someone breaks the tipping standards in NA (and elsewhere) they are not arrested, they are merely thought of as dinks.
Congratulations, you have found a way to selfishly retain small amounts of money from hard working people under the guise of "sticking it to the Man". Theoretically these skilled workers are already being taxed on this income that they have earned, but that they are not receiving from you. This is the subtly sociopathic behaviour that is taking over the world right now. "Thinking outside the box" is often gaming the system so that "I win!".
You say that you can afford to tip, but you choose not to. Then you choose to brag about it. The dealers that you aren't tipping don't have the ability to not deal to you, and they probably have the good sense not to tell you what they think of you. Again, congratulations.