Silver Level
I need some feedback on whether there is actually any point playing these such small stake games if I am trying to make money off poker.
I deposited $25 and i've only played a few couple of hour sessions and my bankroll is at $26.50. Should I not just try the next highest because I find it really boring at the amount of money I'm winning.
Any advice is appreciated.
get out of the 1c/2c & 2c/4c purgatory as soon as you can...these levels were designed to send sane people crazy. variance is wayyyy too high...
If you can beat these levels, and can afford to deposit, play 5/10 asap..
But don't play scared...you must be in your comfort zone long-term...scared money is dead money..
if you can afford to deposit 25, then you should be able to afford 100...
take time to study away from the tables...and to observe the 5/10 tables in advance, before you play them...make notes...
and glgl to ya....may the farce be with ya.